Team Archives | Zenkit Zenkit Tagline Sat, 02 Sep 2023 10:00:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Team Archives | Zenkit 32 32 Meet the Team: Tzuan Fri, 06 Dec 2019 15:34:56 +0000 Every successful business knows the importance of establishing and maintaining effective relationships. It takes an organized, amiable, and knowledgeable individual to be a great partnerships manager. And now, here’s your chance to meet ours! Meet the valued team member who administers new opportunities and upholds Zenkit’s existing relationships… Name: Tzuan Li Role: Online Marketing and […]

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Every successful business knows the importance of establishing and maintaining effective relationships. It takes an organized, amiable, and knowledgeable individual to be a great partnerships manager. And now, here’s your chance to meet ours! Meet the valued team member who administers new opportunities and upholds Zenkit’s existing relationships…

Name: Tzuan Li

Role: Online Marketing and Partnerships Manager

Where are you from?

Describe yourself in three words:
I am Tzuan

How long have you been at Zenkit?
I started in May 2018 as a translator (English to Chinese), then I joined the marketing team afterwards.

What brought you to this role?
My first position at the company was as a working student and an internship while I was still at university. These two roles led to a full-time position which I took up once I graduated.

What does it take to be good at your job?
A great understanding of Zenkit, combined with innovative and creative thinking for identifying different integration opportunities. You also have to have great communication and interpersonal skills because a huge part of this job is about building relationships with many different people.

My job involves an array of tasks such as conceptualization, communication, business development, and content creation, so having excellent time management is important, too.

How do you use Zenkit on a daily basis?
At work, I use Zenkit (obviously) for coordinating my marketing tasks, managing partner contacts database, and much more. In private, I use Kanban boards to organize my yearly goals and personal to-do list.   

When you’re not working, what are you doing?
You’ll usually find me doing something related to music, whether it’s listening to it, singing songs, or playing instruments. A new hobby that I’m acquiring is power walking in the evenings with my boyfriend—it makes me feel relaxed and content! And if I have the time, I love to travel solo because I’m amazed by the human connection which two complete strangers can establish.

Last song you listened to?
How long will I love you by Ellie Goulding

Last meal on earth?
Something hot and Taiwanese, such as minced pork rice (滷肉飯) or a seafood dish that my father always makes for Chinese New Year.

Favorite German word?

Use it in a sentence.
Ich will Pommes essen!

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I would love the ability to teleport to wherever I want in an instant. It would be so great to just close my eyes and think of a place where I want to go, then, boom! I am there. 

What is your favorite thing about working at Zenkit?
My working pals! We’re not just work colleagues, we also do social things together. I really appreciate the relationships I have with my co-workers because I think that teams that have a great atmosphere can produce better business results. For instance, because everyone is so approachable, no one is afraid or too shy to ask for help when they need it. It really is a helpful and supportive working environment.

If you’ve got an integration opportunity you think would be great for Zenkit, get in touch with Tzuan at

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3 Key Qualities Every Great Leader Must Possess Thu, 02 May 2019 07:55:01 +0000 As human beings, we have a natural tendency to follow leaders. That’s because we yearn for guidance and direction. Since we were born, most of us have had our parents, relatives, or even teachers showing us the way. Now, as adults, we have more freedom to decide who our leaders could be. Leaders can come […]

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3 Key Qualities Every Great Leader Must Possess

As human beings, we have a natural tendency to follow leaders. That’s because we yearn for guidance and direction. Since we were born, most of us have had our parents, relatives, or even teachers showing us the way. Now, as adults, we have more freedom to decide who our leaders could be.

Leaders can come in the form of a college professor, sports coach, or even a good friend, however, most common with those that have “grown-up” jobs, it’s usually assigned to an authoritative figure at work. What makes this type of leader ideal is that they can offer up career insight and guide you towards the most suitable path.

But what makes a great leader?

In this article, I’ll discuss the qualities a leader should possess, referencing three top books: The Introverted Leader by Jennifer Kahnweiler, How to Be a Positive Leader by Jane E. Dutton and Gretchen M. Spreitzer, and The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier.

