{"id":86812,"date":"2023-01-18T10:07:16","date_gmt":"2023-01-18T09:07:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/?p=86812"},"modified":"2023-07-21T11:26:47","modified_gmt":"2023-07-21T09:26:47","slug":"5-technologies-changing-the-mental-health-crisis-at-work","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/en\/blog\/5-technologies-changing-the-mental-health-crisis-at-work\/","title":{"rendered":"5 Technologies Changing the Mental Health Crisis at Work"},"content":{"rendered":"


Stress and associated issues are a huge problem for businesses and individuals, and many business leaders feel at a loss when trying to address it.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

While there\u2019s no magic bullet to solve all kinds of workplace stress, modern technology has a wide range of tools and solutions that can be leveraged to improve mental health in the workplace.<\/strong><\/p>\n

In this post, we\u2019ll take a closer look at how workplace stress can affect a business, and list 5 technologies that can lead to better stress management, and a happier, more cohesive, and more productive<\/a> company culture.<\/strong><\/p>\n


How Stress Can Hurt your Business<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Stress is one of the biggest challenges that companies, large and small, face in the modern business arena.<\/span><\/p>\n

Aside from the human cost to individual employees, unmanaged stress can have a huge negative effect on how the larger organisation strategies and tackles projects, placing a cap on the business\u2019s bottom line. Though workplace stress is often seen as a nebulous and vague issue, businesses must treat it the same way as any other threat to productivity, and tackle it with all the resources at their disposal.<\/span><\/p>\n


Here are some of the ways stress can affect your business:<\/span><\/p>\n

1. It Harms Productivity<\/strong><\/h3>\n

The biggest way that unmanaged stress can hurt the larger business is by reducing productivity, often compounded by a pervasive sense that employees can\u2019t speak up when they\u2019re feeling too stressed to face work.<\/span><\/p>\n

Presenteeism, where employees show up to work despite feeling too ill or stressed to perform, has been shown to cost the economies of nations <\/span>untold billions<\/span><\/a> in lost growth. Though it may be hard to quantify, a culture of presenteeism at your business could be having a similarly detrimental effect on its potential to expand and succeed.<\/span><\/p>\n

When employees are made to perform at work under the burden of prolonged stress, it can quickly begin to <\/span>harm productivity<\/span><\/a>, impair judgement, and make it harder for employees to solve the problems they\u2019ll need to tackle in a typical working week. When stress is widespread enough, this can easily hurt the overall productivity of the organisation at large.<\/span><\/p>\n


2. It Causes Absenteeism<\/strong><\/h3>\n

On the flip side, excessive workplace stress can also make absenteeism more frequent and pervasive. This limits the available resources of a company over a given period and causes a subtle, sometimes severe, decline in productivity.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

When employees are burdened with so much stress that it overrules the sense of responsibility they have for their job, it\u2019s a common response to take unscheduled days off. They begin calling in sick or making excuses for sudden absences.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Absenteeism will not only deplete the available manpower of a company over a given period, but it <\/span>can also burden those who <\/span>do<\/span><\/i> show up to work. Depending on the tasks, they can be redistributed to those who are at work to make up for this loss in manpower. <\/span>This, in turn, will compound the total stress at the workplace and exacerbate company-wide issues that can harm the organisation\u2019s bottom line.<\/span><\/p>\n


3. It Raises Turnover and Recruitment Costs<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Unchecked stress and lower job satisfaction have long been <\/span>associated with higher employee turnover<\/span><\/a>, and with an increasingly educated global population, burnout<\/a> is becoming a more acceptable reason to leave a company in search of a healthier and more manageable working environment.<\/span><\/p>\n


In the same vein, employee turnover exacerbated by stress means that business leaders have to spend more time patching up the holes in their organisational structure, increasing the cost of recruitment and compounding stress as workers are forced to drop their other responsibilities and manage recruitment drives.<\/span><\/p>\n


4. It Grinds Down Employee Health<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Historically, stress has been viewed as an exclusively mental and emotional issue that mental and emotional solutions can only remedy. However, society is increasingly recognising that stress can grind down a person\u2019s physical well-being as well.<\/span><\/p>\n

In severe cases, stress can manifest itself in physical symptoms such as frequent headaches, chest pains, poor immune system performance, and gastrointestinal issues. These kinds of illnesses in and of themselves can quickly compound the severity of stress, leading to a generally unhappy, unhealthy workforce.<\/span><\/p>\n

With around <\/span>77% of people<\/span><\/a> reporting stress that negatively affects their physical health, this aspect of stress is something that no business can afford to ignore unless it\u2019s able to operate on a perpetually sickly workforce.<\/span><\/p>\n


5 Technologies Changing How We Deal with the Mental Health Crisis at Work<\/strong><\/h2>\n


Here are 5 technologies that are changing how organisations tackle the mental health crisis at work.<\/span><\/p>\n

1. Project Management Software<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Project management software <\/span>can make all the difference in a business that\u2019s being overwhelmed by pervasive stress, helping to mitigate or remove common sources of stress by making scheduling, collaboration, file sharing, and countless other processes that much easier.<\/span><\/p>\n

Though <\/span>project management software<\/span> is great for de-stressing the more junior, \u201cfrontline\u201d teams at your company, software suites can also make the stresses of work easier to control for the management at your company, with purpose-built features for quick and effective task delegation, and customisable views to check on the progress of projects and tasks.<\/span><\/p>\n

A good project management platform can be a major boon to an organisation\u2019s productivity even if they\u2019re not struggling with stress at all, so equipping your business with this kind of tech is a no-brainer!<\/span><\/p>\n\r\n