{"id":14282,"date":"2018-06-20T13:24:31","date_gmt":"2018-06-20T11:24:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/?p=14282"},"modified":"2023-07-13T14:49:27","modified_gmt":"2023-07-13T12:49:27","slug":"10-remote-team-management-mistakes-to-avoid","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/en\/blog\/10-remote-team-management-mistakes-to-avoid\/","title":{"rendered":"10 Remote Team Management Mistakes to Avoid"},"content":{"rendered":"


We already know what\u00a0effective team management<\/a>\u00a0looks like, but is managing a team of geographically dispersed workers any different? Keep reading to find out\u2026<\/p>\n


What is Remote Team Management?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

With an\u00a0increase in popularity over recent years<\/a>, businesses big and\u00a0small<\/a>, across a wide range of industries have embraced remote work in one way or another. Whether it\u2019s a few staff members working out of the office a couple of days a week, a whole team offsite, or an amalgamation of both, managing a group of distributed individuals poses new challenges for managers and team leaders.<\/p>\n


The purpose of team management is to foster\u00a0teamwork and collaboration<\/a> amongst individuals with different personalities and skill sets so that company goals and objectives can be achieved more efficiently and, in most cases, more enjoyably.<\/p>\n

Remote team management looks just about the same, except the different personalities and skill sets you are supposed to be managing all belong to individuals that you have never met in person and may never actually meet.<\/p>\n



Remote Team Management What Not To-Do\u2019s<\/strong><\/h2>\n

The key to managing your remote team<\/a> is similar to that of a\u00a0co-located team<\/a>, you have to keep them engaged, create and sustain a company culture of trust and transparency, and make sure that everything is aligned with business goals.<\/p>\n

How you will go about this, however, may require different approaches. Here are 10 tips on what not to do:<\/p>\n

1. Recruiting the wrong person for the job<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Getting the right people on board<\/a> will take you one step closer to team management success, but bear in mind that hiring remote teams can differ from hiring employees<\/a> for an in-office position. It\u2019s a job that requires self-managing, technological competency, and impeccable communication skills.<\/p>\n

Candidates to consider are ones with some sort of experience managing their own time. Whether it\u2019s from previous work experience as a manager, team leader, or freelancer, or from a listed hobby such as coaching a sports team, this will highlight someone that knows how to organize and motivate themselves.<\/p>\n

Because a lot of communication will be done via email, instant messaging, and phone and video calls, you also want someone who is technologically adept.<\/p>\n

2. Falling into the out of sight, out of mind mentality<\/strong><\/h3>\n

If you\u2019re not seeing someone face-to-face on a regular basis it can be easy for them to slip from your mind. Avoid this by checking in regularly with your remote employees.<\/p>\n

Even if you don\u2019t have anything work-related to discuss, a simple email or instant message to see how they\u2019re doing can go a long way. It will help keep your relationships active and will make your remote employees not feel forgotten.<\/p>\n

3. Micro-managing<\/strong><\/h3>\n

\u2026but with that said, make sure you don\u2019t overdo it. One of the\u00a0biggest detrimental habits<\/a>\u00a0a manager or team leader can have is micromanaging\u2014don\u2019t do this. Instead, establish trust with your team members (remember, you\u00a0did\u00a0<\/em>recruit the right people).<\/p>\n

Trust will not only enhance working relationships, but it will also make your job a lot easier as it will give you time to complete your own tasks. There is a fine line between absence and micromanaging, and your job is to find the perfect balance.<\/p>\n


4. Using the wrong\u00a0tools<\/h3>\n

Using\u00a0team management software<\/a> to keep everyone in sync is a no-brainer, but make sure you\u2019ve invested in the right tools. Managing a team of remote employees may require different tools than that of a co-located team.<\/p>\n

You need software that allows you to communicate in real-time, something that will allow multiple users to collaborate, and a centralized tool that will keep all the tasks and resources in one place.<\/p>\n

Here is an example of a list of tools you may need to manage your team:<\/p>\n