Software Development Archives | Zenkit Zenkit Tagline Wed, 30 Aug 2023 22:08:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Software Development Archives | Zenkit 32 32 How to Make a Feature Model in Zenkit Wed, 09 Sep 2020 07:52:19 +0000 The modern art of project management has evolved from its pioneer stages, and the various processes have become widely implemented across assorted industries. Numerous methods, techniques, and frameworks have since been developed to solve specific problems while others primarily serve as an alternative visual presentation to ease and facilitate workflow, collaboration, and delivery. Digital task […]

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How to Make a Feature Model in Zenkit

The modern art of project management has evolved from its pioneer stages, and the various processes have become widely implemented across assorted industries. Numerous methods, techniques, and frameworks have since been developed to solve specific problems while others primarily serve as an alternative visual presentation to ease and facilitate workflow, collaboration, and delivery.

spaceship blastoff
Plan it. Build it. Blast off!

Digital task and project management tools like Zenkit offer Kanban, Wiki, Mind Map, Gantt, and more views to suit the individual’s or team’s interests and needs. We’d like to introduce to you another model and visual presentation used in software development: the Feature Model!

Betcha you didn’t think of using Zenkit to create a Feature Model! In this article, we’ll show you how. 

But first things first…

What Is a Feature Model?

A Feature Model (sometimes also known as a Feature Tree or Feature Diagram) is a simple, hierarchical diagram that visually illustrates the features, and their dependencies, of a solution in a production line. 

The model was introduced in 1990 by Kyo C. Kang, a professor at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and author of Applied Software Product Line Engineering, in the Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) feasibility study for software product lines. It was originally developed as a solution to an increasing need in software development to create a visual representation of multiple, similar software products. 

Since then, Feature Models or Feature Diagrams have become an established routine in software development and are used during the whole product line development process. Due to the complexity of the process of data modelling, software engineers use specialized tools such as Eclipse’s EMF Feature Model or IBM’s InfoSphere Data Architect to create feature models.

In short, Feature Models are hierarchical models that display the commonalities and variabilities of product variants in a Product Line. 

feature model illustration

Key Features of a Feature Model


  • Each Feature Model contains a root feature
  • Feature Models contain mandatory, optional, and alternative ‘or’ variables (as shown in the diagram above)
  • There is no single standard for the graphical notation of a Feature Model


Take note:

It is important that Feature Models are organized in such a way that you can present what is common and what differs between the desired range of applications and their inter-dependencies in a simple visual manner. 

Even though Feature Models tend to have a distinct look, there is no defined standard for visual presentation. This means that there is room for creativity and flexibility to use different tools for the same function (psst! like Zenkit).

When mapping out the model, it is vital to specify which features are to be included and label each variant according to its feature groups. Because not every project or team is the same, the terms used are subject to the scope and goal of the product and project. 

How to Make a Feature Model in Zenkit

blueprint gif
Time to map it out!

Zenkit is a project management tool that allows you to view your information in multiple views – 8 different views to be exact (for now!). To make a feature model in Zenkit, we recommend using the mind map view. You can create the diagram with either existing data or you can create a new collection from scratch. Alternatively, you can use the hierarchy view to help structure your map.

Need a little help getting started? 

Use our article on how to create a mind map in Zenkit as a reference to get you started. If you are wanting to start with a more condensed visual presentation, you can read through our article on how to use subitems and hierarchy in Zenkit to start building your  feature model . 

adding items in zenkit hierarchy

Want to get started right away with a step-by-step guide? 

Tutorial videos are great resources, but sometimes it is also nice to have text-based guides too. Check out the Knowledge Base for detailed guides to mind map and hierarchy view to help you create and manage feature models in Zenkit. 

Need separate functions to help map out the product features and modifications for a more complex project? For projects with a bigger database, we recommend using the subitems and reference field features to break down larger tasks and to connect items and tasks in the same or in separate collections. These features make it easier to organize tasks and features into categories and display product variations and modifications. 

Other helpful articles:

Image Credits: Morning Brew via Unsplash, Journal of Information Technology

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoy learning about different formats to help you and your team in your workflow as much as we do! There’s no limit to creativity when it comes to thinking and working ‘agile’. 

The world has steadily been moving away from single-use gadgets to multifunctional technology. This is also our passion and with Zenkit we aim to provide a multifunctional tool suited for, well… everyone! Be it the biggest companies, rising startups, high school students, or stay-at-home mothers. 

Have you been using a specific tool or format for your business or just for your personal tasks? I would love to hear about them!  


Jessica and the Zenkit Team

The post How to Make a Feature Model in Zenkit appeared first on Zenkit.

