Zenkit Archives | Zenkit Zenkit Tagline Mon, 06 Feb 2023 12:42:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 https://zenkit.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/zenkit_base-2-1-150x150.png Zenkit Archives | Zenkit 32 32 Conditional Logic for Zenforms https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-introduces-conditional-logic-for-zenforms/ https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-introduces-conditional-logic-for-zenforms/#respond Tue, 08 Nov 2022 13:46:41 +0000 https://zenkit.com/?p=84937 Zenforms may have only been released in March of this year, but we’ve been pouring a lot of love and attention into the Zenkit Suite’s sixth addition.  Our no-code application has received minor to major updates. Today, we’d like to share some exciting news from Zenforms’ most recent major update: Conditional Logic! This is a […]

The post Conditional Logic for Zenforms appeared first on Zenkit.


Zenforms may have only been released in March of this year, but we’ve been pouring a lot of love and attention into the Zenkit Suite’s sixth addition. 

Our no-code application has received minor to major updates. Today, we’d like to share some exciting news from Zenforms’ most recent major update: Conditional Logic! This is a feature available to all our users (free, plus, and business plan). 

 What Is Conditional Logic in Zenforms? 

In its most basic form, Conditional Logic is the ability to:

  • Determine which page to display when a specific answer is clicked or typed. 
  • Determine which pages are irrelevant to certain groups. 
  • Increase the number of targeted responses in your collection without having to create separate forms for different audiences. 

Zenform’s Conditional Logic allows you to essentially tailor follow-up questions in such a way that they are relevant to an answer given to a previous question. 

The new feature directs form respondents to a specific form page based on their response to a multiple-choice survey. Not only does this save the respondent a lot of time because the questions are always relevant to their responses, but it also creates a form tailored to their experience! As a result, regardless of how large the pool of respondents is, each receives specific questions to which they can respond. 

The Benefit of Conditional Logic in Forms 

Forms with a linear flow limit your ability to make your forms more flexible. It’s sometimes useful to know which page should open next for a participant after they enter a specific answer. 

Using Conditional Logic, you can target your forms to a larger audience while also specifying them to specific groups within them. This may appear complicated, but it is quite simple.

Linear flow forms can be very limiting. Conditional Logic is a great way to add that much-needed flexibility to your forms!

That is the beauty of Zenforms: as a no-code application, you can create complex forms without any programming or coding experience. 

You can independently determine the flow of your forms with a few clicks using Conditional Logic. Your forms will be more tailored to your target audiences, and you will no longer require ten forms to go into greater detail about the subgroups. 

It also sorts your responses for you. For instance, in a contact form. Because Conditional Logic only allows participants to enter fields that are relevant to them, you save yourself the trouble of sorting them out later. Isn’t it fantastic? We’ll return to the contact form example later in the article. 

Examples of How to Use Conditional Logic in Zenforms 

Flow logic, linear flow, specified target groups… It all sounds a bit complicated. To give you a better idea of our flow logic, we have brought you 3 examples of how the flow logic can be applied: 

Contact Forms 

People usually want to contact you or your company for a variety of reasons. This usually means that you must filter the responses again before forwarding them to the appropriate departments. 

The Conditional Logic in Zenforms solves this problem and relieves you of some of the work. Ask participants why they want to contact you on the first page of the form. As an example: 

  • General Enquiry 
  • Sales Enquiry
  • Marketing Enquiry
  • Customer Service
  • Feedback 

You can now create a separate page for each answer option. The entries of the participants are then automatically divided into the fields of the various pages in the answer collection.

Page 1:

Page 2:

Page 3:

Page 4:

Employee Survey 

Employee surveys frequently have the issue that you want to ask very specific questions to specific departments, but this requires you to create several forms and then merge all of the data. 

This issue is no longer an issue thanks to Conditional Logic. You can now create an employee survey for the entire company, with pages dedicated to specific departments. The great thing about this is that at the end, all the results are automatically gathered into one Collection, saving you the work of having to reassemble all the results. 

Tip: Create a multiple-choice page with the different departments’ selection options, and then set up a specific page for each department. 


Whether you want to start a fun quiz with co-workers or friends, create a knowledge quiz for your students, or create a competition for your customers, Conditional Logic makes your Zenforms quizzes even more interactive. 

Tip: Create a multiple-choice question and two additional pages to inform participants whether they were correct or incorrect.

Page 1:

Page 2:

Page 3:


How Do I Create a Conditional Logic in Zenforms? 

While creating a Conditional Logic in Zenforms is simple, it can take some time to understand which pages must be linked to another for the logic to appear, well, logical. Thankfully, we’ve put together a quick overview of how Conditional Logic works in Zenforms, as well as the steps required to set it up in your own forms! 

Let’s get started! 