Image cred: CoWomen via Unsplash

Differences in Leadership and Management

While it’s common to have your manager as your leader, it’s worth keeping in mind that they are actually two different roles. The job of a leader and the job of a manager is comprised of different responsibilities, skillsets, and expectations. Oftentimes the two positions overlap and are interchangeable, but there are key differences that separate the two from each other.

A manager’s role is to deal with tasks, processes, and delivery, and a leader focuses on people—on influencing, inspiring, and motivating them. It’s common to find in many businesses and organizations one person taking on both roles. If that’s the case, then it’s their duty to not only ensure tasks and projects are executed in a timely and thorough manner, but to also ensure that their team are motivated, going in the right direction, and are developing as employees.

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Managers tend to be good at organization, coordinating tasks and projects, and time management. They are also adept at different processes and are great at sticking to budgets and deadlines. A leader doesn’t necessarily have to excel at any of these tasks. Instead, typical traits of a good leader include someone who can command a room, inspire people, and make a notable impact on the company.

Let’s see what else amounts to a successful leader.

3 Leadership Qualities Every Great Leader Must Possess

1. You don’t have to be outgoing to lead a team

To be a successful leader you need to possess certain characteristics that will allow you to flourish at your job. Leading a team requires you to understand people and connect with them. Doing so will allow you to figure out what they need to grow and how they can do it. But your team aren’t the only people you have to connect with. Being a leader often requires a lot of networking and public speaking, so knowing the art of small talk as well as being confident in front of a group of people are must-have skills.

Because of these expectations, the mainstream idea of what would make a good leader is usually someone who is naturally confident and outgoing. You don’t immediately think of introverted personality traits when you hear the term “leadership qualities”. But that doesn’t mean introverts wouldn’t make good leaders!

The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength is a book written by the author, global speaker, and “champion for introverts”, Jennifer Kahnweiler, that discusses (you guessed it) leaders with introverted personalities. Her book asserts that while introverts may not be inherently sociable and confident, they too possess qualities that can make great leaders. Good observation skills, strong listening skills, and thinking before speaking are common introvert attributes that a leader should have.

“The power of silence is a characteristic that can serve as a strength,” explains Kahnweiler, “Many people are not comfortable with silence and try to fill the gaps with comments that are off the cuff, whereas the comments made by the introvert can be more thoughtful.” This type of withdrawn attitude can make leaders seem more approachable, which is a great quality to have for developing relationships and making connections with people.

2. Forming close connections is a must

A huge component of being a great leader is your ability to form connections with others. Whether it’s with the team you are leading, associates you network with, or an audience you are presenting to. How to Be a Positive Leader: Small Actions, Big Impact by Jane E. Dutton and Gretchen M. Spreitzer details how high-quality connections are essential for people to grow, both professionally and personally.

“Today, people struggle to thrive in the workplace,” explains Spreitzer. “High-quality connections are one simple key that can enable it to happen as they build trust, allow individuals to be their whole selves by expressing their authentic emotions, and they enable more tensility which allows individuals to bend and adapt, and to learn new things.”

How you act as a leader can play a significant role in creating a positive work environment due to the standard human inclination of treating others the way you are treated. So if you’re a leader that spotlights gratitude, respectful behaviour, and an encouraging work environment, then it’s more likely that your team will not only treat you with the same respect but each other as well. “High-quality connections build positive emotions which are contagious and enable others around them to thrive,” says Spreitzer.

You can know all the collaboration tools and project management methodologies by heart and you can have every single leadership certificate under the sun, but if you don’t know how to connect with others and manage human relationships, then you have no chance at succeeding as a leader.

Makin’ those human connections

3. Work smarter to make a bigger impact

Part of being a leader means being a coach. It’s a skill that every leader worth their salt should possess. Coaching expert, keynote speaker, author, and founder of Box of Crayons, Michael Bungay Stanier highlights the significance of developing a coaching habit in his book, The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever.