Waterfall Project Management: An Overview Thu, 22 Aug 2019 12:49:40 +0000 Waterfall project management is regarded as one of the O.G.s of software development methodologies. It’s commonly known as a strict process that doesn’t allow for any changes to occur, which kind of gives it a reputation for not being the most ideal approach. But without it, we wouldn’t have other methods such as Agile and […]

The post Waterfall Project Management: An Overview appeared first on Zenkit.

Waterfall Project Management: An Overview Waterfall where the methodology's name derived from

Waterfall project management is regarded as one of the O.G.s of software development methodologies. It’s commonly known as a strict process that doesn’t allow for any changes to occur, which kind of gives it a reputation for not being the most ideal approach. But without it, we wouldn’t have other methods such as Agile and Scrum.

In this article, we’ll provide an overview of Waterfall project management, its pros and cons, and discuss when it’s best to use it.

In this article, we’ll provide an overview of Waterfall project management and discuss when it’s best to use it.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn:

  • The 6 key phases of Waterfall project management
  • The pros and cons of using the Waterfall method
  • How Waterfall project management differs from its Agile methodology counterpart

What Is Waterfall Project Management?

Waterfall project management is one of the more traditional software development methodologies. It follows a linear, sequential design approach where progress flows downwards in one direction, like a waterfall (hence the name!).

A project is delivered through a set of ordered stages and until all activity within the current stage has been completed and approved, advancing to the next stage or any later stages is not possible.

Known for their emphasis on documentation, Gantt charts and resource scheduling and allocation are popular Waterfall project management tools.

The History of Waterfall Project Management

The Waterfall methodology has its origins within the manufacturing and construction industries, to which you could ascribe its stringent process. Due to the structured physical environments, the process leaves little room for changes as any changes made would result in high costs. (Think about it, once you construct a building, it would be pretty difficult to go back and make changes.)

It was first formally introduced as a method for software development in an article written by Winston W. Royce in 1970, however, the term “Waterfall” wasn’t used. It wouldn’t be until 1976 when a paper was written by T.E. Bell and T.A. Thayer that the term may have been first used.

The Phases of Waterfall Project Management

There are six phases within the Waterfall methodology. You can only move on to the next phase once the current one is completed, reviewed, and approved.

In Royce’s original model, the phases are:

  1. Systems and software requirements
  2. Analysis
  3. Design
  4. Coding
  5. Testing
  6. Operations

Since then, there have been variations in the model depending on project context and requirements. The most common model used is the following:

  1. Requirement Analysis

The first phase is about collecting information that pertains to the project’s requirements. The purpose of the product and its function is defined. Conducting brainstorming sessions are a common way to ensure the scope and requirements are understood by everyone on the team. 

  1. System Design

This next phase involves creating the design according to the requirements of the first phase. The purpose of this phase is to select hardware and system requirements and to also make clear the overall system architecture. This is also when the software code that is written in the next stage is created.

  1. Implementation

This phase is where the programs, which are known as units, are first developed. They are individually developed and tested for their functionality, a process that is known as Unit Testing. They are then integrated into the following phase.

  1. System Testing

By this phase, the software has been designed and needs to go through testing to determine any errors or issues. The testing phase of Waterfall project management is imperative as it can ensure the customer is not confronted by any difficulties during the installation of the software. 

  1. System Deployment

Once the product has been tested, it is then distributed into the customer environment.

  1. Maintenance

The final phase happens after installation. The maintenance phase involves making adjustments to the system to improve performance. The modifications are per the requests from the customer or any faults detected during the live use of the product. The customer is also provided with consistent support and maintenance for the developed software.

Top-notch maintenance is provided

The Pros and Cons of Waterfall Project Management

Knowing the benefits and drawbacks of the Waterfall method can help you to recognize its value and when it’s best to use it.


Progress Measuring
With clearly defined start and end points, measuring progress can be rather straightforward in Waterfall project management. The full scope of work is known in advance which also helps.

Simple Structure
When compared with other project management methodologies, Waterfall is rather intuitive. There are six phases to follow which are set in sequential order. There are specific deliverables and a review process. This methodological approach offers a simple structure for any newcomers to follow.

Clear Information Transfer
The emphasis on documentation makes it easier for project team members to ease into the process. The idea is to have information accessible so that if a team member was to leave during the development process, their replacement can pick up where they left off.


High Risks Involved
Because testing the product design or architecture happens at the end of the development process, there’s a greater chance of technical risks happening. There can also be product risks as changes are made during the very late stages.

No Room for Innovation
One of the biggest downfalls of Waterfall project management is its inflexibility for changes happening within the development process. This makes it difficult for new ideas to be welcomed and included.

Lack of Customer Involvement
Following the Waterfall method means there will be little room for customer feedback and involvement. While this may not be a hindrance to every project, there are certain industries where customer feedback plays a vital role in the end result.