1. Create Pages 

To begin creating Conditional Logic in your form, we recommend that you first create all the necessary pages in your form (i.e. your form is complete). 

To make your workflow easier, we also recommend labeling your pages with relevant headings when you create them. This way, you know what belongs on which page. This makes it much easier to connect pages to one another because you can clearly see which page is which and avoid a false page connection. 

For example, if I want to survey different departments in an employee survey, I will create pages with titles such as Marketing, Accounting & Finance, Human Resources, IT, and so on. 

2. Add Form Fields 

Next, you can add form controls. This will direct respondents to specific pages of your form. This is ideal for multiple-choice questions! 

It must be noted that this field must be set to “Required” for the flow to work effectively. (You can enable the toggle in the “Field settings”). 

 3. Set Up the Conditional Logic 

Now we can add the famous “Conditional Logic” workflow. Click on the “…” icon in the upper right corner of the page with the multiple-choice question. Then select “Settings”. 

You can now select “+ Conditional Logic” at the bottom of the page settings. Add the condition to your selection after selecting the question on which the Conditional Logic is based.

In the third field of this section, you now select the answer that a particular page of the questionnaire should produce.

For example, in this case, “Marketing” is chosen as the answer to the question about the person’s occupation. As a result, the respondent should be routed to the “Marketing” page as well. Select “Marketing” from the drop-down menu next to “Go to page.”

It is also possible to redirect multiple responses to the same page. To do so, select “Add condition.” 

That’s it; Conditional Logic has been added to your multiple-choice questionnaires. 

It may take some practice, but this is a great feature to add to your forms to improve the form respondents’ experience! 

If you have any questions about Zenforms and/or the Conditional Logic feature, feel free to reach out to us through our social media channels or contact us via info@zenkit.com 

Alternatively, if you want to book a free demo to better understand how Zenforms works (including its integration with the rest of the Zenkit Suite), you can do so here. 

We are very excited about our new flow logic and hope you are as well. Do you already have ideas for incorporating the Conditional Logic into your Zenforms? What are your thoughts on our new flow feature? 

Zenforms as a No-Code Solution  

Zenforms is a no-code web form application that allows you to create forms and surveys to connect with those who matter the most to you. It is designed to be adaptable, user-friendly, and ideal for collaboration. Its applications are virtually limitless thanks to a wide range of intuitive and creative form-building features. 

Create standalone forms with a single click, without the need for a website. Alternatively, you can embed a form on your existing website using an “iframe.”  

Zenforms enables you to better understand ongoing projects, collect valuable data for the next product launch, or simply collect valuable feedback from your community! 

Perhaps the best aspect of Zenforms is its integration with the rest of the Zenkit Suite! 

Just like other Zenkit applications, Zenforms works in perfect harmony with the rest of the Zenkit Suite! 

Zenforms is part of the Zenkit Suite, which includes several useful project management and productivity tools. Sign up to the Suite for free!

So, once you’ve collected your data with Zenforms, you can use To Do to create tasks, Hypernotes to create knowledge bases, Projects to analyse results, Base to structure work, and Zenchat to communicate with your team! 

The post Conditional Logic for Zenforms appeared first on Zenkit.

https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-introduces-conditional-logic-for-zenforms/feed/ 0
Internship Insight: Customer Service https://zenkit.com/en/blog/internship-insight-customer-service/ Mon, 15 Nov 2021 15:03:55 +0000 https://zenkit.com/?p=67458 During the first months of studying at University, I often asked myself whether I should find a part-time job in Karlsruhe, the city where I am studying. I constantly drove back to Ulm, where I’m from, to work at my old mini-job, which made adjusting in Karlsruhe complex. However, this was to change with my […]

The post Internship Insight: Customer Service appeared first on Zenkit.

home office workspace desk

During the first months of studying at University, I often asked myself whether I should find a part-time job in Karlsruhe, the city where I am studying. I constantly drove back to Ulm, where I’m from, to work at my old mini-job, which made adjusting in Karlsruhe complex. However, this was to change with my new working student job.

I began my search by writing down a few criteria, points, and questions that were the most important to me. Is the workplace easily accessible via public transport? Is the working atmosphere hierarchical or more familiar? Would I learn skills at this job needed for my future? Does the employer allow me to work from home, since I travel home often? Am I able to improve my English language skills at this job? 

I applied for various jobs that fit my criteria. Then came the first invitation from Zenkit.

Due to the circumstances of the pandemic, I had a telephone interview. This was challenging to me since my previous interviews were always conducted face-to-face, and I couldn’t gauge how to leave a lasting impression via telephone interview. 

Despite the circumstances, I was soon notified that I had received the job. Following that, I received very good onboarding in my area of responsibility, my tasks, and to the team in general. I have now been working at Zenkit in the Customer Service department for almost two years.

