Comments on: World, Meet Hypernotes Zenkit Tagline Tue, 11 Oct 2022 11:55:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keshav Sharma Fri, 03 Sep 2021 08:40:36 +0000 Hi, first of all this is a very nice application for note taking. I have a question is it possible to add inline Math, as it seems that the only time hypernotes renders latex is when it is used in block form i.e. using $$$$. I don’t know is it only me or this feature is unavailable

By: Mxpetr Wed, 04 Aug 2021 12:24:46 +0000 If I were designing a notes app from the ground up, a NUMBER ONE priority BEFORE launch would be the seamless import of .enex Evernote files. Period.

Of course, if you did that, you might grow too fast, and that might create another problem. Of course, growing too fast is a better problem than folks like me holding off because they have thousands of notes in Evernote that they have no elegant way of transferring to Hypernote.


By: Jasper Wed, 14 Jul 2021 14:04:16 +0000 Hi Zenkit Team!
Until now, I used the app for the several weeks. In general, I like the app but there are some issues.
Forced bullets. I use one notebook for journaling and bullets just feel like pieces of thoughts but sometimes I just want to chill and write text. I appreciate the overview but the space between the blocks gives me enough sense for overview. Also it takes up space on the left. To me, it would be adding a lot of quality if you could just let us choose in the page settings if we want automated bullets or not. Sure, it also navigates you to the block page but you can press the extend symbol for that. And dragging can be replaced by arrows (please no long-hold like in Notion), if we where to choose to display the page without bullets. Also, the screen is moving to the end of the block is too far down if the block is long or up when touching a word and closing the keyboard. For example, you could just focus on the curser. Please consider to add an easier way to do a line break within the same block and to get to the bottom of a page. Please include an undo option. Hashtag in front of pages references messes with the visual look of the word. There should be a little space between word and reference symbol.
The search function making all blocks visible containing that word is v e r y elegant. I just make sure to include a topic word and it enables you to have thoughts on one topic visible at one glance which is extremely powerful. When journaling certain topics keep reoccurring. No matter when you wrote something on a topic, you can collect your thoughts on it and start from where you left last time. You don’t need to mess around categorising and interrupting your writing flow. It is such a beautiful basic feature but neither Notion nor other mobile apps make that possible so elegantly. This is zenkit at its best. Topic-focused experience. Thank you, stay zen and keep pushing.

By: Rob Sat, 03 Jul 2021 04:10:33 +0000 In reply to Rob.

One other thing – you guys need an Undo button. Like really really need it. It probably shouldn’t have shipped without it.

By: Rob Sat, 03 Jul 2021 04:08:23 +0000 So I purchased a one month subscription to feel things out. As others have mentioned, the fact that I can’t export or EVEN copy and paste the content out of the notes, means I probably won’t be renewing for another month. I can’t say I understand your development priorities. Why make JSON and PDF the two initial export features? PDF I could understand. But JSON has next to no value for your likely audience. As everyone else has mentioned, Markdown is what’s needed. That should be first on the list. So that’s the negative (and it’s a big one cause I won’t be purchasing another month until it’s a feature).

Having said that, here are the pros:
1. I love the fact that information is organised into containers that look like books. It totally changes the way I interact with my notes. It makes me feel like I’m constructing something that I intend to ship, rather than just making a bunch of unconnected notes that I’ll never do anything with. Please, please keep this aspect. It sets hypernotes apart from other note-taking apps.
2. I love the Unlinked mentions section. My only gripe is that I wish it didn’t show the same note more than once. Just because a word is mentioned 4-5 times in that note, doesn’t mean I want to see 4-5 links pointing back. Instead I would prefer if you put a number next to a single link like this: [5]. That way I know at a glance that it’s been mentioned 5 times in that link. But having more options here in general would be great (like the ability to hide the links at least).
3. Tasks and table view are great, but please show some data in the task view to indicate what note/project the task is contained in to give some context.
4. I love the graph. Please allow for longer titles though, or expand the titles upon hover.

In sum, it’s a great start. If you introduce markdown export and don’t play any games with my ability to export my content, you will have a premium user for life.

By: Jessica Arcenas Wed, 19 May 2021 07:29:51 +0000 In reply to Kit.

Thank you for your feedback, Chris. We are working on updating and enhancing Hypernotes with new and necessary features and have taken your feedback into consideration.


By: Kit Wed, 28 Apr 2021 12:31:54 +0000 After playing with the app for several days, here are the issues I would most like to see addressed:

1) Ability to return to previous page: this makes the app unfriendly to use;
2) “Convert block to page” needs to create a link to the new page on the page that contained the original block: combined with issue #1, this operation is painful;
3) The “/” icon is too close to the “^” icon on my iPhone, resulting in me often tapping the wrong one: space these buttons out more;
4) As others have already mentioned, a more serious export scheme is needed before I could ever consider going all-in with this app;
5) I REALLY wish you could close the gap between this app and how a truly native app behaves. While I understand wanting to support all platforms, I feel that the following factors should align: how important the app is to a user, how pleasant the app is to use, and the price. An app such as this attracts people serious about notes. And €60/year is a real commitment. But the feel, at this early stage, doesn’t align with the other two aspects.

Once I get my hands on one of the new iPad Pros, I plan on going all-in on one of these next-gen note systems. Hypernotes is definitely in the running. Fingers crossed that you can quickly iterate and show the world where you wish to take us.

By: David Crowley Mon, 19 Apr 2021 18:31:49 +0000 In reply to Jessica Arcenas.

Hi Zenkit team,
Please +1 the need for an export function. HyperNotes can be a great application, but without export it’s a non-starter. And export to PDF doesn’t help… I need to be able to reuse the content without having to cut and paste.

By: Stowe Boyd Fri, 16 Apr 2021 20:47:07 +0000 In reply to Jessica Arcenas.

Markdown import and export would be essential.

By: Gustavo Carnevali Thu, 15 Apr 2021 19:50:26 +0000 Also, I’m trying to create Daily pages in advance by generating dates on a “Month Page.” i.e. [[April 16, 2021]]. I’m able to generate the pages, but with a page number in the title, which is not needed. I get the sense that I am not really generating proper Daily pages when I take this approach.

I’m using the “Month Page” as one would in bullet journaling where it is called the “Future Log.” I make a note in the appropriate future date which should show up as “mentioned” in the corresponding Daily Page.