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Do go chasing waterfalls with Zenkit Projects

Agile vs Waterfall Project Management

Agile project management offers an alternative process for software development. Where Waterfall project management adheres to strict guidelines and processes, Agile is more flexible.

Pre-Agile saw mainly the Waterfall method used for software development. Many teams, however, saw that there were issues with the method due to its constraints in design, lack of customer feedback during the development process, and a delayed testing period.

Deriving from the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto, Agile project management is a process where demands and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams and their stakeholders and customers.

It was created as a response to the inadequacies of the Waterfall project management. Because the software industry was becoming a highly competitive market, developers were required to constantly innovate to stay on top of the game, and the strict, sequential approach of Waterfall just wasn’t enough.

The Agile process includes six main deliverables to create the product and track progress. They are:

  1. The product vision statement
  2. The product roadmap
  3. The product backlog
  4. The release plan
  5. The Sprint backlog
  6. Increment

A highly visual method, it uses tools such as a Kanban board and a burndown chart to assist with progress tracking and to meet deadlines.

Agile and Waterfall project management are two different methodologies that can be beneficial to software development depending on the scope and requirements of the project. Of course, it is beneficial to know when to use each accordingly.

When to Use Waterfall Project Management

Waterfall project management often gets a bad rap. It’s notable for being stringent and inflexible which is not ideal for software development that requires a lot of frequent changes. That’s why you often see it being compared—and contrasted—to Agile project management.

The Waterfall methodology is best suited for projects that are clearly defined and require structure and strict deadlines. The project scope and requirements should be set, the product is solid, and the technology used is well understood by the project team members. As it leaves little room for changes, it makes it unsuitable for projects that involve unexplored territory and uncertainty.

In other words, it’s great for projects that have been done many times over where the prospect of surprises during development is slim.

Documenting Your Project in Zenkit

As a methodology that places emphasis on the importance of documentation, what better way to record information for your Waterfall project than in Zenkit?

Zenkit is a collaborative project management tool that allows you to create an online database without writing a single line of code. As a SaaS tool, it means you can store information on a cloud that can be accessible to users from a local network or the internet.

The software also comes with several views which allow you to store and view your data in various ways. It includes a to-do list, mind map, Kanban board, calendar, and spreadsheet-like table (and there’s a Gantt view coming soon!). The best thing about it is that there is an option that allows you to switch between views. For instance, if you feel your data doesn’t fit the current table view it’s on, in one click, you can switch it to a to-do list or mind map!

There are free Zenkit templates that can be used to structure your project’s information and processes. You can even create your own template by duplicating the collection you’ve just created by selecting the “Clone Collection” feature.

Final Thoughts

Just like any other project management methodology, Waterfall project management has its own set of principles, practices, and processes. Depending on the kind of project you are undertaking, it may or may not be the best fit.

So, if you’re after something that demands strong documentation, a straightforward structure, and a solid product, then perhaps it may be the project management methodology for you.

Have you implemented Waterfall project management lately? If so, do share your experience in the comment section below.

Image Credits: Jeremy Bishop via Unsplash

The post Waterfall Project Management: An Overview appeared first on Zenkit.

Agile vs Waterfall: The Best Methodology for Your Project Fri, 04 May 2018 09:33:56 +0000 Two of the main software development methodologies are Agile and Waterfall. Despite their similar popularity, the Agile and Waterfall methodologies offer two very different ways to deliver a project. The main difference between Agile and Waterfall lies in the structure of the approach. Projects following the Waterfall methodology are completed sequentially, whereas projects following the […]

The post Agile vs Waterfall: The Best Methodology for Your Project appeared first on Zenkit.

Which is best for complex projects, waterfall or agile?

Two of the main software development methodologies are Agile and Waterfall. Despite their similar popularity, the Agile and Waterfall methodologies offer two very different ways to deliver a project. The main difference between Agile and Waterfall lies in the structure of the approach.

Projects following the Waterfall methodology are completed sequentially, whereas projects following the Agile methodology are completed iteratively in a cycle. Of course, deciding which methodology is best for your projects wholly depends on the scope of your project and what it entails. Let’s look further into the Agile vs Waterfall debate, shall we?

Football players representing Agile vs Waterfall idea
Image by Nathan Shively on Unsplash

Considering the number of product and project development methods that are employed in business today, it certainly takes good acumen and understanding of each approach to choosing the best method for your projects. While each approach has its individual advantages and disadvantages, and some are best suited for specific projects, the aim of all project management methodologies is to aid your team’s work processes and streamline the completion of projects.

Agile vs. Waterfall: Key Differences

  • Process structure
  • Customer involvement
  • Team collaboration
  • Flexibility to change
  • Time frame
  • Budget

One of the most notable differences between the Agile methodology and the Waterfall methodology is the level of flexibility involved in each. Where Agile prides itself on being an approach that is flexible and continuously evolving, Waterfall is known to be more rigid and stricter in terms of process structure.