Yasmin Y
Yasmin, our working student in the Customer Service Team

In my job I help and advise interested parties and customers with all product inquiries. I try to process and solve customer problems independently as best I can. In this way, our users are always informed and can carry out their work with our products in the best possible way.

By working in customer service, I was able to expand my knowledge and skills in the area of customer service and customer contact. Since I have many inquiries in English, I was also able to expand my vocabulary in the area of technical and business English.

In addition to my regular tasks and duties, I maintain the Reddit page for Zenkit. There I advise, help, and discuss with customers and other Reddit users who are interested in Zenkit.

Since I work at home and remotely most of the time, I can’t tell you much about working in the office. However, sometimes there is cake, for which, of course, I make an exception to my usual routine and come to work at the office. Even though I’m not in the office that much, I enjoy the camaraderie-feel when working in the small community at Zenkit. Everyone is friendly, always courteous, and helpful.

Does the work help me with my studies? Yes, it does. The insight into IT and, to some extent, business activities, are very relevant both in my degree program and outside my studies.

Personally, I am happy with my choice. The fact that Zenkit has more of a startup atmosphere makes it more pleasant and direct in my opinion. This makes it easier for me as a working student to take a step into the working world.

If you’re interested in working at Zenkit, we’ve got spots open! Send an email to jobs@zenkit.com for more info 🙂

The post Internship Insight: Customer Service appeared first on Zenkit.

Internship Insight: Q&A with Alex https://zenkit.com/en/blog/internship-insight-qa-with-alex/ Fri, 03 Sep 2021 10:00:29 +0000 https://zenkit.com/?p=66624 As a growing company, we’re always on the lookout for talent. With plenty of room to gain hands-on work experience, our door is open to students and graduates alike. To give you a glimpse of the variety of jobs needed to make your favorite project management tool sparkle, we had a chat with our product […]

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Hypernotes Use Cases Insight

As a growing company, we’re always on the lookout for talent. With plenty of room to gain hands-on work experience, our door is open to students and graduates alike. To give you a glimpse of the variety of jobs needed to make your favorite project management tool sparkle, we had a chat with our product management intern on his experience working at Zenkit.

Name: Alex

Role: Product Management (Hypernotes)

Explain what a product manager is. What kind of tasks do product managers typically handle?
As a product manager you are the contact person between the product and the different departments in the company. I mainly focused on online marketing and PR tasks during my internship, but the beauty of product management in combination with a small company is that you will get a look into a lot of different areas.

Tell us one thing you found challenging during your internship.
I was working on various tasks from day one. Within the first month, I was responsible for various projects. For example, creating and handling the social media accounts for Hypernotes.

Tell us at least two things you have learned while working at Zenkit.

    1. How to effectively handle online marketing strategies without spending a ton of money on ads.
    2. How the release of a new product is handled internally.

What brought you to this role?
I was searching for internship opportunities and uploaded my resume to the website Cyberforum. Zenkit reached out and scouted me for the position.  

When you’re not working, what are you doing?
Different things: Playing online games with friends, following Esports leagues, and enjoying time with the family.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation, because walking is boring.

What is your next step?
Finishing my bachelor’s degree. I start writing my thesis next semester.

Cheers, Alex. We wish you all the best!

If you’re interested in working on Zenkit, we’ve got spots open! Send an email to jobs@zenkit.com for more info 🙂

The post Internship Insight: Q&A with Alex appeared first on Zenkit.

Zenkit: Your Wunderlist Alternative https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-your-wunderlist-alternative/ https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-your-wunderlist-alternative/#comments Wed, 06 Nov 2019 16:13:51 +0000 https://zenkit.com/?p=33394 If you’ve visited our blog before, you’ve probably read about how great Zenkit is for Kanban, building mind maps, creating editorial calendars, and much more. But did you know that Zenkit is also a really great list manager? Zenkit’s list view combined with the task-list add-on can make it the perfect Wunderlist replacement. **Update: We […]

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Zenkit Your Wunderlist Alternative

If you’ve visited our blog before, you’ve probably read about how great Zenkit is for Kanban, building mind maps, creating editorial calendars, and much more. But did you know that Zenkit is also a really great list manager? Zenkit’s list view combined with the task-list add-on can make it the perfect Wunderlist replacement.

**Update: We have now released Zenkit To Do, a task manager designed specifically to make any Wunderlist user feel right at home.**

import wunderlist to zenkit

Despite Microsoft’s purchase of Wunderlist in 2015 (that’s four years ago!), and news of its replacement by Microsoft To Do, it’s still one of the top 100 productivity apps in the app store. And now that Wunderlist’s shutdown date has been officially announced, users are probably looking for a new tool to take its place.