The book highlights how developing a coaching habit can not only guide your team towards self-sufficiency, but it can also allow you to make more of an impact. You don’t need another book to tell you to work harder (everyone knows you’re already working as hard as you can) so Bungay Stanier’s book focuses on how leaders can work smarter. It does this by breaking down the coaching process into seven questions that can help you lead and support. They are:

  1. What’s on your mind?
  2. And what else?
  3. What’s the real challenge here for you?
  4. What do you want
  5. How can I help?
  6. If you’re saying yes to this, what are you saying no to?
  7. What was most useful for you?

A good coach spends less time offering up advice and more time asking questions. By asking questions instead of offering up solutions, you are allowing your team to come to their own conclusions. You aren’t force-feeding them advice and you’re allowing them to progress at their own pace. While you shouldn’t completely avoid giving out advice, you want your team to become self-sufficient. The aforementioned seven questions can help you get there.

Bungay Stanier stresses that coaching your team should be a regular part of your work day. It shouldn’t take up too much time and it shouldn’t be too conventional. Instead of formal meetings that can take up a lot of everyone’s work day, opt for smaller, informal catch-ups. It’s a better use of everybody’s time and that way you are still getting regular feedback and updates from your team.

“Coaching can fuel the courage to step out beyond the comfortable and familiar. It can help people learn from their experiences and can literally and metaphorically increase and help fulfil a person’s potential.”

Final Thoughts

Leadership is a position that shouldn’t be taken lightly. You have a duty to motivate people, guide them in the right direction, and inspire them to thrive in whatever environment they are in. You want to empower your team and you want them to feel as though they can accomplish anything they want.

Jennifer Kahnweiler, Jane E. Dutton and Gretchen M. Spreitzer, and Michael Bungay Stanier’s books all remind us that there’s more to leadership than shelling out advice and knowing how to speak in front of a crowd. It requires you to form high-quality connections, tap into skills that may be undervalued at first, and make an impact through the way you work.

What do you think are key leadership qualities every great leader should possess?


Dinnie and the Zenkit Team

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How to Implement a New Team Project Management Tool Mon, 08 Oct 2018 14:42:18 +0000 The aim of a project management tool is to centralize and simplify your business operations, assisting you in achieving high productivity. It is almost a necessity to optimize operations with project management software, but if your team is not prepared for the change, the implementation of a project management tool can be a setback for your […]

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How to implement a new project management tool?

The aim of a project management tool is to centralize and simplify your business operations, assisting you in achieving high productivity. It is almost a necessity to optimize operations with project management software, but if your team is not prepared for the change, the implementation of a project management tool can be a setback for your organization.

Before you proceed with your decision to streamline your operations, you should prepare a roadmap to enable a seamless transition. You should focus on assisting your team and enabling them to understand the evolved workflow. The following tips will be beneficial when equipping your team with the best knowledge and experience regarding a project management tool.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

1. Boost Employee Confidence

Old habits die hard. This is true for everyone working in your organization. Your team has adapted to the ongoing project management practices (PMPs). If you all of a sudden introduce a change in PMP, it will be a setback for the employees. They may lose confidence and may resist adapting to this change, resulting in low productivity and higher chances of failure.

As the team or project manager, it’s your responsibility to familiarize everyone with the change. Before deploying a project management tool, consult your employees, note their suggestions, and ensure that their views are taken into consideration. Ask the vendor to demonstrate the functionality of the software. This will introduce the tool to the employees, enabling them to understand the workflow before the deployment takes place.

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2. Let Leaders Spearhead Change

According to the Project Management Survey conducted by Clarizen, 38.2% of participants believe that ineffective leadership is the reason behind project failure. This clearly indicates the influence of leaders in the organization’s operations. So, when it comes to implementing a project management tool, leaders should spearhead the change. Once the software solution is in place, as a leader or project manager, you should be the one to learn everything there is to know about it.

Once you are well-versed with the features and functions, you can introduce them to the team. As you will be equipped with the knowledge to implement it properly, you can quickly address their problems or simply collaborate with them to use it efficiently. Let’s say there’s new CRM software in place. You can run a pilot program to familiarize yourself with the features and then work with your team to streamline customer relationship management operations.