So, which approach would work best for you and your team when it comes to Agile vs Waterfall project management?

Agile Methodology

The Agile methodology is a type of project management process that is mainly used for software development, where requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams and their customers. It is also gaining traction in other industries due to its flexibility and adaptiveness, as well as its focus on collaboration, continuous improvement, and high-quality results.

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Emerging from the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto, it was created as a response to the shortfalls of the Waterfall method. Developers realized they needed something different to the linear, sequential approach of the traditional Waterfall methodology in order to keep up with the improving and innovative culture of the constantly-developing software industry.

The Agile methodology principally is a mindset and a way of thinking rather than just a standard structure and process to follow in business. Agile uses six main deliverables to create the product and to track progress: 

  1. Product vision statement
  2. Product roadmap
  3. Product backlog
  4. Release plan
  5. Spring backlog
  6. Software increment 


Agile also uses visual tools such as a Kanban board and a burndown chart to help with the progress tracking and to keep within deadlines.

Agile vs Waterfall Zenkit diagram

Agile project management uses frameworks to develop and deliver a product. One of the most popular frameworks is Scrum. Scrum is heavily attached to Agile, but it’s important to note that while Scrum is Agile, Agile is not Scrum. The ideas behind the Agile methodology are implemented by using Scrum which aims to develop, deliver, and sustain complex products through collaboration, accountability, and iterative progress. 

Using this framework can influence a higher quality product as it encourages collaborative decision-making and constructive feedback from customers.

Agile projects encourage teamwork, self-organization, and accountability. Thus, Agile is an effective process for teams looking for an adaptable approach to product development. Due to the approach’s focus on conducting frequent inspection and adaptation cycles, Agile allows for rapid delivery of high-quality projects. It also provides teams with a solution to handle the common issues of project management such as cost, scope, and schedule.

Now, to aid you with your Agile vs Waterfall decision, here’s a list of pros and cons for you to peruse:

The Pros and Cons of the Agile Methodology


  • Customer feedback and involvement are prioritized throughout the entire process. The development process is often more user-focused, which means if you’re delivering a project your customer expects to be heavily involved in, then Agile may be the methodology for you. It’s a process that requires customer input and feedback not just at the beginning of the project, but throughout the entirety of the delivery.
  • Synchronized product testing and product building. Because testing starts from day one, this could result in a higher quality product. Through testing and the reviews conducted during each iteration, issues and defects can be identified and rectified as early as possible.
  • Agile is agile, embracing and encouraging flexibility and adaptability to change. The iterative and incremental structure of Agile makes it feasible for changes to be made throughout the development process. Items in the product backlog can be refined and rearranged with changes or new ideas planned for the next iteration.


  • Practicality and necessity of team and company commitment and collaboration. The most notable disadvantage of Agile is perhaps that while it is great in theory, it is actually harder to achieve in practice. Agile is a practice that requires full commitment from the right group of people who can work naturally and flawlessly together in order to deliver successfully.
  • Can be costly to implement. It is also a costly and time-consuming venture for companies who want to adopt this process of development for the first time – think about the resources and education required in order to fully train every employee in your company. It’s not unusual to not get it on the first go.
  • Teamwork is needed to make the dream work. Close working relationships are needed for Agile to truly work. This means that not only do the development team need to get along, but also everyone else involved in the project such as stakeholders and senior management. Having everyone in the same space and trying to harmonize all involved is not an impossible feat, however, will require a lot of time and effort. Using project management software such as Zenkit can help close the gap.

Waterfall Methodology

The Waterfall methodology is one of the more traditional project management methodologies. It is a linear, sequential design approach where progress flows downwards in one direction — like a waterfall. The methodology asserts that moving to the next phase of development can only happen after the current phase has been completed, and each phase must occur in the following order:

  1. System and software requirements
  2. Analysis
  3. Design
  4. Coding
  5. Testing
  6. Operations

Waterfall diagram for Agile vs Waterfall topic
By Peter Kemp / Paul Smith — Adapted from Paul Smith’s work at Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0,

The Waterfall methodology is a process known for its stringent process structure that leaves little room for design changes in the early stages of development. The reason for this is because the methodology stemmed from the manufacturing and construction industries, wherein any changes made to its structured physical environments would have resulted in exuberant costs. As an early attempt to provide structure, guidance, and regulation to the development of large and complex application systems, problem-solving using the Waterfall methodology improved processes by having clearly defined structures in place.

Another thing it is known for is its emphasis on documentation. Recording information is strongly promoted within the Waterfall methodology and seen as a byproduct of the development process, rather than an afterthought. This is due to the idea that human work should always be verified and prepared for unexpected modification. For example, if a worker was to leave during the development process, their replacement can start where they left off by familiarizing themselves with the information provided through the documentation.

