Comments on: The Eisenhower Matrix: A Task Prioritization Method Zenkit Tagline Fri, 27 Jan 2023 13:49:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jessica Arcenas Tue, 18 Aug 2020 07:20:17 +0000 In reply to Iulian Ionescu.

Hello Iulian,

Thank you for your feedback. I’m glad you found my article to be helpful. Hopefully we can all implement some of the best practice tips in order to practice better time management. Wishing you all the best!


By: Iulian Ionescu Mon, 17 Aug 2020 10:44:32 +0000 Thank you for this post, Jessica. I got here from your comment on my similar post. I think you did a great job of expanding the idea of prioritization through the matrix method. I love the clarity in this article and also the practical advice. Thank you!


By: Jessica Arcenas Fri, 24 Jul 2020 12:06:05 +0000 In reply to Angelika.

Hello Angelika,

I am glad that you found this article helpful. It is indeed a misconception that we believe every single thing is of importance, but by never eliminating any tasks, we ultimately clutter our inbox or to-do list with unnecessary information. I hope this article and your training has given you a boost and insight into how to practice better time management from now on. Wishing you all the best!


By: Jessica Arcenas Fri, 24 Jul 2020 12:02:14 +0000 In reply to Ana Elizabeth.

Hello Ana,

Thank you so much! Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Sometimes it’s good to go back to a simple framework that we might be using daily unknowingly. Visualizing your to-do’s also helps aid our aims to improve in time management. I hope the Eisenhower Matrix helps you prioritize what needs to get done. Good luck!


By: Angelika Fri, 24 Jul 2020 11:51:08 +0000 Great content, Jessica. Thanks for sharing! I recently joined a professional training on priority management and efficiency, in which this matrix was presented. It was kind of surprise for all of us, that „delete it“ was a legitimate option at work. Of course, we do not always complete every task. But if this option has a name within a matrix, people more likely make use of it, to focus on what really matters. A very useful model!

By: Ana Elizabeth Mon, 20 Jul 2020 08:06:23 +0000 Jessica,

I loved reading this article! I have struggled so much with managing my time and am willing to learn what I can to get better at it. Thanks so much for creating this extremely informative article that helps me learn about the Eisenhower matrix. Your writing style was clear and concise. It kept my interest. It makes me want to give the Eisenhower Matrix a try!!
