{"id":85420,"date":"2022-12-08T10:05:39","date_gmt":"2022-12-08T09:05:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/?p=85420"},"modified":"2023-07-24T12:48:20","modified_gmt":"2023-07-24T10:48:20","slug":"lead-nurturing-your-business-with-a-successful-workflow","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/en\/blog\/lead-nurturing-your-business-with-a-successful-workflow\/","title":{"rendered":"Lead Nurturing Your Business with a Successful Workflow"},"content":{"rendered":"


People who interact with your brand and show interest in your offer are called leads. Unfortunately, most of them aren\u2019t ready to make a purchase yet.<\/strong><\/p>\n

So, you need to do two things: first, you need to prevent them from falling out of your marketing funnel, and second, you need to turn them into paying customers.<\/strong><\/p>\n

To achieve these goals, you need to nurture the leads. Lead nurturing is the process of providing engaging content to prospective clients at each stage of the sales funnel. It develops and reinforces relationships with buyers at different sales pipeline stages.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

A successful lead nurturing program should focus on listening to prospects\u2019 needs and providing them with the right information at the right time. This process is essential because it allows the brand to build trust and, most importantly \u2013 maintain a connection until prospects are ready to purchase.<\/strong><\/p>\n

In this article, you\u2019ll learn how to create a successful lead-nurturing strategy to boost sales right away. Let\u2019s dive in.<\/strong><\/p>\n


Collect Useful Data About Target Buyers<\/strong><\/h2>\n

To create an efficient lead nurturing strategy, you first need to know your audience. Analyzing customer data is an effective way to identify leads and customize marketing messaging.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

The data helps businesses understand their customer\u2019s shopping habits and online behavior. Some of this behavior includes how they interact with your business and what content they respond to best.<\/span><\/p>\n

You can use various tools to collect this data, but Google Analytics is probably the most popular option. You can also <\/span>create forms<\/span><\/a> and encourage people to fill them out, for example, when they\u2019re signing up for your newsletter<\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\n

Collecting data is a great way to understand your client and market needs. In doing so, you can improve your service.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

The most valuable data to collect is the information that enables you to segment leads into the right groups. For example, when you observe there is a group of people that converts better, you can focus your lead nurturing efforts on this group.<\/span><\/p>\n

You should consider whether these people have something in common, for example, location or number of visits to your home page. This way, you can group these leads and label them to benefit your future marketing actions.<\/span><\/p>\n

It also helps to prioritize the leads you grouped. To do that, you can use the method called lead scoring. It\u2019s a way of ranking prospects on a scale representing the value they can bring to the business. You assign numeric values to certain website browsing behaviors, conversion events, or social media interactions. The resulting score can help you determine which leads are ready to go into the sales process and which leads need to be nurtured more.<\/span><\/p>\n

Collecting data and organizing it properly<\/a> can significantly help manage marketing actions. It can be used to make more personalized messaging and automate marketing processes.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

In the long run, collecting data can help you better track marketing parameters, such as <\/span>SEO results<\/span><\/a> and social media reach. With this knowledge, you can better plan your lead nurturing campaigns in the future.<\/span><\/p>\n


Align Your Sales and Marketing Teams<\/strong><\/h2>\n

There are two types of leads you need to know \u2013 marketing-qualified leads and sales-qualified leads. These two groups of people need different communication methods from different sources.<\/span><\/p>\n

A marketing-qualified lead is someone who just got to know your product and needs a little more communication to be persuaded. They are the ones that are sent into the lead nurturing process. A sales-qualified lead is a prospective customer interested in the product and ready to talk to a <\/span>sales team<\/span><\/a>.<\/span><\/p>\n

Evaluating your leads and passing them through to the sales team at the right time is crucial for keeping them in the sales cycle. To do that, both teams must understand your brand\u2019s definition of a lead.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Unfortunately, only 49% of sales and marketing teams have a standard definition of a lead, as examined by a <\/span>Gartner study<\/span><\/a>.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Gartner has shown that not everyone is aligned on the definition of “a lead”.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

This poses a threat of missing out on promising leads or wasting time on unqualified leads. Both teams should agree on what makes a marketing-qualified lead and a sales-qualified lead and prioritize the accounts to pursue. When all these aspects are clarified, there will be no room for misinterpretation.<\/span><\/p>\n

If you want to keep the leads in the sales cycle, you also need impeccable communication<\/a> between the sales and marketing teams and a clear division of responsibilities. To support that, it would be helpful to use software such as a project management tool or <\/span>unified communications as a service<\/span><\/a> platform.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n\r\n