News Archives | Zenkit Zenkit Tagline Wed, 09 Aug 2023 13:04:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News Archives | Zenkit 32 32 How Our Most Recent Software Updates Increase Your Productivity Thu, 29 Jun 2023 08:11:49 +0000 In the ever-changing world of project management, staying ahead of the curve is critical to ensuring smooth workflows and efficient collaboration. We are thrilled to share the most recent Zenkit Suite updates with you today! These updates are meant to improve the way you plan and track your projects, as well as provide a slew […]

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In the ever-changing world of project management, staying ahead of the curve is critical to ensuring smooth workflows and efficient collaboration. We are thrilled to share the most recent Zenkit Suite updates with you today! These updates are meant to improve the way you plan and track your projects, as well as provide a slew of visual updates that will allow teams to achieve unprecedented productivity and success. 

Visible Project View Tabs and Improved Filtering 

The revamped header design, which promises to improve the user experience and streamline project management workflows, is one of the most significant updates in the latest software release. Users can now easily access all available project views with a single click thanks to the new header design. This user-friendly feature enables project managers and team members to quickly shift their focus from one project view to another, allowing them to gain comprehensive insights into their projects with minimal effort.

Switch project views
Switch project views with just one click!

Additionally, the filter dialog has been significantly improved, now allowing users to save filters for the current view. This feature opens a world of possibilities in terms of customization and adaptability. Project managers can now create multiple views of the same type, each with its own set of filter options. This means that different teams or stakeholders can have tailored views that meet their specific needs and requirements. Whether filtering tasks based on priority, due dates, or assigned team members, the new filter dialog allows for a highly personalized project management experience, optimizing productivity and ensuring that everyone has access to the most relevant project information. 

These enhancements not only provide a more intuitive and user-friendly interface but also enable project managers and teams to have a broader view of their projects while still having the freedom to customize their workspace. The new header design revolutionizes project management by reducing navigation complexity and enabling customized filters, ultimately fostering better collaboration, faster decision-making, and improved overall project performance. 

Improved Calendar View 

The most recent software update also includes an exciting redesign of the calendar feature, providing users with a new and intuitive experience when managing their schedules. The revamped “Week view,” now equipped with an hour grid to simplify event scheduling, is at the forefront of this update. The days of guesswork are over, as users can easily resize and reschedule events by dragging the edges of the events. This simple functionality gives users precise control over their time management, allowing them to make changes to their schedules with a few clicks.

Project calendar view
Better workday organization with the latest update to the Calendar view!

Recognizing the need for greater granularity in organizing workdays, the update also introduces a brand new “day view.” This addition enables users to break down their work week into individual days, providing a focused perspective on daily tasks and commitments. The day view ensures that users can plan and optimize their days with maximum efficiency, whether it’s allocating time for important meetings, blocking off dedicated work periods, or managing personal appointments. 

In addition to functional enhancements, the software update improves the overall design of the Calendar view. The new design emphasizes visual contrast, making it easier to differentiate between different events and schedules. Users can quickly navigate through their calendars, effortlessly absorbing information and making informed decisions about their upcoming engagements, thanks to a clean and modern interface. The visually appealing update improves the overall user experience, making scheduling a visually appealing and efficient process. 

Improved Visuals to Editing Forms 

We’ve also updated Zenforms, our no-code form builder, in response to user feedback. This most recent update introduces a visually enhanced design for the form editor, with the goal of improving the visual interface and providing a more intuitive user experience. With these enhancements, users will be able to distinguish more easily than ever between the various stages of form creation: editing, previewing, and completing. 

The form editor’s new design has been meticulously crafted to streamline the form-building process. The visual interface has been optimized to provide a clear distinction between the editing mode, in which users can easily customize form fields, layouts, and styles, and the preview mode, in which they can see how the form will appear to respondents. Furthermore, the new design includes a distinct “completion” view, which allows users to review and submit completed forms.

Edit no-code form builder
Thanks to a new design, editing your no-code form is now more intuitive.

One of the most significant advantages of this update is its ability to increase productivity and decrease confusion when working with complex forms. The visually improved interface allows for a smooth transition between the editing, previewing, and completing stages, removing any guesswork and ensuring a more enjoyable form-building experience. Users will be able to more easily visualize the form’s appearance and functionality, allowing them to make precise adjustments and achieve the desired result. 

Whether you’re an experienced form builder or new to the world of no-code development, this update will help you create professional and engaging forms with ease. The form editor’s improved visual interface sets the stage for efficient form creation, allowing you to focus on content and design while minimizing the time and effort required for form development.

Final Thoughts

That brings us to the end of the latest Suite update. We still have some amazing and intuitive features and updates in the works for you, but for the time being, we hope this latest instalment can help improve your workflow! 

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ChatGPT’s Predictions for 2023 Wed, 17 May 2023 08:22:09 +0000 With the rise in popularity of AI technology and the launch of ChatGPT last November, we thought it would be fun to ask the AI chatbot for its predictions for 2023!  The world’s most popular artificial intelligence believes the following are the most important talking points for 2023:  1. The Advancement of Technology Over the […]

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With the rise in popularity of AI technology and the launch of ChatGPT last November, we thought it would be fun to ask the AI chatbot for its predictions for 2023! 

The world’s most popular artificial intelligence believes the following are the most important talking points for 2023: 

1. The Advancement of Technology

Over the last few decades, technology has advanced at an unprecedented rate. This trend is expected to continue in the coming years. Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing, and it is expected to have a growing role in a range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.

