Comments on: How to Set-Up GTD in Zenkit Zenkit Tagline Tue, 24 Jan 2023 10:01:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Siobhan O'Rorke Wed, 01 Apr 2020 08:40:22 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/how-to-set-up-gtd-in-zenkit/#comment-1203 In reply to Gleb.

That’s a great observation. I’m not sure how or when our team can address this, however I have sent your feedback to them so that we can consider it in the future 🙂

By: Gleb Fri, 13 Mar 2020 09:36:39 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/how-to-set-up-gtd-in-zenkit/#comment-1146 Great and simple

Although I don’t understand how this can be applied when working in a team.

Very often there is more than one person working on a single task. One would want to label the task as “someday”, another as “next action”. Until it becomes possible in Zenkit to create private labels (seen only by creator of the label), GTD is not possible when working in teams.

By: Siobhan O'Rorke Wed, 08 Jan 2020 13:08:30 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/how-to-set-up-gtd-in-zenkit/#comment-921 In reply to Anna.

Hi Anna! Great question. You can see when something was marked as done in the ‘activities’ section on each item, however there isn’t a filter that you can set for that kind of thing yet, I’m afraid. If marking something as ‘done’ is the last thing that you’ve done to it, then you could filter the collection for items marked done, then use the table view to sort the items by ‘last updated at’, with the most recently updated at the top. You can find the ‘last updated’ column by toggling it on in the ‘visible columns’ setting (top right hand corner).

By: Anna Mon, 06 Jan 2020 22:36:18 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/how-to-set-up-gtd-in-zenkit/#comment-920 Is there a way to see when something was marked “done” in Zenkit? I’d like to see, for example, all the tasks I completed in one day so I can fill out my timesheet. Can I filter for “marked done today” or on a specific date? I can see everything in my “done” folder, but its not necessarily in order by when it was marked “done” so I have to go in to every task and look at its activity, and I’m likely to miss a few because they’re just tossed in there…

By: Siobhan O'Rorke Tue, 30 Apr 2019 14:11:30 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/how-to-set-up-gtd-in-zenkit/#comment-207 In reply to Andreas.

Hello Andreas,
Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! I apologize for my very delayed response.
I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been able to implement your GTD workflow succesfully using Zenkit 🙂 I can see why you chose not to use the projects setup – to be honest I’m still playing around with different ways to manage it. Your idea about checklists makes a lot of sense! Being able to create a full item from a checklist item would be super awesome for this particular flow, too (have mentioned it to the team).
I’ll ask the guys about making My Favorites work offline. I’m sure we can get that sorted at some point!
Widgets for Android are on the to-do list, but I’ve got no idea when we’ll be able to implement them.
Thanks again!

By: Andreas Sat, 30 Mar 2019 10:34:32 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/how-to-set-up-gtd-in-zenkit/#comment-134 Discovering Zentkit and then the GTD-Template and this article was extremely helpful! I’ve always been struggling with getting GTD done and working with digital devices – especially with different devices with different operating systems (I assume in hell there is a lovely place where people have to sync their tasks and stuff with old PDAs …). Zenkit finally makes this possible. So thank you very much, Siobhan!

Concerning the projects, I tried your approach with a collection per projects but found it less intuitive for me since the individual project’s nexts steps weren’t visible in the GTD-collection. So I just add an item to the project list, put a short description/outline into the ref-field and add a checklist-field to the item where I collect possible next actions, if necessary. The actual next action then goes to the na-list and is checked on the checklist in the project-item if it was noted there.

One thing that would be a big step towards making the GTD-template work better is the possibility to have “My Favorites” work offline in mobile devices apps. It is pretty bothersome to be in a network dead zone (inside buildings, in remote areas, …) and not get your context on the screen. Maybe this will come soon – maybe with a widget for Android?

By: Siobhan O'Rorke Wed, 27 Feb 2019 11:09:31 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/how-to-set-up-gtd-in-zenkit/#comment-105 In reply to Andrew Coulson.

Hi Andrew,
Thank you so much for your comment! I apologize for my slow response to this.
1) No, I don’t add another reference field, I just copy the URL of the project collection and add it in the description field of the project’s card. If I added a reference field for each of the projects then my collection would get a bit too cluttered. If you don’t have many projects running, it may be a good solution for you, though! Its not possible to make the tasks in the project to appear in the GTD collection without moving or copying them. Personally I keep them in their respective project collections, then use My Favorites to view my next actions.
2) Context tags are part of the ‘My Favorites’ add-on. In that example I was using ‘My Favorites’ as a next-action list, because it can show items from multiple collections in one place. I just make sure that everything in my GTD collection next actions list has a context tag, and every next action in each project also has a context tag. That way every next action appears in My Favorites. When I’m done with a next action I mark it done and remove the context tag.
Hope that helped to clarify it a bit!

By: Andrew Coulson Fri, 08 Feb 2019 14:48:55 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/how-to-set-up-gtd-in-zenkit/#comment-84 I think this will do the trick for something I am trying to do, but I’m not following a couple of bits…
Under ‘Projects’ you say ‘I add the link to the project collection in the project item, so I can quickly navigate to it when I need to’. Do you mean you put a reference field in the item in the GTD collection that points to the project collection? Won’t that field then appear in all your GTD items? Having done that (the Reference) how do i get the tasks in the project to appear in the GTD Collection?
The other thing I struggled to follow was using context tags to include tasks from a project collection in the GTD next action list, although I suspect that might become clear once I make sense of the first.
Can you expand on these please?

By: Shiwali Tenner Fri, 25 Jan 2019 17:21:37 +0000 https://zenkit.comblog/how-to-set-up-gtd-in-zenkit/#comment-67 This post is pure gold. I finally have all my multiple projects in one place 🙂