With our direct Wunderlist import, it’s a cinch to make Zenkit the new home of your to-dos, reminders, and projects.

Zenkit as a Wunderlist Alternative

There are many things that make Zenkit the best Wunderlist alternative in 2019, 2020, or even 2050! It has all the basics, like the list view, the easy-to-use checkboxes from the task-list add-on, favorites, due dates, reminders, attachments, and more.

The brand new hierarchy view and subtasks are like what Wunderlist would probably have evolved into (we think), if they’d not been purchased by Microsoft.

So, if you’re looking to make the switch, here are the top 6 Zenkit features that will make any Wunderlist user feel right at home:

  1. List view: Like any good task manager, Zenkit has a list view, plain and simple. Anyone who’s used a list-based productivity app (be it Wunderlist, Todoist, or any other) will be familiar with it.
  2. My Favorites: Like Wunderlist, Zenkit gives you the option to mark certain list items as a favorite. Favorite items appear in your Favorites – a separate section of the app that has your most important tasks front and center!
  3. Labels: Similar to Wunderlist’s tags, Zenkit’s labels give you the chance to further prioritize your tasks. You could also use them to categorize items or simply track progress.
  4. Duplicate lists: If there are lists you find that you use on a regular basis, you can use Zenkit’s list duplication feature to, well, duplicate your lists! This will save you time from having to repeatedly insert the same data.
  5. Collaboration: Share lists and collaborate with friends, family, or colleagues in real time. You can even manage how much access someone has to edit content.
  6. Direct import: You can import your lists directly into Zenkit! Don’t bother exporting your Wunderlist data and trying to figure out how to upload it to your new app of choice – Zenkit can connect with Wunderlist directly and import all of your lists with task completion and favorites intact!

Switching from Wunderlist to Zenkit

Our direct import feature means that you can easily move your lists, projects, inbox, and even favorites into Zenkit in moments. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Create a free Zenkit account (if you don’t already have one)!

Step 2: Click the ‘+ New Collection’ icon on your homepage to create a new collection, and choose ‘Import’ from the list.

zenkit wunderlist alternative import

Step 3: Choose Wunderlist from the list of import options.

wunderlist import in zenkit

Step 4: Give Zenkit permission to access your Wunderlist data by logging in to your Wunderlist account.

log in to wunderlist alternative

Step 5: Once you’re logged in, a list of all your Wunderlist lists will appear in Zenkit. Click on the name of the list you want to import, then click ‘Import’.

zenkit list of wunderlist data

Step 6: Your Wunderlist list will appear as a collection on your Zenkit homepage.

Wunderlist list in Zenkit

Step 7: Et voila! You have your new Wunderlist alternative. Simply open the new collection and start working.

That’s it! Once you’ve signed in to your Wunderlist account from Zenkit once, you’ll never have to do it again, so importing the rest of your list can be done in just a few clicks 🙌

Now it’s time to get productive – use Zenkit to track your projects, share files, collaborate on tasks, write out your shopping lists, or plan your next big event. We can’t wait to see how you’ll use it! Need a refresher on just how it all works? Check out our extensive Knowledge Base.


Siobhan and the Zenkit Team

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https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-your-wunderlist-alternative/feed/ 15
Introducing Zenkit’s Affiliate Program https://zenkit.com/en/blog/introducing-zenkits-affiliate-program/ Fri, 11 Jan 2019 16:10:35 +0000 https://zenkit.com/?p=19184 With a new year comes new opportunities, and for Zenkit enthusiasts keen to pocket some extra cash, this one’s for you… How does affiliate marketing work? Affiliate marketing has become a key source of income for many digital influencing professionals. It falls under the performance-based marketing category where rewards are granted based on measurable results. This means that those […]

The post Introducing Zenkit’s Affiliate Program appeared first on Zenkit.


With a new year comes new opportunities, and for Zenkit enthusiasts keen to pocket some extra cash, this one’s for you…

How does affiliate marketing work?

Affiliate marketing has become a key source of income for many digital influencing professionals. It falls under the performance-based marketing category where rewards are granted based on measurable results. This means that those who sign up to become Zenkit affiliates can earn a percentage of the sales made from their referred customers when plugging our product.

person writing dollar sign on sketch book
Image by Rawpixel via Unsplash

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to be actively selling all the time to make money. Because it’s a passive income that you will be earning, the amount of time and effort you put into promoting is entirely up to you. You get to work at your own pace.

Working with Zenkit means you’ll be giving your customers the solution to their organizational woes. Whether it’s tracking a project’s progress, scheduling meetings, or crunching numbers, our project management tool is the adaptable platform that will change the way they work.

This could be you! (GIF via Giphy)

As a growing company, we’re eager to reach new and different audiences. Our affiliate program enables us to connect with people who are as ardent as we are to spread our product, far and wide.