Quantum computing is also expected to advance rapidly. With this comes the potential to transform fields such as cryptography, drug discovery, and materials science. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are becoming more cost-competitive with traditional energy sources. Electric vehicle adoption is expected to accelerate, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions.

The Advancement of Technology

Another area where we can anticipate continued progress is in robotics. Robots are already being used in manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics, and their capabilities and versatility are increasing. As a result, they are likely to play a larger role in the economy in the coming years. 

So, we can expect technological advances in areas such as AI, quantum computing, renewable energy, and robotics to continue at a rapid pace. These advancements are likely to result in new products and services as well as increased productivity. Hopefully, it should also lead to an overall improvement in the quality of life for many people around the world. These developments may pose risks and challenges, however. For example, the impact on jobs and the need to ensure that these technologies are used ethically and responsibly.

2. Continued Impact of COVID-19 

Since its initial outbreak in late 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the global economy. The pandemic has caused widespread supply chain disruptions and reduced demand for goods and services. It has also forced many businesses to close temporarily or permanently. Vaccines have improved the situation in many countries. However, the pandemic is expected to continue to have an impact on the global economy in the coming years.

The pandemic has caused significant changes in consumer behavior. Examples of these changes include a shift toward online shopping and a reduction in travel. These changes are likely to persist even after the pandemic is contained, which could have long-term consequences for industries such as retail and hospitality.

Continued Impact of COVID-19 

Another factor that could contribute to continued economic uncertainty in 2023 is the possibility of new virus variants emerging. This could result in new waves of infections and further disruptions to economic activity. The effectiveness of vaccines against these new variants is still unknown, adding to the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic’s future course. 

Finally, the pandemic’s economic impact has been unevenly distributed, with some sectors and groups of people suffering more than others. Low-income workers and small businesses have been particularly hard hit. It is unclear how long it will take for these groups to fully recover from the economic consequences of the pandemic.

In summary, the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have a continued impact on the global economy in 2023. Changes in consumer behavior and the possibility of new virus variants could lead to continued uncertainty and disruptions in economic activity.

3. Climate Change 

Climate change is a global problem that is increasingly being recognized as a major challenge for governments, businesses, and individuals worldwide. Human activities, such as the use of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial agriculture, are causing global temperatures to rise, resulting in a variety of environmental effects such as rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather events, and biodiversity loss. 

Many countries and organizations have set ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to a low-carbon economy in response to this challenge. The Paris Agreement, signed in 2015, is a global agreement aimed at keeping global warming well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, with a target of 1.5°C. Every five years, countries must submit updated plans for reducing emissions, with the next round of plans due in 2023.

Climate Change 

Aside from national and international efforts, many businesses and individuals are taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability. This includes the use of renewable energy, energy efficiency measures, sustainable transportation, and agricultural practices that are environmentally friendly. 

However, there are challenges and obstacles to meeting the Paris Agreement’s goals and addressing climate change more broadly. One of the most significant challenges is the fossil fuel industry’s political and economic power, which has been a major impediment to the transition to a low-carbon economy. There are also issues related to the problem’s scale, as well as the cost and feasibility of implementing large-scale emission reduction measures. 

In conclusion, climate change will continue to be a major global challenge in 2023, with continued efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy. While achieving these goals will present significant challenges and obstacles, there will also be numerous opportunities for innovation and progress toward a more sustainable future. 

4. Increased Impact of Climate Change 

The transition to a low-carbon economy is likely to be one of the key areas of focus in 2023. Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy efficiency, and shift toward renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower are all part of this. This transition is critical for mitigating the worst effects of climate change and ensuring the global economy’s long-term viability.

Increased Impact of Climate Change 

Another critical area of focus will almost certainly be the conservation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity. This includes efforts to protect forests, wetlands, and other critical habitats, as well as efforts to keep endangered species from extinction. Biodiversity loss has far-reaching consequences for ecosystems, food security, and human health, and it is critical that action be taken to address this issue. 

In addition to these efforts, there will be a continued emphasis on adapting to the already-occurring effects of climate change. This includes measures to strengthen the resilience of communities and infrastructures to extreme weather events like floods, hurricanes, and droughts. 

Finally, in 2023, there will most likely be a greater emphasis on the ethical and social dimensions of climate change. Climate justice, which focuses on the disproportionate impact of climate change on vulnerable populations, is one example, as are questions about the responsibility of individuals, businesses, and governments to take action to address climate change. 

In summary, climate change is likely to remain a critical issue in 2023, with a focus on transitioning to a low-carbon economy, protecting natural ecosystems and biodiversity, adapting to climate change effects, and the ethical and social dimensions of climate change. It is critical to address these issues to ensure the global economy’s long-term viability and the well-being of current and future generations. 

5. Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy 

Demographic shifts are a long-term trend that has shaped societies all over the world. The aging of populations in many countries, particularly in developed economies such as Japan, Europe, and North America, is one of the most significant demographic shifts. A combination of factors, including declining birth rates and rising life expectancy, is driving this trend. 

As populations age, the economy, social welfare systems, and healthcare systems all face significant challenges. For example, a smaller workforce may be required to support an aging population, which could result in labor shortages and higher costs for healthcare and social welfare programs. Consumer preferences may also shift, with older consumers having different needs and preferences than younger consumers. 

Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy 

At the same time, demographic changes are increasing diversity in many societies, with increased immigration and minority group representation. This diversity presents both opportunities and challenges, as it can lead to cultural exchange, economic growth, and social cohesion, but it can also lead to tensions and conflicts among various groups. 

Urbanization is another demographic trend that is expected to continue in 2023. As more people move to cities around the world, infrastructure, transportation, and housing face significant challenges. Urbanization can increase economic opportunities and social mobility, but it can also create problems such as traffic congestion, pollution, and inequality. 

In conclusion, demographic changes are a long-term trend that will continue to shape societies globally in 2023. Population aging, increased diversity, and urbanization are all likely to have serious consequences for the economy, social welfare systems, and healthcare systems. While these trends present both challenges and opportunities, they also necessitate careful planning and management to ensure that all groups’ needs are met. 

6. Rise in Automation 

Technological progress is accelerating at an unprecedented rate, transforming nearly every aspect of human life. The trend of rapid developments in fields such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, biotechnology, and quantum computing is expected to continue in 2023. 

The further development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are likely to be one of the key areas of technological advancement in 2023. AI has the potential to transform many industries, from healthcare to finance to transportation, by enabling more accurate and efficient decision-making and the automation of routine tasks. There are concerns about the impact of AI on employment. Additionally, there is the possibility of unintended consequences, such as biases in decision-making algorithms.

Rise in Automation

Robotics is another likely area of technological advancement. Robotics has the potential to improve efficiency and lower costs in a variety of industries. However, it also raises concerns about the impact on employment and the ethical implications of delegating certain tasks to machines.

Another area of rapid technological advancement is biotechnology, which has the potential to transform healthcare through gene editing, personalized medicine, and new treatments for previously incurable diseases. There are concerns about the ethical implications of genetic manipulation. Additionally, there is a need to balance innovation with safety and ethical considerations.

Finally, as already mentioned, quantum computing is a new technology with the potential to revolutionize computing. However, there are also concerns about quantum computers’ ability to crack existing encryption methods.

Technological advancements are expected to transform nearly every aspect of human life in 2023. Rapid advances in fields such as AI, machine learning, robotics, biotechnology, and quantum computing are among the factors driving this transformation. These advances present numerous opportunities. However, they also raise significant ethical, social, and economic concerns that must be carefully considered and managed.

Project Management in 2023 

We also thought it would be interesting to see what ChatGPT predicts for the world of project management in 2023. Here’s what it said: 

1. Increased Adoption of Agile Methodologies 

Agile project management has grown in popularity over the last decade, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. Agile methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban emphasize flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement. They are well suited to a wide range of projects, particularly those involving software development.

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2. Greater Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning 

AI and machine learning have the potential to transform project management. This can be achieved by enabling more accurate and efficient decision-making, automating routine tasks, and monitoring project performance in real-time. Project managers are likely to use AI tools more frequently for project planning, risk management, and resource allocation.

3. Increased Focus on Project Governance 

The set of processes, policies, and procedures that guide project execution is referred to as project governance. In 2023, there will almost certainly be a greater emphasis on project governance. This is especially true in industries with stringent regulatory requirements, such as healthcare and finance. This could include the creation of standardized project management frameworks like PRINCE2 or PMBOK. There could also be a greater emphasis on risk management and quality control.

4. More Diverse and Distributed Project Teams 

Because of the rise of remote work and globalization, project teams are becoming more diverse and geographically dispersed. To effectively manage teams across time zones, cultures, and languages, project managers will need to develop new strategies. This could include using virtual collaboration tools like video conferencing and project management software. Not only that, but new communication and leadership skills must be learned.

5. Increased Importance of Soft Skills 

Project managers require technical skills. However, the importance of soft skills like communication, leadership, and emotional intelligence is increasing. In 2023, project managers are expected to focus more on developing skills in themselves and their teams. This emphasis aims to enhance collaboration, stakeholder management, and overall project success.

In conclusion, project management is expected to evolve and adapt to new trends and developments in 2023. Project managers are likely to prioritize Agile methodologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Not only that, they will also focus on project governance, diverse and distributed teams, and soft skills. These areas will become increasingly important for successful project management.

Final Thoughts

That was certainly informative. There’s no denying that the AI chatbot is aware of current global trends. The upcoming year is predicted to witness a rise in technological innovation. Additionally, there will be increased attention towards the impact of climate change.

What do you think of its forecasts? Do you think it’s fairly accurate, or do you believe it’s overlooked something important? 

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Collaborate with Access Control and Password Restriction Mon, 28 Nov 2022 09:08:31 +0000 Access Control is a revolutionary approach to collaborative work. For the examples we list below, we will be working with Zenkit Base. However, Access Control is also available in Projects, To Do, and Zenforms. It will also soon be added to Hypernotes.  What Is Access Control?  Access Control, as the name suggests, is an intuitive […]

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Access Control is a revolutionary approach to collaborative work.

For the examples we list below, we will be working with Zenkit Base. However, Access Control is also available in Projects, To Do, and Zenforms. It will also soon be added to Hypernotes. 

What Is Access Control? 

Access Control, as the name suggests, is an intuitive way of controlling third-party access to your workspace, whether this be your Projects, Collections, Forms, or Lists. 

There are many layers to Access Control. However, in essence, the Collection Owner can control what aspects of the Collection other Collection members can both view and interact with. 

