Comments on: How to Write a User Manual Zenkit Tagline Wed, 01 Feb 2023 15:44:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dinnie Muslihat Tue, 10 Mar 2020 13:26:05 +0000 In reply to Jari Parantainen.

Hi Jari, cheers for the tip! I’ll forward it on to the team 🙂

By: Jari Parantainen Thu, 05 Mar 2020 06:57:29 +0000 Dear Dinnie,

Have your team ever considered expanding Zenkit to a kind of structured text processing tool for authors and other professionals who are struggling with complicated documents?

After all, you are pretty close already as you just described. Zenkit even has a simple markdown editor in place and all.

I know, it is easy to suggest all kinds of nice-to-have ideas. But on the other hand, it is kind of amazing that I can’t find for instance a single mind mapping tool integrated with any kind of simple word processor or authoring tool.

In practice, I have to maintain manually a separate mind maps (with whatever mindmap application).

I can’t connect the map with anything but some short text notes or snippets perhaps. It is mind-boggling that there never is any real-time two-way integration to documents or even paragraphs for that matter in any meaningful way.
If you update the title of a document, it won’t update even the title of a mind map bubble or vice versa.

Mind mapping applications and word processors seem to continue their lives isolated year after year. No proper hybrid of them is available as far as I know.

But as I mentioned, Zenkit is really close to being the first tool I could consider using as a serious writing tool instead of Ulysses or Scrivener for instance.