So, if you’re a blogger, reviewer, or social media pro visit our affiliate program page or contact affiliate@zenkit.com for more info.

We look forward to working with you!


The Zenkit Team

The post Introducing Zenkit’s Affiliate Program appeared first on Zenkit.

Zenkit Awarded Project Management Software “Rising Star” https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-awarded-project-management-software-rising-star/ Tue, 13 Mar 2018 12:02:37 +0000 https://zimportsitez.wordpress.com/2018/03/13/zenkit-wins-project-management-software-rising-star-award-for-2018-from-platform-for-software/ 2018 has been off to a fantastic start for us here at Zenkit. We’ve released our desktop apps, released a major update to the way Zenkit looks and feels, welcomed a whole lot of new users, and generally had an all-around good time. Now we have even more cause to celebrate, having received both “Rising […]

The post Zenkit Awarded Project Management Software “Rising Star” appeared first on Zenkit.

Zenkit's "Rising Star" Award

2018 has been off to a fantastic start for us here at Zenkit. We’ve released our desktop apps, released a major update to the way Zenkit looks and feels, welcomed a whole lot of new users, and generally had an all-around good time.

Now we have even more cause to celebrate, having received both “Rising Star” and “Great User Experience” awards from popular B2B software review platform, FinancesOnline’s 2018 comparison list.

FinancesOnline Awards won by Zenkit

Their detailed Zenkit review highlights our platform’s Great User Experience and points out how easy it is to start using the product for any number of tasks, right out of the box.

“With Zenkit, users don’t have to struggle with a ‘one-size, fits all’ software that only complicates things. It provides users with separate sets of tools and different views for specific tasks, enabling users to work more efficiently on the tasks they are assigned to, enhancing both individual and collective output which then leads to better overall productivity and results.”

The Rising Star award is given to new SaaS products on the market that are perceived as an effective solution by clients. Meanwhile, the Great User Experience award looks at how well-designed its interface and features are to facilitate the work process.

We’re very excited to receive this award and to be part of an up-and-coming group of really solid products in the project management space. This is just the beginning for us. We promise to bring more features that are very user-friendly to help you get things done.

If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments.

The post Zenkit Awarded Project Management Software “Rising Star” appeared first on Zenkit.

Zenkit Wins “Great User Experience” Award for 2018 https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-wins-great-user-experience-award-for-2018/ https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-wins-great-user-experience-award-for-2018/#comments Thu, 08 Mar 2018 14:47:19 +0000 https://zimportsitez.wordpress.com/2018/03/08/zenkit-wins-great-user-experience-award-for-2018/ We’ve had a fantastic start to 2018 at Zenkit. We’ve released our desktop apps, released a major update to the way Zenkit looks and feels, welcomed many new users, and generally had an all-around good time. Now we have even more cause to celebrate, having received both the “Rising Star” and “Great User Experience” awards […]

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Zenkit Awards

We’ve had a fantastic start to 2018 at Zenkit. We’ve released our desktop apps, released a major update to the way Zenkit looks and feels, welcomed many new users, and generally had an all-around good time.

Now we have even more cause to celebrate, having received both the “Rising Star” and “Great User Experience” awards for 2018 from the popular B2B review platform, CompareCamp.

These awards were given after CompareCamp conducted an in-depth analysis of Zenkit, inspecting all aspects of our collaboration platform such as main functionalities, ease of use, integrations, and security, to name a few.

Zenkit project management great user experience award

As our users know, we’ve been working very hard to add new features, but also focus on keeping a clean intuitive design to help everyone get more done. We’re very proud to be recognized for our hard work (and we promise to do our best to win an award for it in 2019 too).

What we really want to say is that we’re just getting started. We hope to put all of you in a position to rule your office and create real value for whatever it is your passions are.

2018 should be an awesome year. Thank you, CompareCamp, for the recognition!

The post Zenkit Wins “Great User Experience” Award for 2018 appeared first on Zenkit.

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Zenkit Was One of Zapier’s Fastest Growing Apps in 2017 https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-was-one-of-zapiers-fastest-growing-new-apps-in-2017/ Thu, 14 Dec 2017 18:11:00 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/zenkit-is-one-of-zapiers-fastest-growing-new-apps-in-2017/ A​ ​new​ ​report​ ​by​ ​our friends at Zapier​ ​has​ ​named​ ​Zenkit​ ​as​ ​one​ ​of​ ​their​ ​top​ ​new​ ​apps​ ​in​ ​2017! In case you don’t already know, Zapier​ ​integrates​ ​with​ ​hundreds​ ​of​ ​business​ ​tools, moving information between different apps so that you can focus on more important work. Thanks to Zapier, you can integrate Zenkit with […]

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Fastest growing apps of 2017

A​ ​new​ ​report​ ​by​ ​our friends at Zapier​ ​has​ ​named​ ​Zenkit​ ​as​ ​one​ ​of​ ​their​ ​top​ ​new​ ​apps​ ​in​ ​2017!