How to Set Up Access Control 

Access Control can easily be set up by first clicking on one of the members working in your Collection. The quickest way to do this is to click the “Member Icon” at the top of the screen. This will lead to a drop-down menu showing all the members currently added to your Collection. Otherwise, you can access all members by going to your Collection settings and clicking “Access”. 

Next, click the Collection Member to whom you’d like to apply Access Control. This will then open another menu displaying all the possible roles your team member can play in your Collection.

For those with a paid plan, the Access Control feature can be accessed at the bottom of this menu. 

When setting up Access Control as a Collection Owner, it’s important to remember that the feature will not work for any team member who is assigned to the role of “Collection Member”. The reason for this is that this Collection role can edit Collections freely. As such, this role would supersede the use of Access Control since they can remove their Access Control just as easily as they can apply it to others. 

By assigning your team member as an “Editor”, “Contributor”, “Commenter”, or “Guest”, you will unlock the Access Control functionality at the bottom of the menu. 

Access Control Examples 

There are many uses for Access Control, and we detail some ways in which this new feature works below. 

Show or Hide Fields 

Using the field toggle function, the Collection Owner can easily switch between selecting fields to hide from their team member or to have shown. 

An example of this can be seen below when working with the Table View in Base. 

This is an example view seen by our “Restricted User” before the Collection Owner (called “Main User” in this example) uses Access Control to restrict what they can and can’t see. It is important to note that the Collection Owner will continue to see this view even after restricting a team member’s Collection access. 

The Collection Member has decided that this member should not be able to view the “Due Date” and “Attachments” fields. Nor can they make any changes to the Collection such as adding new fields or making any major alterations to the pre-existing table (otherwise, that would defeat the purpose of Access Control!). 

 More Advanced Field Filtering 

There are a lot of ways in which field filters can be used to ensure your team members get the correct view of your work. Obviously, the use of these filters will differ depending on your needs. Nevertheless, there are some simple ways in which you can improve how you use them. 

A great example of this is hiding (or showing) certain labels, rather than just the fields (as illustrated in the example above). Let’s demonstrate how this works with the “Assigned To” field. 

Instead of showing all members in the “Assigned To” field, we’ll alter the filtering so that it will only display the tasks assigned to our “Restricted User”. 

As you can see, the “Restricted User” can only see their assigned tasks. However, they are also able to create new tasks. If they decide to do so, a new task will be created and automatically label them in the “Assigned To” field. 

With this example, it is important to note that should the Collection Owner have made the “Assigned To” field hidden from our “Restricted User”, any new task created by the “Restricted User” will automatically tag their name to the “Assigned To” field that is visible in the Collection Owner’s Table View. 

Here you can see that the “Restricted User” has created two new tasks, but they cannot see the “Assigned To” field.

However, the Collection Owner can see from their Table View who has created these new tasks. 

Password Restriction 

The final aspect of Access Control is its Password Restriction feature. 

Again, as its name suggests, Password Restriction limits access to your Collections with a password. 

The Password Restriction feature can be found by accessing your Collection settings and clicking “Access”. Within this space, you will be given an overview of your workspace visibility, Collection members, and finally the Password Restriction.  

Please note, the Password Restriction feature is only available as part of a paid plan. 

 From here, you will be given the opportunity to create a new password. 

Now, Collection Members will only be able to access your Collection should they have the password. 

Final Thoughts

By combining the use of Access Control and Password Restriction, you are given a greater sense of control over your workspace.  

These features are not only a great way to speed up collaboration, but they can also enhance everyone’s workflow. 

What do you think of our latest features? Have you had the chance to try them out yet? 

Leave your comments below! 

Access Control and Password Restriction are available for Zenkit Base, To Do, Projects, and Zenforms. They will also soon be available in Hypernotes. 

Access Control and Password Restriction are paid plan features available for Plus Plan members and higher. 

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Global File View: All Your Files in One Place Thu, 24 Nov 2022 09:12:58 +0000   What Is Global File View?  Global File View (our latest Smart View) is an easy way to see all the files attached to your tasks. The new Smart View is a quick and easy way to get an immediate visual of all the files found across your tasks because they are all in one list […]

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What Is Global File View? 

Global File View (our latest Smart View) is an easy way to see all the files attached to your tasks. The new Smart View is a quick and easy way to get an immediate visual of all the files found across your tasks because they are all in one list that is simple to read. 

In Zenkit Base, the Global File View is an Add-On. While it is automatically activated, you can easily deactivate the Smart View from your profile settings should you choose to. 

How Do I Create a Global File View? 

Creating a Global File View is just as easy as creating other Views across the Suite. 

The Smart View can be accessed in pretty much the same manner across all products in which it’s available.  

Here you can find a precise summary of the steps involved in creating this Global View:  

Base, To Do, and Hypernotes 

  1. Open the side panel menu
  2. Click “Files” 


  1. Open the side panel menu
  2. Click “Create Smart View” 
  3. Select “Global Files” 
  4. Click “Create” 

The Global File View Action Bar 

From this new view, you have a complete overview of all the files attached to your tasks. Within this View, you are then given the option to filter your files to make them more accessible. 


1. The slider next to the filter allows you to quickly change how many files are displayed on your screen. 

2. The default filter is “Upload Date”, but from here you can easily filter for other requirements, such as “Name” and “Size”. 

