
Zenkit as a Coda.io Alternative

Coda.io is a cloud-based multi-user document editor.

With Zenkit Base, we created an online project management and digitalization solution to help teams as their projects grow and evolve. We believe in the power of a solid framework that allows you to concentrate on completing tasks. That is why we offer unlimited support in your workflow, providing you with a structure that you can still customize to your liking. If you’re looking for a more robust alternative to Coda.io, check out Zenkit Base!

Data Views Coda.io Zenkit Base
Calendar View
Gantt Chart
Hierarchical List View
Kanban View
List View
Mindmap View
Spreadsheet View
Wiki View
Task Management Coda.io Zenkit Base
Active Development
Activity Feed
Bulk Actions
Comments & Mentions
Custom Fields
Customizable Templates
Dark Mode
Delegation Feature
Due Dates
Duplicate Feature
Email to Zenkit
Field Aggregations
File Attachment (e.g. text & image)
Formulas & Aggregations
Free Plan
Global Search Feature
List grouping in folders
My Calendar View
My Favorites View
My Team View
Offline Access
Offline Editing
Progress Bar
Progress Indicator Bar
Progress Reports
Published API
Push Notifications
Real-time Editing
Real-time Updates
Recurring Tasks
Relational Database
Support Options
Sync to Calendar
Task Assignment
Task Sharing
Teamwork Features
User Roles
View Switching
Workflow Switching
Workload Monitoring (per user)
Zenkit Suite Coda.io Zenkit Base
Dedicated To Do App
Dedicated Chat App
Dedicated Note App
Dedicated Digital Transformation Platform
Dedicated Form App
Technology & Data Protection Coda.io Zenkit Base
Technology SaaS SaaS
Two-factor Authentication
GDPR Compliant
Platforms iOS, Android and Web Browser iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux Apps and Web Browser
Hosted in Germany

Pros Coda.io

  • High flexibility
  • Great templates
  • Easy-to-understand tutorials

Cons Coda.io

  • Steep learning curve
  • Certain skills are required to use more advanced features
  • Hard to handle big amounts of data

Pros Zenkit Base

  • Data views can be changed with one click
  • Intuitive functions and apps
  • Strong focus on team collaboration

Disclaimer: All registered trademarks, company names and brand names used on this website are the property of their respective owners. Zenkit has no affiliation with any other products mentioned on this page. Data on features are taken directly from related web sites and marketing materials as of October 2022. Information and features are subject to change. To report corrections, please contact us.