3. Appoint Coaches and Schedule Training Sessions

Do you know our brain processes visual content 60,000 times better than textual content? For an in-depth understanding of your new project management tool, focus on arranging visual training programs, preferably on-premises, by arranging training classes, webinars, and live demonstrations. An appointed coach will be able to guide the project management team at every instance, whether it’s dispensing knowledge or clarifying doubts. When you combine practical training and expert guidance, the team learns and implements in an efficient manner.

Ask the project management solution provider to provide dedicated support, accessible via chat, voice call, and video call if possible. The team will experience problems like bugs, workflow errors, the need for an update or a feature, and so on. When a customer representative is present to resolve issues, your project will progress faster and more efficiently.

4. Define the Process & Proceed Gradually

According to PMI’s 2018 Pulse of the Profession survey, organizations waste $1 million every 20 seconds due to poor implementation of business strategies. This means you should have a detailed plan on the table before you initiate the project, and if the project management tool drives the project, it is crucial to be well-versed with everything the tool has to offer. Therefore, it is advised to proceed gradually, step-by-step, before completely commissioning the project management software.

While working on the project, unexpected issues may arise, but when the team is accustomed to the way the project management tool works, they can work effectively with confidence.

5. Be Open to Feedback

Once the team starts using a project management suite, they will get to know about its features and drawbacks. You should be ready to register feedback from your employees, whether they are relevant or not. The feedback will assist you in identifying the bugs or scope for improvement in the project management tool. Moreover, you can create strategies and implement them on regular basis. To measure the effectiveness of these strategies, you can ask for feedback again.

To collect feedback, you can conduct periodic surveys or meetings; say once every couple of months. Team members who participate in the survey will experience a boost in their self-confidence as they feel their importance in the organization. One-to-one interactions in meetings are also beneficial for getting detailed feedback and suggestions.

Final Thoughts

Deploying a project management tool is easy, but using it effectively to attain maximum efficiency is a challenge. However, service providers are relentlessly working to develop interactive project management tools that ensure convenience, stability, scalability, and power-packed performance. Use these tips to train your team, and equip them with the best practices pertaining to the project management software you’ve chosen.

Author Bio:

Mohit is a digital marketing expert with experience in marketing, communications, and e-commerce development. His interests include e-commerce softwarebilling software, and content marketing. When he’s not working, he enjoys spending time with his family, and friends, and playing chess.

The post How to Implement a New Team Project Management Tool appeared first on Zenkit.

Meet The Team: Jesse Fri, 28 Sep 2018 15:10:36 +0000 In this edition of ‘Meet the Team’, you’re in for a treat, because without this person, your favorite project management tool wouldn’t even exist. Behold, the maker, the creator, the man that makes the magic happen… Name: Jesse Desaever Role: Lead Developer Where are you from? I was born in Oldenburg and moved to Karlsruhe for my […]

The post Meet The Team: Jesse appeared first on Zenkit.

In this edition of ‘Meet the Team’, you’re in for a treat, because without this person, your favorite project management tool wouldn’t even exist. Behold, the maker, the creator, the man that makes the magic happen

Jesse Desaever

NameJesse Desaever

RoleLead Developer

Where are you from?
I was born in Oldenburg and moved to Karlsruhe for my studies.

Describe yourself in three words:
Jungle Is Massive.

How long have you been at Zenkit?
About three years now.

What brought you to this role?
I came for an internship and started to work on Zenkit right away. At the time, we were only two developers and so we were working hard to release the first beta version. My colleague left the company before the launch and so I had to double down on my efforts to stabilize this feature-packed app.

Although I’ve been programming since I was 14 years old, the past three years is where I’ve learnt most of what I know about programming, because there was no other option than for me to figure it out.

What does it take to be good at your job?
You have to be willing to learn constantly because programming languages, patterns, and frameworks evolve very quickly, especially in web development. I love finding out about new ways of tackling certain problems and to apply my new knowledge to the Zenkit code base.

You also need some level of resistance against frustration. Sometimes it takes hours to find a bug in your code and you need the patience to keep on trying.