Now to add the Waterfall pros and cons to the Agile vs Waterfall debate:

The Pros and Cons of Waterfall


  • The Waterfall methodology is great for measuring, analyzing, and tracking your project’s progress. Measuring progress can be easier with the Waterfall methodology as each stage of the development process has clearly defined start and end points, and because the full scope of work is known in advance. System and design requirements are defined at the beginning of the project, allowing for minimal resource wastage, and ensuring everyone involved is aware of the expectations.
  • Follow the instructions in order. Compared to other project management methodologies, Waterfall is a rather intuitive methodology with a structure that is simple to follow. All projects follow the six aforementioned phases in the subsequent manner, which makes it easier for first-timers to adopt. The emphasis on documentation also allows for newcomers to ease into the process.


  • Leaving everything until the last minute (or so it feels). The technical risk can be high, due to the fact that testing the product’s design or architecture happens towards the end of the development process. On top of that, because most changes don’t occur until the very late stages—if they happen at all—there may also be product risks.
  • Form over function. Speaking of changes, one of Waterfall’s biggest pitfalls is its rigidness towards changes in the development of the product and the process itself. It makes it almost impossible for new ideas to be included and can jeopardize customer satisfaction, as well as the quality of the final product.
  • Customer involvement is not a possibility with Waterfall. Unlike Agile, Waterfall does not require a huge deal of customer involvement. While this may not seem like a disadvantage to every client, there are certain industries where customer involvement such as providing feedback and clarifying requirements is an imperative factor of the project.

Agile vs Waterfall: And the Winner Is …?

As you can see, both methodologies have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Deciding which method truly is best for your projects wholly depends on the criteria and objective of your project. If you have high amounts of team collaboration and are constantly adapting your processes, then the Agile approach is for you. Alternatively, the Waterfall approach is the method for your project if documentation and clearly defined structures improve your project delivery.

If you still can’t decide between Agile vs Waterfall for your projects, here is a quick summary of the key differences between Agile vs Waterfall:

  • The Waterfall methodology is arguably best suited for large teams with big projects that have a maximum time frame of a year.
  • Employing Agile processes requires a flexible, adaptable, and agile-thinking team.
  • You’ll never lose data with the constant step-by-step documentation of your development process using Waterfall.
  • Agile is about quick turnovers, experimenting, and innovating throughout the project development.

Final Thoughts

So, to conclude the end of the Agile vs Waterfall debate, which methodology takes the cake?

The answer, of course, lies within the scope, requirements, and nature of your project. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all methodology, and both include features that are beneficial in their own right. Due to the flexible and adaptive nature of Agile, projects that would benefit from using it are ones that require a level of complexity and uncertainty, such as developing a product or service that hasn’t yet been built by the team. On the other side, projects that require maintaining stringent phases and deadlines, or projects that have been done various times over where chances of surprises during the development process are relatively low, should perhaps consider implementing the Waterfall methodology.

And, if neither Agile nor Waterfall works for you and your team, there are other project management methodologies that could be best suitedthere is more to the project management world than Agile vs Waterfall.

Don’t forget to let us know which methodology works best for you!


Dinnie and the Zenkit team

The post Agile vs Waterfall: The Best Methodology for Your Project appeared first on Zenkit.

Agile Methodology: An Overview Fri, 02 Mar 2018 14:59:10 +0000 No longer exclusive to the software industry, agile methodology can be implemented to any business venture that requires a non-linear plan of attack that also needs to value customer collaboration, effective teamwork, responsive changes, and of course, quality results.

The post Agile Methodology: An Overview appeared first on Zenkit.

What is Agile methodology?

Those who work in or near the industry are aware that the art of software development is unique and distinct from other types of engineering projects. It requires the care and attention of a team who are adaptable and flexible. Software development also needs a team that’s willing to respond quickly to changes and won’t bat so much as an eyelid at a client’s overnight demands. This is what the Agile development methodology is all about.

In this article, we’ll show you why agile management is so popular in project development.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn from this article:

  • How agile management compares to other popular management methods
  • Variations of agile management
  • Agile management principles and when to use it

According to Verison One’s State of Agile Report in 2020, Agile is here to stay. The principles and practices of Agile methodology have scaled cross-team and globally. Key takeaways from the report are:

  • “95% of respondents report their organizations practice Agile development methods.”
  • “81% of respondents said their organization has Agile teams where the members of the same team do not all work in the same location (i.e. not co-located).”
  • “71% of respondents said their organization practices Agile with multiple co-located teams collaborating across geographic boundaries.”

Agile Methodology Definition

What is Agile methodology? Agile methodology is a project management process that is primarily used in software development. It’s used where demands and solutions emerge through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams and their customers.

