{"id":14316,"date":"2018-07-12T13:24:29","date_gmt":"2018-07-12T11:24:29","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/?p=14316"},"modified":"2023-02-06T10:32:35","modified_gmt":"2023-02-06T09:32:35","slug":"create-a-cost-effective-crm-in-zenkit","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/en\/blog\/create-a-cost-effective-crm-in-zenkit\/","title":{"rendered":"Create a Cost-Effective CRM in Zenkit"},"content":{"rendered":"


CRMs are an important tool for every business. But we understand that not every business can afford to splurge on their systems. Here\u2019s how you can create a cost-effective CRM using Zenkit\u2019s templates<\/a>.<\/p>\n


CRM<\/a>\u00a0stands for customer relationship management and it refers to the tools and practices that are used to manage customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. The purpose of CRM is to fuel business development by improving existing customer relationships, establishing new ones, and even trying to win back former customers.<\/p>\n


The Importance of CRM<\/strong><\/h2>\n

It\u2019s a no-brainer that customers are at the core of your company\u2019s success. Without them, there is no revenue, and without revenue\u2026 you kind of don\u2019t have a business. Here\u2019s how a CRM can benefit your business:<\/p>\n

Monitor Customer Interactions<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Having a CRM strategy in place allows you to track and analyze information relating to your customers. There is a fine line between ignoring your customers and bombarding them, and being able to track interactions will make all communication a smoother experience.<\/p>\n

Uncover Potential<\/strong><\/h3>\n

A CRM\u2019s goal is to not only manage existing relationships, but to also generate new leads, and possibly win back former customers. With a CRM strategy and system in place, you may have a better chance of targeting the right people at the right time.<\/p>\n

Store and Organise Data<\/strong><\/h3>\n

We live in a world where data is worth its weight in gold (make sure you are\u00a0dealing with it properly!<\/a>) and when you have such precious data, you need a nice place to store it. Using a CRM tool can provide you with a single customer view that\u2019ll make analyzing behaviours and interactions an easier thing to do.<\/p>\n

Customer Relationship Management Tools<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Designed to assist in customer retention and drive sales growth, a CRM tool is essentially a platform that allows you to manage your contact and communication with existing and potential customers.<\/p>\n

There are a plethora of CRM tools<\/a> available on the market that come with various bells and whistles to suit any and every business\u2019s needs. The tool that a fully-fledged corporate enterprise uses would presumably look quite different to that of a startup\u2019s or a freelancer\u2019s.<\/p>\n

What you essentially want from a tool, however, is one that can track the activity of customer interactions, monitor deals, manage resources, and store and organize contacts.<\/p>\n


How to Create a CRM with Zenkit<\/strong><\/h2>\n

We get it, not everyone can afford to splurge on their CRM system. The good news for businesses who have to tighten their purse strings is that your\u00a0favourite project management tool<\/a>\u00a0can be used to create a CRM system at absolutely no extra cost! Here\u2019s how:<\/p>\n

Deal Tracker<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Step 1:<\/strong>\u00a0Create a new collection and select the\u00a0spreadsheet<\/strong>\u00a0option. Label it \u2018Deal Tracker\u2019 and hit the create button.<\/p>\n


Step 2:<\/strong> The layout of how a business tracks its deals may vary from each company. However, here are the 13 fields we\u2019ve gone for:<\/p>\n