How do you use Zenkit on a daily basis?
I use it to manage my personal to-do list, document my working hours and to organize my studies. And of course we use it to organize the development of Zenkit itself.

When you’re not working, what are you doing?
Coding feels more like a hobby to me than work, so I also code quite a bit in my free time. But besides that I enjoy travelling, playing football, listening to music and spending time with my friends. Music festivals combine multiple of those things so they are a natural fit for me.

Last song you listened to?
Rub a Dub Sound by Feyder.

Last meal on earth?
Thai red curry with bamboo shoots.

Favorite English word?

Use it in a sentence.
It’s technically impossible to pronounce or spell “Massachusetts” correctly.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
The ability to freeze time (except for myself of course).

What is your favorite thing about working at Zenkit?
I love the fact that the possibilities of this product are pretty much endless. It’s designed as a platform for any kind of data driven application and therefore most apps could be realized using Zenkit collections as their database.

I really enjoy thinking about how to generalize our concepts even further in order to make the existing code base simpler and to build the basis for even more powerful features. So, I would say that my favorite things about working here are the brainstorming sessions in which we explore some possible use cases and when we discuss how to implement them in a way that would benefit the platform as a whole.

If you’re interested in working on Zenkit with Jesse, we’ve got spots open! Send an email to for more info 🙂

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10 Must-Haves for Successful Team Collaboration Mon, 12 Feb 2018 14:55:10 +0000 It is every project manager’s dream to have a team that not only smashes their goals but creates effective collaboration in the workplace while doing it. While not an impossible feat, it’s not a given either. Here’s what your team will need for successful team collaboration. Why is Team Collaboration Necessary? Team collaboration is nothing […]

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What does successful collaboration look like?

It is every project manager’s dream to have a team that not only smashes their goals but creates effective collaboration in the workplace while doing it. While not an impossible feat, it’s not a given either. Here’s what your team will need for successful team collaboration.

Why is Team Collaboration Necessary?

Team collaboration is nothing new, and there’s more to it than just making sure everyone gets along with each other. It’s about finding new ways of working as a team, fostering an innovative culture, coming up with new team collaboration ideas to achieve goals and objectives, and acquiring better solutions.

With the world more connected than ever, and a bustling freelancing/entrepreneurship/DIY work culture on the rise, knowing how to develop lasting working relationships has never been more important. It is also necessary for business growth and development, as well as for keeping ahead of your competitors.

Cyclists displaying team collaboration

When it comes to project management, the benefit of team collaboration is not only delivering the project with ease and success, but it’s also about achieving a sense of accomplishment with the group and gaining new experiences and insights.

What Does Ssuccessful Collaboration Look Like?

Successful team collaboration is going to look a little different depending on your team’s goals and objectives. Generally speaking, however, if said goals and objectives were met in an enthused and unified fashion, then that’s something to be pretty happy about.

Team collaboration GIF

Here’s what you’re team’s going to need for effective collaboration in the workplace.

Elements of Effective Team Collaboration & Best Practices

1. Great Communication

Effective communication is what separates successful teams from the ones who fail. Having clear instructions from the get-go and throughout the project delivery, asking questions instead of making assumptions, and actively listening to the members of your team can not only create a culture of camaraderie but also provides transparency in your responsibilities and expectations. It can also reduce stress levels and tensions that can sometimes arise when working closely with others.

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2. Engaged Employees

An employee who is detached from the work, their peers, and the project’s goal is not going to want to collaborate. To prevent a disengaged team, ensure that every member knows their purpose and that their contribution to the project is valued. Remember that an engaged team is also a happy and focused one, too.

3. The Right Leaders

A successful team is not without its expert leaders. Being tasked with the responsibility of guiding a team towards their target is not an easy thing to do, and requires a fusion of technical, personal, and organizational skills. Your job as a project manager is to ensure a kind of harmony that not only drives the team to meet their objectives within the set timeframe and criteria, but also to accommodate the different individuals in the team, and foster a collaborative working environment.

