{"id":19746,"date":"2019-01-17T16:08:50","date_gmt":"2019-01-17T15:08:50","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/?p=19746"},"modified":"2023-02-06T13:33:26","modified_gmt":"2023-02-06T12:33:26","slug":"whats-new-in-zenkit","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/en\/blog\/whats-new-in-zenkit\/","title":{"rendered":"What’s New in Zenkit?"},"content":{"rendered":"


The new year is often a time to reflect, to re-prioritize, and resolve to be and to do better<\/a>. It brings with it a surge of motivation that inspires you to meet your goals faster. Here at Zenkit<\/a>, we’re no different. Our development team has been hard at work, not only on developing some of our upcoming features<\/a>, but also releasing a plethora of small updates that make using Zenkit just that little bit better…<\/p>\n



Default Text Type<\/strong><\/h2>\n

This one’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here! You can now set the default text editor type of any text field in your collection. This means that you no longer have to update each text field to Markdown or HTML individually. Once you pick your default type, it will instantly be applied to the field in all future and existing items.<\/p>\n

It’s super simple to update your text editor type:<\/p>\n