Once done, you can then decide how these files should be grouped in the “Group By” filter. This can include the “Owner”, the “Workspace”, and more. 

3. The search bar uses keywords for quick access to files. This is a handy feature if you know the name of the file that you are looking for. 

4. For a more advanced filtering option, including which Collections/Projects should and should not be included in your filter, you can click the “…” icon next to the search bar.

Global File View is the latest addition to Zenkit Base, Projects, To Do, and Hypernotes and is available for all plans!

Visit our Knowledge Base for even more information on the Suite’s Global File View. 

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Conditional Logic for Zenforms Tue, 08 Nov 2022 13:46:41 +0000 Zenforms may have only been released in March of this year, but we’ve been pouring a lot of love and attention into the Zenkit Suite’s sixth addition.  Our no-code application has received minor to major updates. Today, we’d like to share some exciting news from Zenforms’ most recent major update: Conditional Logic! This is a […]

The post Conditional Logic for Zenforms appeared first on Zenkit.


Zenforms may have only been released in March of this year, but we’ve been pouring a lot of love and attention into the Zenkit Suite’s sixth addition. 

Our no-code application has received minor to major updates. Today, we’d like to share some exciting news from Zenforms’ most recent major update: Conditional Logic! This is a feature available to all our users (free, plus, and business plan). 

 What Is Conditional Logic in Zenforms? 

In its most basic form, Conditional Logic is the ability to:

  • Determine which page to display when a specific answer is clicked or typed. 
  • Determine which pages are irrelevant to certain groups. 
  • Increase the number of targeted responses in your collection without having to create separate forms for different audiences. 

Zenform’s Conditional Logic allows you to essentially tailor follow-up questions in such a way that they are relevant to an answer given to a previous question. 

The new feature directs form respondents to a specific form page based on their response to a multiple-choice survey. Not only does this save the respondent a lot of time because the questions are always relevant to their responses, but it also creates a form tailored to their experience! As a result, regardless of how large the pool of respondents is, each receives specific questions to which they can respond. 

The Benefit of Conditional Logic in Forms 

Forms with a linear flow limit your ability to make your forms more flexible. It’s sometimes useful to know which page should open next for a participant after they enter a specific answer. 

Using Conditional Logic, you can target your forms to a larger audience while also specifying them to specific groups within them. This may appear complicated, but it is quite simple.

Linear flow forms can be very limiting. Conditional Logic is a great way to add that much-needed flexibility to your forms!

That is the beauty of Zenforms: as a no-code application, you can create complex forms without any programming or coding experience. 

You can independently determine the flow of your forms with a few clicks using Conditional Logic. Your forms will be more tailored to your target audiences, and you will no longer require ten forms to go into greater detail about the subgroups. 

It also sorts your responses for you. For instance, in a contact form. Because Conditional Logic only allows participants to enter fields that are relevant to them, you save yourself the trouble of sorting them out later. Isn’t it fantastic? We’ll return to the contact form example later in the article. 

Examples of How to Use Conditional Logic in Zenforms 

Flow logic, linear flow, specified target groups… It all sounds a bit complicated. To give you a better idea of our flow logic, we have brought you 3 examples of how the flow logic can be applied: 

Contact Forms 

People usually want to contact you or your company for a variety of reasons. This usually means that you must filter the responses again before forwarding them to the appropriate departments. 

The Conditional Logic in Zenforms solves this problem and relieves you of some of the work. Ask participants why they want to contact you on the first page of the form. As an example: 

  • General Enquiry 
  • Sales Enquiry
  • Marketing Enquiry
  • Customer Service
  • Feedback 

You can now create a separate page for each answer option. The entries of the participants are then automatically divided into the fields of the various pages in the answer collection.

Page 1:

Page 2:

Page 3:

Page 4:

Employee Survey 

Employee surveys frequently have the issue that you want to ask very specific questions to specific departments, but this requires you to create several forms and then merge all of the data. 

This issue is no longer an issue thanks to Conditional Logic. You can now create an employee survey for the entire company, with pages dedicated to specific departments. The great thing about this is that at the end, all the results are automatically gathered into one Collection, saving you the work of having to reassemble all the results. 

Tip: Create a multiple-choice page with the different departments’ selection options, and then set up a specific page for each department. 


Whether you want to start a fun quiz with co-workers or friends, create a knowledge quiz for your students, or create a competition for your customers, Conditional Logic makes your Zenforms quizzes even more interactive. 

Tip: Create a multiple-choice question and two additional pages to inform participants whether they were correct or incorrect.

Page 1:

Page 2:

Page 3:


How Do I Create a Conditional Logic in Zenforms? 

While creating a Conditional Logic in Zenforms is simple, it can take some time to understand which pages must be linked to another for the logic to appear, well, logical. Thankfully, we’ve put together a quick overview of how Conditional Logic works in Zenforms, as well as the steps required to set it up in your own forms! 

Let’s get started! 

1. Create Pages 

To begin creating Conditional Logic in your form, we recommend that you first create all the necessary pages in your form (i.e. your form is complete). 

To make your workflow easier, we also recommend labeling your pages with relevant headings when you create them. This way, you know what belongs on which page. This makes it much easier to connect pages to one another because you can clearly see which page is which and avoid a false page connection. 

For example, if I want to survey different departments in an employee survey, I will create pages with titles such as Marketing, Accounting & Finance, Human Resources, IT, and so on. 