In case you don’t already know, Zapier​ ​integrates​ ​with​ ​hundreds​ ​of​ ​business​ ​tools, moving information between different apps so that you can focus on more important work. Thanks to Zapier, you can integrate Zenkit with over 750 of your favourite apps and services!

zenkit fastest growing app

Zapier has​ ​the​ ​unique​ ​vantage​ ​point​ ​of observing​ ​how​ ​apps​ ​are​ ​adopted​ ​into​ ​critical​ ​workplace​ ​processes. They’re able to spot the rising stars amongst new business apps that aren’t as ubiquitous as, say, Slack, but still pack a punch in the world of business software.

We’ve made it to the top this year thanks to all of you wonderful users out there who’ve found better, faster ways to work in Zenkit using Zapier.

Thank you!

diagram of fastest growing apps on zapier

This year,​ ​Zenkit​ ​is​ ​joined​ ​by​ ​popular​ ​web​ ​tools​ ​such​ ​as​ ​Twist, Paperform,​ ​and​ ​LinkedIn​ ​Lead​ ​Gen​ ​Forms on ​Zapier’s​ ​top​ ​new​ ​app​ ​list, and we couldn’t be prouder.

The 5 Most Popular Zenkit Zaps of 2017

You’re all a very productive bunch and the top 5 Zenkit Zaps this year prove it! From tracking your time on tasks to keeping everyone up-to-date and communicating new tasks, here are your favourite ways to integrate other apps into Zenkit with Zapier:

Add new tasks to PomoDoneApp

add new task to pomodone app

No more copying and pasting your tasks into PomoDone — save time by letting Zapier do it for you! Track your Pomodoros more efficiently so you can keep powering through your to-do list.

Create items from Gmail

create new items from gmail zap

Whether you’re keeping a record of important emails, or turning emails into tasks, Zapier does all the heavy lifting so you can see your emails in Zenkit, fuss-free.

Create items from new Evernote notes

create zenkit items from evernote notes zap

Frequently save notes in Evernote but forget to work on them? Let Zapier import new notes, ideas, and clips into Zenkit so you can start working on them immediately!

Create items from new Trello cards

add new trello cards to a zenkit collection zap

Whether your colleagues work in Trello or Zapier, this handy Zap makes sure that everyone is on the same page.

Post new Zenkit items to Slack

post new zenkit items to slack zap

Communicate new tasks and items immediately with your team, without having to lift a finger!

Need some more ideas about how to use Zapier to automate your workflows, and get more done in less time? Check out our Zapbook to see some more of our most popular Zaps.

New to Zapier? Join​ ​millions​ ​of​ ​professionals​ ​who​ ​boost​ ​their​ ​productivity​ ​with​ ​Zapier​ ​by​ automating your​ ​Zenkit​ ​workflows ​for​ ​the​ ​New​ ​Year. If you want to learn more, please feel free to check out our documentation on how Zapier works with Zenkit.

Final Thoughts

Once again, thank you so much to each and every one of you for using Zenkit and Zapier. We wouldn’t be here without you!❤

What apps are essential to your daily workflows? We’re always open to your suggestions — if you want more Zap templates with different apps (or more templates with the same apps), please tell us your ideas in the comments below!

Siobhan and the Zenkit Team

The post Zenkit Was One of Zapier’s Fastest Growing Apps in 2017 appeared first on Zenkit.

Zenkit for Android https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-for-android/ https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-for-android/#comments Thu, 30 Nov 2017 13:03:33 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/zenkit-for-android/ It’s been a long time in the making, but we’re over the moon to announce the release of Zenkit for Android today! The Zenkit Android app is a beauty. Clean, simple, and a perfect representation of all we’ve tried to achieve with our web app, now available anywhere. Along with its release, we’re also releasing […]

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Zenkit for Android

It’s been a long time in the making, but we’re over the moon to announce the release of Zenkit for Android today!

The Zenkit Android app is a beauty. Clean, simple, and a perfect representation of all we’ve tried to achieve with our web app, now available anywhere.

zenkit android app and web app

Along with its release, we’re also releasing a brand new update to the iOS app, to put it on par with the Android and web versions.

The Goods

gif of zenkit android app
(Colors are much brighter in real life!)

To put it simply, Zenkit on Android is exactly that. It’s the entire Zenkit experience in app form*:

  • Kanban, calendar & to-do list views
  • Creating teams and collections
  • Managing collaborations
  • Uploading files & images
  • Super powerful filters
  • My Favorites
  • My Calendar
  • My Team
  • Global search
  • And one more thing…

Offline Access


When your internet connection is a bit slow, when you’re driving through a tunnel, or even when you’re 30,000ft up in the air, you can work with Zenkit.

