Comments on: World, Meet Zenkit To Do Zenkit Tagline Wed, 12 Oct 2022 08:40:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Siobhan O'Rorke Mon, 12 Apr 2021 07:59:28 +0000 In reply to Marco Schneider.

.json import will be built in when we build the .json export. The team will come up with a way to make it a relatively simple process, don’t worry!

By: Marco Schneider Sun, 04 Apr 2021 10:35:01 +0000 …and how would I reimport such a .json file just in case I needed it?
Thanks in advance.

By: Jessica Arcenas Mon, 08 Mar 2021 10:51:12 +0000 In reply to Rolando.

Hello Rolando,

I apologize for the inconvenience the lack of backup/export function has caused you and others. Without a .CSV export function for Zenkit To Do, I can offer you two workarounds. Since Zenkit To Do is part of the Zenkit Suite, you have the ability to connect your Zenkit To Do with Zenkit Base. From there all of your information and files currently stored in ZTD will appear in a collection in ZB. You are able to use the .CSV export function using ZB. Alternatively, if you would prefer to use a similar function to .JSON export function, you could use the API of ZTD to extract your files.

Our team is working on incorporating these functions for the various apps individually. Due to the nature of the Zenkit Suite, you can always connect the apps together to utilize a current missing function if needed. I’m sorry that I cannot provide you with a detailled timeline of when this update will be available.

Kind regards,

By: Jessica Arcenas Fri, 05 Mar 2021 10:47:09 +0000 In reply to Bernard Kerckenaere.

Hello Bernard,

We currently have import options for Wunderlist, MS To Do and Asana. I’m sorry to inform you that Remember the Milk isn’t part of the list. It is information that our development team will be working on in the future, but I am unable to promise you a particular date an import for RTM will be available. Thank you for your interest in the products of the Zenkit Suite nonetheless.


By: Rolando Sat, 27 Feb 2021 11:48:27 +0000 Hi there,
Is the backup/export function available yet? It’s been 9 months to almost a 1 year later when myself and many others commented on the missing Export/backup function but all I’ve seen in the meantime is hardly any updates at all on the mobile app and the desktop app the past year and both are still laggy and slow as hell….come on Zenkit this is ridiculous.

What is going on? You expect people to hop aboard but once in I can’t get out because I’m stuck now with all my data on a platform that doesn’t even have the ability to give a decent working app and a basic Export function in .JSON or .CSV ?? Emailing lists doesn’t do much now does it, how do I have to see that as a backup? Type/copy hundreds of tasks from an email when something goes wrong? It’s ridiculous! How long is this going to take? Please make this a prio!

By: Bernard Kerckenaere Fri, 26 Feb 2021 08:46:29 +0000 Hi, any chance of an import from remember the milk?

By: Rae Sat, 30 Jan 2021 21:36:40 +0000 In reply to Siobhan O’Rorke.

Oh fabulous! Just sent over more details in an email, appreciate your consideration!

By: Siobhan O'Rorke Fri, 08 Jan 2021 14:22:39 +0000 In reply to Rae Thomas.

Hi Rae,
Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! We’re so glad to hear that Zenkit To Do is filling that Wunderlist shaped hole in your life 🙂 How do you imagine the unfinished to-do notifications appearing? I’d be happy to create a feature request on your behalf, however the more detail the better! You can send a quick email to with your ideas and they’ll make sure our dev team are informed. Thanks!

By: Rae Thomas Thu, 07 Jan 2021 02:39:11 +0000 Hello!

I am so grateful for Zenkit To Do after Wunderlist jumped ship! Here’s the one thing i am truly missing though – Wunderlist used to have unfinished to-do’s show up as notification badges, im wondering if this could be added to Zenkit to do? It’s one of those features that really makes me get things done because i want that notiication badge gone by the end of the day! Thanks for considering, it truly would take To Do (for me) from good to an everyday lifesaver!

By: Jessica Arcenas Mon, 16 Nov 2020 10:45:25 +0000 In reply to George.

Hello George,
I apologize for the late reply. Thank you for your interest in using ZTD. If you are referring to the Excel export function, this is currently not available yet. Your current options include: email list, print list, and share link. I’ll check with our dev team if the export function is planned for the next update. Hope this helps!
