{"id":27810,"date":"2019-06-19T17:29:21","date_gmt":"2019-06-19T15:29:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/?p=27810"},"modified":"2023-02-02T13:47:35","modified_gmt":"2023-02-02T12:47:35","slug":"zenkit-for-web-developers","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/en\/blog\/zenkit-for-web-developers\/","title":{"rendered":"Zenkit for Web Developers"},"content":{"rendered":"


Zenkit is used by many types of teams working on projects ranging from building projects and app development to filmmaking, running charities, classrooms, and events. This week, we’re looking at how Zenkit can help web developers manage their projects and businesses.<\/p>\n



Zenkit for Web Developers<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Aside from the obvious benefits of using an online project management<\/a> tool in general, Zenkit is an excellent tool specifically for web developers. I spoke with Jesse and Lucas from our developer team about how they use Zenkit to build Zenkit and manage our website development.<\/p>\n

According to Jesse<\/a>, “As a web developer, using a tool like Zenkit is great because it relieves you of some of the cognitive load involved in a complex project. You might be working on multiple features or different versions of the same page in different code branches. By tracking the progress in Zenkit, you can think more about the actual work, rather than trying to remember which branch to check out for which version of the project.”<\/em><\/p>\n

For example, when designing a web page and preparing multiple alternatives, the Zenkit items related to that project may hold screenshots of the page, the branch name, a checklist on what’s still to do, and maybe even comments by the customer.<\/p>\n

Lucas suggested several concrete ways you can integrate Zenkit<\/a> with the tools you already use. For example, a GitHub integration via Zapier<\/a> can help you automatically create Pull Requests from items, or mark items as ‘Done’ when a pull request is merged with the main branch.<\/p>\n

Additionally, you can create separate collections to cover different aspects of your business. Sure, web development projects are the obvious use case, but Zenkit is also a great tool to manage your client database, and documents needed for work, calculate invoices or timesheets, and much more.<\/p>\n


3 Key Reasons to Use Zenkit as a Project Management Tool<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Although this week’s blog focuses on web development, these three key reasons to use Zenkit extend to all project types and teams.<\/p>\n

  1. \n
    1. Clarity – get things out of your head and into a single source of truth that helps you plan and track your projects as they progress, regardless of how complex they get!<\/li>\n
    2. Flexibility – match the workflows that you and your team already use. From scrum<\/a> and Agile project management<\/a>\u00a0to GTD<\/a> or simple list-making, tools like Zenkit support a range of work styles.<\/li>\n
    3. Collaboration – work with your team, wherever they’re based. From small teams to large organizations, Zenkit helps you share resources, assign responsibility, and track all activities and comments in one place.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

      Regardless of the type of project you and your team are working on, Zenkit can help you to cut down on the busy work involved in running your project so that you can focus on the project tasks<\/a> themselves. There’s nothing worse than trying to get some work done than having to put it aside because you’re missing an important document or need to trawl through your inbox for the latest feedback from your client!<\/p>\n
