{"id":25807,"date":"2019-05-03T17:05:24","date_gmt":"2019-05-03T15:05:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/?p=25807"},"modified":"2023-02-03T11:54:30","modified_gmt":"2023-02-03T10:54:30","slug":"publish-share-and-embed-your-zenkit-collections","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/en\/blog\/publish-share-and-embed-your-zenkit-collections\/","title":{"rendered":"Publish, Share, and Embed Your Zenkit Collections"},"content":{"rendered":"


We’re excited to announce that you can now publish your Zenkit collections to share with anyone! Published collections can be shared via a link or embedded in your own site, and can be tweaked to show only what you want to share with others.<\/p>\n


Whether you’re publishing a timetable for your event, keeping a public list of stats on your fan page, sharing a mind map with your team, or presenting your project’s progress to clients, published collections will help you share your work with the world.<\/p>\n


How It Works<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Published collections allow you to share any number of views in a collection with anyone you like. You can share just one particular view with a filter applied, or you can allow users to switch between views, apply their own filters, and even switch between published collections inside a workspace.<\/p>\n

People with the link, or who can see your embedded collection, are only able to view the collection as a whole and click to open items. All viewers will have ‘Guest’ status, meaning that they will not be able to add, edit, or remove any items. They will also be unable to view collection or item activities, or comments on items.<\/p>\n


How to Publish a Collection<\/strong><\/h2>\n

To publish a collection, click on the collection name, then ‘Manage Add-ons’ then on ‘Add’ next to published collections. If you haven’t already, mark at least one of your views as ‘Public’, then click ‘Enable’ in the top right-hand corner.<\/p>\n


In the next window, you’ll be able to manage your link settings. In the top left, you’ll see a section called ‘URL Options’. This is where you can toggle on and off certain settings for the collection. The URL options are as follows:<\/p>\n

Show Filters:<\/strong> Show or hide the filter option. People will be able to use filters in the collection and public saved filters will appear in the filter list if this is enabled.
\nShow Collection Name:<\/strong> Show or hide the collection name.
\nAllow Switching Collections:<\/strong> If this is enabled and there are multiple published collections in a workspace, the viewer will be able to switch between different public collections via the workspace menu on the top left.
\nAllow Switching Views:<\/strong> This allows or prevents a user from switching views via the view menu in the top right-hand corner of the collection.
\nInitial View:<\/strong> This lets you choose which of the public views is displayed to the viewer when they first open the link or view the embedded collection.<\/p>\n

Underneath this, you’ll be able to get the URL or the embed code for the collection. Each URL is unique – if you change an option, it’ll generate a new URL. Creating a new URL simply means that you’ll be able to share the collection again with different settings, but it doesn’t make the old URL obsolete. This means you can share the collection in multiple ways with multiple people.\u00a0If you want to remove access to a published collection, you’ll have to disable the add-on.<\/p>\n

If I choose to share only a subset of the items in the collection and disable switching views & filters, the above collection looks so:<\/p>\n