Yep. Zenkit can be used offline. You can walk out the door, into a forest or up a mountain and still access your data. And this isn’t just for the Android and iOS apps: you can use Zenkit offline in your web browser, too! (!!!!!!!!!!!)

How is this possible?!

Well, when you open a collection on your phone (or computer), the data in it will be saved to your device.

This means that you can add and edit items, write comments, regroup your views, and filter your collections. And it’ll all be synced up again once you get back online!

Bonus: Storing your Zenkit data locally also means that load times and filters are fast.

zenkit android app amazing

How Did We Make This Magic Happen?

Unlike the first version of the iOS app, we decided to build a “Progressive Web App” (PWA) instead of a native app for Android.

A progressive web app is a website that looks and behaves just like a mobile app: You can add a Zenkit icon to your phone screen, get and send push notifications, access your device’s hardware (like your camera), and work offline.

So why did we make a PWA instead of a native app?

At Zenkit, we firmly believe that progressive web apps are the future. We see the underlying technology in this area continues to improve every year. That’s why we decided to make progressive web apps the foundation of the Zenkit mobile experience.

PWA technology allows us to keep all Zenkit apps, on all devices, completely up-to-date and on par with each other at all times. It lets us consistently deliver the optimal Zenkit experience to our entire user base.

Every performance update or additional feature we make for the web app will also be provided to all Zenkit apps on all devices. This means, for example, that the offline technology we built for the iOS and Android apps can be used not only on future desktop apps, but also for the web browser — not tomorrow, but today. Right now.

Using a PWA instead of a native app also means that we can send regular updates to the app, without having to wait through long app-approval processes. Not only that but just like the Zenkit website, your app is updated on use. This means that simply using the app will get you the latest version.

Security and the privacy of your data is very important to us. Using a PWA means that you have secure access through our existing https:// protocols. As with all other features, any security updates and fixes will be immediately available in the Zenkit app, too.

Last but not least, due to its web-based origins, the Zenkit app is very lightweight. It doesn’t require a huge download and can be accessed even if you’re working with a low-quality internet connection. The first time you access it, it’s loaded with your average website load speed, but the next time you open it, access will be almost instant thanks to the cached data.

Our goal is to help our customers be as productive as possible in any situation they find themselves in. We want to give them access to their information on whatever device they choose to work with. Mobile devices are a vital part of today’s workplace and a big part of being productive — especially when on the go.

As with the main Zenkit web app, we’re aware that there’s room for improvement. However, you can take our word that we will work hard to continuously improve our app to make it the best

We hope you enjoy using Zenkit on Android, and we’re excited to see where the future takes us!

Martin, CEO of Zenkit

I want to send a huuuuuuuuge thank you to our developers who worked night and day to get this up and running. Congratulations, team! 🏆


That’s all from us! We’re super proud and excited to have finally released our Android app, and we’re looking forward to hearing what you think. Please feel free to comment below or send an email to feedback@zenkit.com. Enjoy!


Siobhan and the Zenkit Team

*Support for mind map and table views are coming soon. We just want to make sure they’re perfect before we send them out 😉

The post Zenkit for Android appeared first on Zenkit.

https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-for-android/feed/ 4
Zenkit 2.0: Task Lists, Wunderlist Import, and More! https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-2-0-favorites-assigned-to-task-lists-wunderlist-import/ https://zenkit.com/en/blog/zenkit-2-0-favorites-assigned-to-task-lists-wunderlist-import/#comments Thu, 12 Oct 2017 13:03:40 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/zenkit-2-0-favorites-assigned-to-task-lists-wunderlist-import/ Today we released a big feature update that we hope will help you collaborate better, enjoy your work more, and simply get more done! ✅ Task lists ⭐ My Favorites 👯‍ My Team We have also released our Wunderlist import, so you can move your lists over in a flash. These features are a huge […]

The post Zenkit 2.0: Task Lists, Wunderlist Import, and More! appeared first on Zenkit.

What's included in Zenkit 2.0?

Today we released a big feature update that we hope will help you collaborate better, enjoy your work more, and simply get more done!

✅ Task lists

⭐ My Favorites

👯‍ My Team

We have also released our Wunderlist import, so you can move your lists over in a flash. These features are a huge step towards achieving our goal of becoming the perfect task management tool. We hope you enjoy them!

✅ To-do lists, Zenkit Style

Do you like checking tasks off as you get them done? Does that little ping of completion put a pep in your step? Does watching your task list get shorter and shorter make the little productivity-ist inside of you glow with happiness? Then do we have the feature for you!

gif of task list add on in zenkit

With the ‘Task Lists’ add-on you can upgrade your Zenkit collections into the kind of to-do list you’ll recognize from Wunderlist, Todoist, Google Keep, Remember The Milk… Pretty much any to-do list app out there!