The Agile methodology is a collection of principles that value adaptability and flexibility. Agile aims to provide better responsiveness to changing business needs and therefore focuses on enabling teams to deliver in workable increments.

Agile methodology is a project management method that divides a project into iterative phases to make completion easier.

Stemming from the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto, it was created as a response to the inadequacies of traditional development methods such as the Waterfall method. The software industry is a highly competitive market due to the fact that software is something that can be continuously updated. This means that developers need to constantly improve and innovate their products to keep on top of the game—and the linear, sequential approach of the Waterfall method just wasn’t cutting it.

Agile vs Waterfall Methodology

The agile vs waterfall methodology debate demonstrates that the two project management methodologies are polar opposites. The use of Agile and waterfall methodology largely depends on the project expectations, deliverables, and project owner vision.

The agile methodology in software development, for example, is extremely adaptable. Teams can respond quickly to project changes and customer needs. The structure of the Waterfall methodology, on the other hand, is more rigid.

Agile is ideal for software development as a project can take years to complete. As such, technology will often evolve rapidly during this time. Therefore, Agile methodology is a useful project management method due to allowing for changes in direction to be incorporated even late in the process. This flexibility also benefits the software development team by accounting for continuous stakeholder feedback.

In addition, in Agile, the team will work on project phases concurrently, frequently with tight deadlines. The team, rather than a project manager, determines the project’s direction. While this can motivate and boost overall productivity, it does require the team to be more self-directed.

Waterfall methodology, on the other hand, is a linear form of project management. It’s best suited for projects where the end result is clear from the start. The project’s expectations and deliverables for each stage should be clearly defined. This is because they are required to move on to the next phase. Waterfall methodology, for example, is a good system to follow if a project owner has a clear and specific vision of an app that will not change during project development.

The waterfall project management methodology is linear in nature. It’s perfect for projects with clearly defined expectations and deliverables.

Meanwhile, Agile allows for a lot of flexibility in adapting and changing course as the project progresses. It is better suited for projects where the outcome may need additional research or testing.

The budget for projects using Waterfall methodologies is also less flexible because the project is planned from the start. Because Agile allows for more flexibility in project direction as it progresses, the budget is also subject to change. Similarly, the Waterfall timeline is fixed from the start, whereas the Agile timeline is more flexible and dependent on how the project develops.

A Brief History of Agile Software Development

In the 1990s, software development faced a bit of a crisis. Referred to as ‘the application development crisis’ or ‘application delivery lag’, the industry realized that it couldn’t move fast enough to meet customer demands and requirements—the estimated time between a business need and actual application was about three years. See, traditional development models were based on a timeline approach, where development happened sequentially and the final product wasn’t revealed to customers until the very final step. This left little room for flexibility when it came to progress reviews and changes. So, by the time an actual application was finished, it was highly likely that the requirements and systems of the project’s original objectives had changed.

With time, money, and efforts wasted, and even some projects canceled halfway through, professional leaders of the software community thought it was time for a new, refreshed approach. Then in 2001, in a snowy, ski lodge in Utah, a group of industry practitioners gathered to discuss industry practices. Though the meeting was set up with a primary focus on the discussion of development cycles, some participants were already entertaining the idea of a new software development method. They all yearned to cement a process that legitimized what was being practiced, and so, came the creation of the Agile Manifesto.

What Is the Agile Manifesto?

The Agile Manifesto is a declaration of the values and principles expressed in Agile methodology. Made up of four foundational values and 12 key principles, it aims to help uncover better ways of developing software by providing a clear and measurable structure that promotes iterative development, team collaboration, and change recognition.

The values and principles of the ‘Manifesto for Agile Software Development’ are:

Agile Manifesto Values:

    1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
    2. Working software over comprehensive documentation
    3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
    4. Responding to change over following a plan

Agile Manifesto Principles:

    1. Customer satisfaction through early and continuous software delivery 
    2. Accommodate changing requirements throughout the development process
    3. Frequent delivery of working software
    4. Collaboration between the business stakeholders and developers throughout the project
    5. Support, trust, and motivate the people involved
    6. Enable face-to-face interactions
    7. Working software is the primary measure of progress
    8. Agile processes to support a consistent development pace
    9. Attention to technical detail and design enhances agility
    10. Simplicity
    11. Self-organizing teams encourage great architectures, requirements, and designs
    12. Regular reflections on how to become more effective

Those who apply any type of Agile methodology adhere to these values and principles. The manifesto offers a good overview of what is expected when it comes to the Agile development life cycle practices.

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What Is Agile Project Management?

Agile project management is a methodology that is commonly used to deliver complex projects due to its adaptiveness. It emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, continuous improvement, and high-quality results. It aims to be clear and measurable by using six main deliverables to track progress and create the product. 

