Comments on: Kanban vs Scrum Zenkit Tagline Tue, 18 Jul 2023 12:14:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dinnie Muslihat Thu, 19 Mar 2020 16:49:24 +0000 Hey Steve, great insight. Your question sounds like it should be answered as a whole new article! There’s a lot to discuss with it. I’ll add it to our editorial calendar and, who knows, maybe you’ll see it as a post sometime in the future. Thanks for your support 🙂

By: Steve Sun, 15 Mar 2020 17:24:58 +0000 Dinnie,
Great blog. I am so glad I found zenkit’s blog space. I’ve been using Zenkit for a while now for my personal Kanban. I have to admit, I’m not a pro at my own personal WIP limitation or even looking at cycle time, and breaking down work into like-sized chunks – and I consider myself a pretty knowledgeable and practiced agilist!
I recently ran a Kanban Method class for a client and learned a lot in my prep. I am curious on your thoughts about Scrumban and it being a good transition to Kanban from Scrum (If I read that right in the blog above). I always struggle with the concept of “Scrumban”. My belief is that the Kanban Method is one of the best ways to practice the “uncovering better ways” part of the Agile Manifesto and so practicing scrum with kanban is a highly effective way to continually tune a team or organizations practice of scrum.
This seems to be echoed by in their relatively recent publication of Scrum with Kanban materials and courses. The course description,, includes the phrase, “students will learn how additional practices from Kanban can be introduced into their Scrum Teams without changing Scrum.” Stating that Scrum and Kanban Method work well together ongoing, not just as a transition.
While the scrum guide doesn’t explicitly talk about Kanban, WiP, or cycle time. It does talk about measuring progress and continually “improving work processes”. It strikes me that the lean aspects of Kanban are likely the best ways to evaluate and improve cycle time and %Complete and Accurate metrics.
So I guess my real question is, do you feel that Kanban and Scrum should, as much as possible (or maybe always) be practiced together, ongoing? What are the benefits, risks, constraints and/or negatives to practicing both together?