4. Skill of Compromise

Having a group of people with different ambitions and egos will mean that everyone won’t always see eye to eye. But knowing how to compromise — a core element of team collaboration skills — is what will get everyone to agree on a solution, and keep the work flowing smoothly. Not only does it illustrate consideration for your fellow team members, but it also demonstrates your willingness to be cooperative, and set differences aside for the sake of the team and its success.

5. Conflict Management

Sometimes when you group together a bunch of people to work on a project, there can be unfortunate instances where they may not get along (which is a big no-no for effective team collaboration). Although as a project manager it is ultimately your job to resolve any conflict that may arise within the team, it is a great skill for team members to be able to manage and resolve any issues themselves. This type of skill displays remarkable team collaboration, and can also strengthen the bond between team members.

6. Reliability

Reliability builds trust, and without it, you don’t really have a team, you just have a bunch of people working together begrudgingly. Being part of a team means having to rely on others to hold up their end of the bargain. The success of a team depends on every member’s efforts and contribution. This is especially the case for teams that have members working remotely.

7. Team Player Attitude

An absolute must-have of team collaboration is, of course, team players. Having a ‘team player attitude’ means committing to your team, and putting the group’s best interest ahead of yours. What needs to be remembered is that, in this context, the effect of a combined effort is greater than individual performance. So if you want your team to reach their goal, everyone has to work together to achieve it.

8. Diversity

Diversity doesn’t just apply to the different skill sets and expertise of the roles required to deliver the project, but also to the personalities of the individuals in the roles. The beauty of working in a team is that it exposes people to different perspectives and experiences, which does wonders for developing relationships. Plus, it’d be a tad ho-hum if you put together a group of people who were exactly like each other — nothing new would be learnt!

Four people showcasing team collaboration
Diversity is super for team collaboration!

9. Open Dialogue

Creating an open dialogue where feedback goes both ways enhances the skills of your team, and solidifies trust. No one knows the efforts that you go through better than the people who work closely with you every day. Team members exchanging advice and constructive criticisms of each other will only improve performance, and build stronger relationships.

10. A Team Collaboration Tool

The reasons for using team collaboration software are quite straightforward. As a vital element of effective collaboration in the workplace, they offer your team a centralized solution where all the project’s work can be announced, shared, updated, and executed. Using a tool like Zenkit comes with features that can further heighten team collaboration skills. For example, its integration feature with chat platform apps will make communication between team members easier and more accessible, and its visual scheduling system allows for project transparency so that everyone is aware of their responsibilities, and how the project is coming along.

How to Foster Team Collaboration Best Practices

Even if your team are already aware of team collaboration best practices, it’s not enough to just have them, you have to ensure that they are ongoing until the team is no more. Here are a few tips you can try to keep the harmony going.

Make sure everyone knows each other

The very first thing you should do, once the team has come together, is to do some ‘get-to-know-each-other’ activities. Once the project has started, and you feel your team needs a little refresher, you can always set aside time to do team-building activities to keep the momentum going. When people know who they’re working with, it creates a more relaxed, and friendlier working environment.

Maximize team member strengths

Knowing the strengths of individual team members not only makes you a great team leader but can optimize the team’s overall performance. Every member will bring something unique and valuable to the table. For instance, you may have someone who excels at breaking down instructions, or you might have the world’s most organized person on deck. Whatever their talent is, developing it and encouraging them to utilize it will not only boost the group’s efficiency but is also great for your team members’ personal development.

Set an example

The best way to encourage team collaboration skills is to showcase your own. As the project manager, your behaviour and attitude influence how your team conduct themselves. Be reliable, provide constructive feedback, communicate effectively, listen and compromise with your team, and ensure you are trained and well versed in using whatever team collaboration tool you choose so that you are on hand to offer any guidance or support that is required.

How do you encourage collaboration within your team? Share your tips with us in the comment section below!


Dinnie and the Zenkit Team

The post 10 Must-Haves for Successful Team Collaboration appeared first on Zenkit.