Agile Methodology Steps

These are the deliverables found in agile project management:

    1. Product vision statement: A summary that articulates the goals for the product.
    2. Product roadmap: The high-level view of the requirements needed to achieve the product vision.
    3. Product backlog: Ordered by priority, this is the full list of what is needed for your project.
    4. Release plan: A timetable for the release of a working product.
    5. Sprint backlog: The user stories (requirements), goals, and tasks linked to the current sprint.
    6. Increment: The working product functionality that is presented to the stakeholders at the end of the sprint and could potentially be given to the customer.
Zenkit's Agile methodology diagram

There are various frameworks within Agile project management that can be used to develop and deliver a product or service. Each framework highlights a specific approach and focuses on a determined outcome. Depending on the requested outcome, the particular approach of Agile is chosen and applied. While they each have their own set of characteristics and terminology, they share common principles and practices. 

Two of the most popular ones that support the Agile development life cycle are Scrum and Kanban.

Agile Scrum Methodology

Scrum is an Agile framework that is used to implement the ideas behind Agile software development. It is the most popular Agile framework used in companies. Created by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber (who were also part of the 13 individuals who cemented the Agile Manifesto), it comprises five values: commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect. Its goal is to develop, deliver, and sustain complex products through collaboration, accountability, and iterative progress.

What distinguishes Scrum from other Agile methodologies are the roles, events, and artifacts that it is made up of, and with which it operates. Here’s what they are:

Scrum Team Roles

  • Product owner: Product expert who represents the stakeholders, and is the voice of the customer.
  • Development team: Group of professionals who deliver the product (developers, programmers, designers). 
  • Scrum master: Organized servant-leader who ensures the understanding and execution of Scrum is followed. 

Scrum Events

  • Sprint: In Scrum, a sprint is a brief period of time during which a development team works to complete specific tasks, milestones, or deliverables. Sprints in agile methodology, also known as “iterations,” essentially divide the project schedule into digestible time blocks during which smaller goals can be achieved. The time frame does not exceed one calendar month and is consistent throughout the development process.
  • Sprint planning: Where the entire Scrum team gets together—at the beginning of every Sprint—to plan the upcoming sprint.
  • Daily Scrum: 15-minute time-boxed meeting held at the same time, every day of the Sprint, where the previous day’s achievements are discussed, as well as the expectations for the following one.
  • Sprint review: An informal meeting held at the end of every Sprint where the Scrum team presents their Increment to the stakeholders and discusses feedback.
  • Sprint retrospective: A meeting where the Scrum team reflects on the proceedings of the previous Sprint and establishes improvements for the next Sprint.

Scrum Artifacts

  • Product backlog: Managed by the Product Owner, it’s where all the requirements needed for a viable product are listed in order of priority. Includes features, functions, requirements, enhancements, and fixes that authorize any changes to be made to the product in future releases.
  • Sprint backlog: A list of the tasks and requirements that need to be accomplished during the next Sprint. Sometimes accompanied by a Scrum task board, which is used to visualize the progress of the tasks in the current Sprint, and any changes that are made in a ‘To Do, Doing, and Done’ format.


Kanban is a highly visual method popularly used within Agile project management. It paints a picture of the workflow process, with an aim to identify any bottlenecks early on in the process so that a higher quality product or service is delivered.

Kanban agile methodology has six general practices:

    1. Visualization
    2. Limiting work in progress
    3. Flow management
    4. Making policies explicit
    5. Using feedback loops
    6. Collaborative or experimental evolution

A concept that was developed in the production line of Toyota factories in the 1940s, Kanban achieves efficiency through visual cues to signal certain stages of the development process. The said cues are a Kanban board, Kanban cards, and sometimes even Kanban swimlanes.

  • Kanban board: A visual management tool used to visualize the development process. It can be either physical (a whiteboard, sticky notes, and markers) or virtual (like Zenkit’s online project management tool), and can be used for personal productivity, as well as professional use.
  • Kanban cards: Cards that depict a work item/task in the work process. Used to communicate progress with your team, it represents information such as status, cycle time, and impending deadlines.
  • Kanban swimlanes: A visual element on the board that allows you to further distinguish tasks/items by categorizing them. Flowing horizontally, it offers distinction and provides a better overview of the workflow.
Kanban board: an Agile methodology tool

What Is Lean Agile Methodology?

The lean agile methodology is a development method that assists teams in identifying waste and refining processes. It’s a way of thinking that promotes efficiency, effectiveness, and continuous improvement.

The agile lean methodology identifies waste with the aim of making projects run more efficiently.

Lean agile, also known as lean software development, is based on lean manufacturing principles. Instead of relying solely on increased sales, the concept was introduced into manufacturing to improve profits by lowering costs. A company can save money by eliminating waste and becoming more efficient, which increases overall profits.