2. Add Form Fields 

Next, you can add form controls. This will direct respondents to specific pages of your form. This is ideal for multiple-choice questions! 

It must be noted that this field must be set to “Required” for the flow to work effectively. (You can enable the toggle in the “Field settings”). 

 3. Set Up the Conditional Logic 

Now we can add the famous “Conditional Logic” workflow. Click on the “…” icon in the upper right corner of the page with the multiple-choice question. Then select “Settings”. 

You can now select “+ Conditional Logic” at the bottom of the page settings. Add the condition to your selection after selecting the question on which the Conditional Logic is based.

In the third field of this section, you now select the answer that a particular page of the questionnaire should produce.

For example, in this case, “Marketing” is chosen as the answer to the question about the person’s occupation. As a result, the respondent should be routed to the “Marketing” page as well. Select “Marketing” from the drop-down menu next to “Go to page.”

It is also possible to redirect multiple responses to the same page. To do so, select “Add condition.” 

That’s it; Conditional Logic has been added to your multiple-choice questionnaires. 

It may take some practice, but this is a great feature to add to your forms to improve the form respondents’ experience! 

If you have any questions about Zenforms and/or the Conditional Logic feature, feel free to reach out to us through our social media channels or contact us via 

Alternatively, if you want to book a free demo to better understand how Zenforms works (including its integration with the rest of the Zenkit Suite), you can do so here. 

We are very excited about our new flow logic and hope you are as well. Do you already have ideas for incorporating the Conditional Logic into your Zenforms? What are your thoughts on our new flow feature? 

Zenforms as a No-Code Solution  

Zenforms is a no-code web form application that allows you to create forms and surveys to connect with those who matter the most to you. It is designed to be adaptable, user-friendly, and ideal for collaboration. Its applications are virtually limitless thanks to a wide range of intuitive and creative form-building features. 

Create standalone forms with a single click, without the need for a website. Alternatively, you can embed a form on your existing website using an “iframe.”  

Zenforms enables you to better understand ongoing projects, collect valuable data for the next product launch, or simply collect valuable feedback from your community! 

Perhaps the best aspect of Zenforms is its integration with the rest of the Zenkit Suite! 

Just like other Zenkit applications, Zenforms works in perfect harmony with the rest of the Zenkit Suite! 

Zenforms is part of the Zenkit Suite, which includes several useful project management and productivity tools. Sign up to the Suite for free!

So, once you’ve collected your data with Zenforms, you can use To Do to create tasks, Hypernotes to create knowledge bases, Projects to analyse results, Base to structure work, and Zenchat to communicate with your team! 

The post Conditional Logic for Zenforms appeared first on Zenkit.

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Does No-Code/Low-Code Have a Future? Wed, 05 Oct 2022 08:45:34 +0000 Software development has been one of the most affected industries by what many refer to as “the Great Resignation”. This phenomenon, also known as “the Big Quit,” is a continuing economic trend in which employees voluntarily resigned from their jobs in large numbers beginning in early 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, because […]

The post Does No-Code/Low-Code Have a Future? appeared first on Zenkit.

Does No-Code/Low-Code Have a Future?

Software development has been one of the most affected industries by what many refer to as “the Great Resignation”. This phenomenon, also known as “the Big Quit,” is a continuing economic trend in which employees voluntarily resigned from their jobs in large numbers beginning in early 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, because of the scarcity of developers, businesses have struggled as a result of their increased reliance on enterprise technologies. Yet, surely, this is the ideal time for low-code/no-code platforms to emerge, allowing employees and business owners to develop applications with no prior coding knowledge or experience. 

According to Gartner, 64% of IT executives see the skill shortage as the most significant adoption barrier to emerging technologies, compared to just 4% in 2020. The real question now is whether low-code/no-code adoption can compensate for these lost numbers, or if low-code/no-code platforms are only a temporary solution to our development woes. 

The Rise of Low-Code & No-Code App Development 

To emphasise the ongoing developer shortage, the industry association Bitkom has revealed that the number of IT vacancies in Germany alone rose to 96,000 last year. This represents a 12% increase from the previous year. Furthermore, two-thirds of companies believe the shortage of IT professionals will worsen in the future, leading to many IT leaders having to refocus or even stop their digitalisation efforts. 

To address the tech skill shortage, the use of low-code/no-code has grown as it lowers the barrier to entry in app development. To ensure the app runs smoothly, traditional software development necessitates a thorough understanding of the programming language(s), hours of continuous training, deployment processes, and proper testing protocols. Low-code/no-code platforms, on the other hand, eliminate many of these complexities and do the hard work behind the scenes, allowing users to create software programmes that logically work for their teams with very little coding knowledge required.

Low-code/no-code has made app development more approachable for non-techies.

One of the many appealing aspects of low-code/no-code platforms, particularly for those with little to no coding experience, is their ability to cover a wide range of useful business areas through automation. Low-code/no-code are the keys to unlocking the coding door, whether you’re creating the next company email campaign or customer survey, or looking for real-time organisational insights and workflow automation. 

There’s also a chance that low-code/no-code platforms are being used in your workplace without your knowledge. After all, tools like Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint are nearly ubiquitous in many businesses nowadays, and most non-tech employees use these programmes daily to solve problems in their departments. Such tools are becoming increasingly popular, especially given their ease of use and low learning curve. It makes no sense to have a data scientist and a graphic designer on hand in every team just so it can do its day-to-day work. It’s not only impractical, but it’s also an unsustainable business practice. 