When you enable the task list add-on, you’ll be able to check tasks off in any view with a single click. But just like the rest of Zenkit, this neat little feature is a lot more flexible than you’d first expect…

The task list feature works with any label fields you have — so yes, you can move an item from ‘to-do’ to ‘done’ with a click, but you could also move it from ‘in progress’ to ‘published’ or ‘not urgent’ to ‘urgent’.

This feature can be enabled for any collection, and you can choose which label field and labels you want to use in each collection.

task list add on settings

Anywhere you check the box, you’ll see the change reflected in every view.

Learn more about Task Lists.

🔺 Wunderlist Import

Our to-do list update wouldn’t be that useful unless you were able to import your existing lists, right? So we’re pretty excited to release our Wunderlist import, too! You guys use the Trello import a lot, which makes a lot of sense because a lot of users have already started a project there and don’t want to start all over again in a new app. So with Wunderlist, we wanted to give you the same opportunity.

To import from Wunderlist, just select it from the import options when you create a new collection.

create new collection dialog
⭐There it is! ⭐

We’re so happy to be able to roll this out to you all. We’ve had a lot of fun testing it over the last few weeks, and hope that you’ll get as much enjoyment out of it as we do!

Learn more about importing from Wunderlist.

⭐ “My Favorites” for Zenkit

Many popular apps let you ‘Favorite’ things. It’s a great way to track your personal favorites, be they Tweets, Instagram images, or even tasks on your to-do list. We wanted to let you do the same thing in Zenkit, so we made the “My Favorites” add-on!

How does it work?

“My Favorites” is another global add-on, which means that it lets you collect items from across your entire account in one place. It’s a private view, so nobody else will know which items are your favorites, and which aren’t.

my favorites in zenkit

By default, when you activate favorites, it simply lets you tag any item in any collection as a favorite. You can then view all of your favorites in a single space by opening the favorites view from the navigation panel.

toggling between my favorites
Add as many favorites tags as you like!

You can choose to set up multiple favorite tags (kind of like a global labelling system). When you go to mark an item as a favorite, you can choose which tag to give it, and then view that item in a favorites list.

Of course, we also let you choose the colour of the tags, and we’re pretty in love with the confetti explosion too!

gif of items being favorited

Make Favorites work for you

Personally one of my favorite ways to use favorites is with a ‘Pomodoro’ tag. I am absolutely obsessed with using the Pomodoro technique, as it’s one of the few time management methods that’s had a massive positive impact on my productivity.

I have a Pomodoro tag set up, and each day when I’m assessing my list of things to do, I assign that tag to the tasks I want to focus on for the day. That way, instead of looking at a cluttered Kanban board containing everything that needs to be done, I have a focused, distraction-free view of my most important tasks for the day. When I’m done with a task, I remove the label and it slides out of view.

my favorites as a pomodoro list

But of course, that’s just one way to use it…

Pomodoro works for me, but maybe GTD is your go-to productivity booster. For example, you could set up a favorites tag for each of your context lists (locations). Just check your ‘At Work’ list as soon as you walk into the office, or switch over to ‘Errands’ to look for things to do on your way home.

Or maybe you don’t use Zenkit to manage tasks at all, but use it instead to collect recipes, track your stamp collection, or share family photos! With favorites, you can clearly mark the pictures that make you smile, bookmark your most precious stamps, and save the recipes that wowed your friends and family at your last dinner party.

Learn more about My Favorites.

👯 See All of Your Work in One Place with “My Team”

Many of you have requested a way to see tasks assigned to you from across different collections in one spot. And we’ve delivered. Like My Calendar, ‘My Team’ is a global view that draws information from across your entire account and displays it in one intuitive list.

We hope that this view will help you collaborate better, delegate work more easily, and understand your colleague’s workflows more intuitively.

my team in zenkit

So what does “My Team” do?

The assigned items view shows you all items that you are assigned to from any collection in Zenkit. But that’s not all!

You can also use it to see which items are assigned to anyone you’re collaborating with!

toggling between different members in my team

Not sure what a colleague’s work structure is? Want to see if someone has a little room in their schedule to finish up a task? Easily switch between your colleagues’ profiles to view their workload and even assign items to them in any collection!

Learn more about My Team.

These new features are live and available to every single Zenkit user.

We hope you all enjoy them! Please feel free to comment below or send us an email at hello@zenkit.com with your thoughts. We can’t wait to hear from you.


Siobhan and The Zenkit Team

The post Zenkit 2.0: Task Lists, Wunderlist Import, and More! appeared first on Zenkit.

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