The Benefits of Lean Agile

  • Less time is wasted
  • Reduced costs
  • Improved quality of work

Lean Agile Principles

Lean agile methodology has 5 core principles:

  • Identify Value
  • Map the Value Stream
  • Create Flow
  • Establish a Pull System
  • Seek Perfection

Other Agile Development Life Cycle Approaches

Below you can find other important types of agile methodology that can easily be overlooked. Other agile methodology examples include:

Extreme Programming (XP)

XP is based on the five values of communication, simplicity, feedback, courage, and respect. XP is a framework that aims to produce a higher quality of life for the development team, as well as a higher quality product, through a collection of engineering practices. These practices are:

  • The Planning Game
  • Small Releases
  • Metaphor
  • Simple Design
  • Testing
  • Refactoring
  • Pair Programming
  • Collective Ownership
  • Continuous Integration
  • 40-hour week
  • On-site Customer
  • Coding Standard


Crystal comprises a family of Agile methodologies that include Crystal Clear, Crystal Yellow, and Crystal Orange. Their unique characteristics are guided by factors such as team size, system criticality, and project priorities. Key components include teamwork, communication, and simplicity, as well as reflection to regularly adjust and improve the development process. This Agile framework points out how each project may require a tailored set of policies, practices, and processes to meet the project’s specific characteristics.

Crystal is a family of Agile methodologies with a few guiding factors and key components, including teamwork and communication.

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

DSDM is an Agile methodology example that focuses on the full project lifecycle. It was created in 1994 after users of Rapid Application Development (RAD) wanted more governance and discipline in this iterative way of working. Based on eight principles, its philosophy is ‘that any project must be aligned to clearly defined strategic goals and focus upon early delivery of real benefits to the business.’ 

It promotes the use of the following practices so that it can offer best practice guidance for on-time, on-budget delivery of projects:

  • Facilitated Workshops
  • Modeling and Iterative Development
  • MoSCoW Prioritisation
  • Timeboxing

DSDM is designed to be independent of and can be implemented in conjunction with, other iterative methodologies.

Feature-Driven Development (FDD)

FDD is a lightweight iterative and incremental software development process. With an objective to deliver tangible, working software in a timely manner, it is an Agile methodology that entails specific, very short phases of work, which are to be accomplished separately per feature.

Its development process is established on a set of best practices with a client-value aim. The eight best practices are:

    1. Domain Object Modeling
    2. Developing by Feature
    3. Component/Class Ownership
    4. Feature Teams
    5. Inspections
    6. Configuration Management
    7. Regular Builds
    8. Visibility of progress and results

Agile Methodology Best Practices

It’s always handy to know how to do things best. Here are seven things you and your team should be doing when implementing any type of Agile methodology:

Customer Collaboration

Customer collaboration is a vital part of Agile methodology one of the core values stated in the Agile Manifesto. Through consistent communication with the development team, the customer should always be aware of the progress, and the combined effort will result in a higher-quality product.

User Stories

A tool used to explain a software feature from an end-user perspective, the purpose of a User Story is to create a simplified description of a requirement. It helps to picture the type of user of the product, what they want, and the reason(s) for it. A common User Story format that is used is:

As a [role], I want [feature], because [reason].

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) involves keeping the code up to date by producing a clean build of the system a few times per day. With a rule stating that programmers never leave anything unintegrated at the end of the day, it enables the delivery of a product version suitable for release at any moment. What CI seeks to do is to minimize the time and effort required by each integration.

Automated Tests

Performing automated tests keeps the team informed about which of the code changes are acceptable, and whether or not a function is working as planned. Regression tests are run automatically before work starts.

Pair Programming

Programming in pairs aims to enhance better designs, fewer bugs, and a sharing of knowledge across the development team. One of the least-embraced Agile programmer practices, involves one programmer ‘driving’ (operating the keyboard), while the other ‘navigates’ (watches, learns, provides feedback). The roles can be rotated.

Test-Driven Development (TDD)

TDD aims to foster simple designs and inspire confidence. Instead of a process where software is added, that is not proven to meet requirements, it is a method based on the repetition of a very short development cycle where requirements are turned into test cases, and then the software is improved to pass the new tests.

Burndown Charts

A burndown chart is a graphical representation of the work that is left to do versus the time you have to do it. Using one as part of your Agile project management plan enables you to forecast when all the work will be completed. A detailed burndown chart will also include the number of User Stories per unit of time.

Final Thoughts

Agile methodology is an effective process for teams looking for a flexible approach to product development. No longer exclusive to the software industry, it can be implemented in any business venture that requires a non-linear plan of attack that also needs to value customer collaboration, effective teamwork, responsive changes, and of course, quality results.

How has agile methodology improved your team’s way of working? Don’t forget to share your tips with us!

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