5 Signs You Are Managing Team Tasks Effectively Tue, 19 Dec 2017 15:15:42 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/5-signs-you-are-managing-team-tasks-effectively/ A happy team is a productive team, and a productive team means that tasks have been managed effectively. Anyone who’s ever had to manage a team knows that there’s more to it than allocating tasks A, B, and C to team members 1, 2, and 3. From matching tasks with applicable skill sets to sticking […]

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How to manage team tasks?

A happy team is a productive team, and a productive team means that tasks have been managed effectively.

Worker on phone exemplifying task management

Anyone who’s ever had to manage a team knows that there’s more to it than allocating tasks A, B, and C to team members 1, 2, and 3. From matching tasks with applicable skill sets to sticking within budget, to ensuring all team members are satisfied with the resources available to them — it is a lot to take in. Here’s what you can do to simplify it all.

How to Manage Team Tasks

Whether your group is as small as three people, or as big as 300, the smoothest way to coordinate team tasks and individuals is to use team-based productivity software. The best examples of this type of task management app are cloud-based project management tools and workflow management systems.

Using a project management tool allows you to coordinate the planning, executing, and tracking of a project. It can also permit you to control resources and budget, manage quality, and act as a communication device. It is a great way to facilitate team task management because the centralized space allows you to monitor the project’s activity, keep the files accessible, and contact members of the team.

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An online workflow management system operates similarly to a project management tool except that it oversees day-to-day operations instead of project based-work. With features such as role-based access to allow team administrators to control sensitive information, and report generators to indicate performance, this is another type of task management software that can boost efficiency and productivity amongst your team.

5 Indications You’re Managing Team Tasks Effectively

A clear indicator of whether or not team tasks have been managed sufficiently is if the end goal has been achieved within the appointed time frame and criteria. But waiting for the end result shouldn’t be the only way to learn whether or not you’ve done your job correctly. Here are five clues that suggest team task management has been successful:

1. There is only one person assigned to each task

That’s not to say that only one person should be working on a task — not at all — collaboration is encouraged, and expected. What it means is that only one person is accountable for the execution, and completion of the team task. Delegating effectively makes it easier to monitor progress, ensure information doesn’t overlap, and that there is someone responsible should things go awry. This method of task management also makes handovers more straightforward.

2. Communication isn’t excessive

‘Status-ing people to death’ is a thing — just make sure it’s not a thing within your team. Over communicating runs the risk of people becoming uninterested, and disregarding notifications and reminders altogether. While progress updates, and checking in on fellow team members on how they’re doing with their tasks should be advocated, be sure that only relevant information is being shared on a timely basis. Think twice before sharing anything other than duties, deadlines, and task dependencies.

GIF of team management what not to do

3. The frog is being eaten

Having a penchant for exotic cuisine isn’t a new task management approach. No, the term ‘eating the frog’ refers to tackling the most challenging task first thing. With the biggest task already completed, this sets the ball rolling for ‘actioning’ all the other tasks. This shows that prioritization and time management are being pursued, which are two traits that will result in a more favourable task outcome.

4. More than one solution is being embraced

While using a centralized team-based productivity software is a great way to manage team tasks effectively, the reality is that some people are more comfortable, and efficient, when using more than one platform. As long as the team-based software is being used, the idea of using other productivity solutions at the same time shouldn’t be excluded. For example, people could be using separate software to compile their online to-do lists, or the old school method — instead of the digitized version — of a whiteboard and markers may be the best way to create mind maps for free-flowing ideas. Consider every team member and their capabilities, and accommodate what will make them achieve peak efficiency and productivity.

5. There is room for feedback

Creating a safe space, and offering support make people feel more at ease, and when this happens, not only does it create a good working environment, but it allows everyone to be more comfortable in their creativity. Acknowledging feedback also shows that the manager/employee relationship is a two-way street, opening the door to more trust. With trust as a foundation of the team, commitment will be enhanced.

Final Thoughts

Have you managed a team’s task effectively or in such a way that the result was something better than expected? As always, I’d love to hear your insights. Share away!


Dinnie & the Zenkit Team

The post 5 Signs You Are Managing Team Tasks Effectively appeared first on Zenkit.