The Rise of Citizen Developers 

“Citizen developers” refers to people who work in non-technical roles such as operations, sales, and human resources. They typically have little to no coding experience. Many businesses have quickly recognised the value that citizen developers can bring to an organisation as a result of their day-to-day responsibilities. Because such employees have first-hand knowledge of the problems that need to be solved and the current tools at their disposal to solve them, their inclusion in the development process should theoretically make the end product more effective and reliable. While an outside developer may be more skilled, they may not fully understand how a team will use their programme or what unexpected issues may arise. 

“Citizen developers” are people with no real technical background that have adopted low-code/no-code development tools.

Nonetheless, while “citizen developers” enable many businesses to enter the world of software development, they should not be viewed as a means of “replacing” qualified developers. In fact, ZDNet argues that, while there is a lot of noise around the hottest programming languages and the evolution of Web3, blockchain and the metaverse, none of this will matter if the industry doesn’t have highly skilled software developers to build them. 

The rise of “citizen developers,” fuelled by the ongoing “Great Resignation” and software developer shortage, is by no means a “temporary” solution to these problems.  They should not, however, be viewed as a long-term solution for companies looking to enter or make an impact in the world of software development. 

Should Entrepreneurs Be Using Low-Code/No-Code? 

As previously stated, the low-code/no-code movement enables anyone with no technical knowledge to bring ideas to life with minimal effort (but rather a lot of creativity). 

While some coding is still required for low-code applications, these platforms are primarily designed for developers (or those with a basic understanding of coding). These platforms are an excellent way for good coders to work faster, especially on menial tasks. 

In contrast, no-code uses visual drag-and-drop interfaces to create a variety of applications without writing a line of code. 

On paper, low-code/no-code appears to be a universal solution that all businesses should implement right away. While there are numerous advantages to using low-code/no-code platforms, there are some important disadvantages to consider before implementing these platforms. 

Low-code/no-code solutions appear to be the golden ticket for those looking to break into the development field, but they should be used with caution.

I won’t go into too much detail about the pros and cons of low-code/no-code platforms because I’ve already covered this in a previous article (which you should definitely check out if you want to learn more about these platforms!).  

There really are some great benefits of low-code/no-code applications. They’re a cost-effective way of building new applications and bringing your new ideas to life. They’re also simple to use, thanks to the use of simple building tools, allowing you to test faster and accelerate innovation. 

However, some training may still be required to fully understand how to implement such applications into both the team and the overall organisation. When implementing these platforms to increase overall efficiency, training teams to become citizen developers can take up valuable time. Also, because these platforms aren’t as widely used as well-known programming languages, the resources required to learn them can also be limited. Furthermore, due to the overall simplicity of these collaborative platforms, one size rarely fits all, with these applications not always meeting the needs of the project. 

There is certainly a debate about whether low-code/no-code applications can truly replace the need for a fully qualified software developer to be on hand. To be honest, as with most applications and tools, it really comes down to the needs of the company, including ongoing projects and the business sector. If you’re a small team with limited financial resources, obviously investing in a low-code/no-code application may be a better option than looking for a developer (especially with an ongoing shortage). 

The most important takeaway is this: Understand your project’s/organisation’s needs thoroughly in order to better understand the limitations of using such applications. 

The Future of Low-Code/No-Code 

According to Emergen Research, the global no-code development platforms market was worth USD 12.17 billion in 2020 and is expected to rise to a value of USD 68.05 billion in 2028, with a revenue CAGR of 24.2% during the forecast period. 

The increasing need for faster application deployment and the rising need to improve productivity are two of the major factors driving global no-code development platforms’ market revenue growth. Increasing demand for paperless management systems across various industries is also expected to boost global market revenue growth in the coming years. 

However, security concerns due to a lack of control and template limitations are expected to stymie growth in the global no-code development platforms market over the forecast period. 

The future of software development demands faster application deployment and improved productivity.

Despite certain disadvantages of low-code/no-code, the rise of these platforms is seemingly unavoidable due to a variety of factors. Firstly, the IT skill shortage will persist in the future, as businesses require more enterprise technologies than ever before. Secondly, platforms will become more powerful, customizable, and refined, making them more accessible to users of all skill levels. These “citizen developers” offer companies with finite resources the chance to provide some competition in a rapidly expanding (and arguably bloated) development market. CEO of Stack Overview, Prashanth Chandrasekar, has stated that the combination of “citizen developers” and low-code/no-code tools “are democratising software development and providing opportunities for more people to build technology, prompting more innovation across industries.” By reducing the entry requirements, low-code/no-code has meant that there are now greater opportunities for talented individuals from non-tech or non-academic backgrounds to enter the field of software development. In fact, according to a 2022 survey by developer recruitment platforms CoderPad and CodinGame, 81% of tech recruiters now readily hire from ‘no-degree’ candidate profiles. 

Nonetheless, Chandrasekar adds that the use of low-code/no-code development platforms is not a guaranteed long-term business strategy. They state that “without taking the time to learn the fundamentals of writing code or the context in which code is used, developers using low-code or code suggestion tools will hit a limit in the quality and functionality of their code.” This echoes the notion that low-code/no-code solutions are not a “one-size-fits-all” business practise.

“Citizen developers” lower the entry requirements for software development, but they are not a sure-fire strategy for long-term business success.

It is also important to note that we live in a technological age, where “Generation Z” (those born after 1997) have grown up surrounded by smart technology, laptops, smartphones, and IoT devices, making it nearly impossible to avoid technology on a day-to-day basis. 

What does this mean exactly?  

As with most things, the more you are exposed to it, the more aware you become, making you technologically smarter and capable. The use of voice assistants (such as Google Home or Amazon’s Alexa) is a great example of this. Using such systems seemed strange a few years ago, with many people either laughing at the idea of having a digital assistant in the home or being concerned about the possibility of a “Terminator”-style scenario that results in the rise of the machines (starting undoubtedly with your smart fridge). Nonetheless, voice assistants are now arguably well-integrated into many people’s lives (although I still keep one eye on my fridge at all times, just in case). The adoption of low-code/no-code platforms in the workplace can be predicted in the same way, with Gartner predicting that non-IT professionals will build most of our tech products and services by 2024. 

Final Thoughts 

According to Gartner, in the future, applications will be designed and developed by the teams that will subsequently use them. Gartner analysts state that this will make the previous technological and organisational silos of application development obsolete – such as automation, integration, and governance.  

The report goes on to state that, by 2025, 70% of new applications developed by enterprises will be based on low-code or no-code tools, compared to less than 25% in 2020. A big reason for this is the adoption of “citizen developers” by companies looking to compete in the software development market. 

With that being said, the adoption of low-code/no-code will continue to shape the future of software development. Not only has such technology been instrumental in making the world of coding more approachable (and arguably less scary), but it has also closed the knowledge gap for all those involved.

As these solutions become more powerful and people become more aware of their potential, low-code/no-code development will continue to shape the future of software development.

Low-code/no-code can be argued to become the de facto standard method for creating almost any application and will be leveraged to create an eco-system where numerous new apps can be quickly built, tested, and deployed. 

The previous notion has been that low-code/no-code is too early for businesses due to not being scalable nor being able to withstand the number of users. However, as with most technology, their capability and performance will only improve with time. The current limitations to low-code/no-code could soon become obsolete later down the line as this form of technology spreads and improves. 

Zenforms as a No-Code Solution 

Zenforms is a no-code web form application that allows you to create forms and surveys to connect with those who matter the most to you. It is designed to be adaptable, user-friendly, and ideal for collaboration. Its applications are virtually limitless thanks to a wide range of intuitive and creative form-building features. 

Create standalone forms with a single click, without the need for a website. Alternatively, you can embed a form on your existing website using an “iframe.”  

Zenforms enables you to better understand ongoing projects, collect valuable data for the next product launch, or simply collect valuable feedback from your community! 

Perhaps the best aspect of Zenforms is its integration with the rest of the Zenkit Suite! 

Just like other Zenkit applications, Zenforms works in perfect harmony with the rest of the Zenkit Suite! 

Zenforms is part of the Zenkit Suite, which includes a number of useful project management and productivity tools. Sign up to the Suite for free!

So, once you’ve collected your data with Zenforms, you can use To Do to create tasks, Hypernotes to create knowledge bases, Projects to analyse results, Base to structure work, and Zenchat to communicate with your team! 

The post Does No-Code/Low-Code Have a Future? appeared first on Zenkit.

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The Importance of No-Code Form Builders for Small Businesses Wed, 14 Sep 2022 09:14:23 +0000 No-code is rapidly becoming an essential component of business development. It enables businesses with a limited budget/cash flow (particularly smaller businesses and start-ups) to grow digitally without worrying about a lack of development skills or an inability to find the ideal software developer (who can also be expensive).   There are numerous mediums in which […]

The post The Importance of No-Code Form Builders for Small Businesses appeared first on Zenkit.

The Importance of No-Code Form Builders for Small Businesses

No-code is rapidly becoming an essential component of business development. It enables businesses with a limited budget/cash flow (particularly smaller businesses and start-ups) to grow digitally without worrying about a lack of development skills or an inability to find the ideal software developer (who can also be expensive).  

There are numerous mediums in which no-code can be used to improve a business’s self-growth. We’ll be focusing on no-code form builders today, after taking a brief look at no-code app development platforms the other week. 

What Is No-Code Development? 

Before delving into the significance of no-code form builders, it’s perhaps just as important to define no-code development. 

Simply put, no-code development is a typical development cycle with one major difference: there are no coding requirements or the need for in-depth coding knowledge. In no-code development, users can create software and applications using a graphical interface that is both interactive and customisable.

No-code development requires no coding knowledge or need to write a single line of code!

This minor distinction alters the entire dynamic of a typical development workflow. For example, because there is no coding involved, you do not require a large team of developers to create an application or software system for you. 

Simply sign up for a no-code solution that will automate the entire process for you. As we saw the other week, there are numerous examples of app and website builders, automation platforms, backend management tools, and more that enable you to develop without coding. 

The Difference Between Low-Code and No-Code 

If you’ve heard of no-code, you’ve probably heard of low-code as well. While they sound similar, there are some key differences. 

The target audience for low-code platforms is developers. These platforms may require some technical knowledge but do allow good coders to work faster, especially on menial tasks.

A low-code platform may generate fully functional applications or may require additional coding for specific situations. Low-code development platforms can reduce traditional time spent on development, allowing for faster delivery of business applications. A common advantage is that a broader range of people—not just those with coding skills—can contribute to the application’s development.

Unlike no-code, coding is still an important part of low-code development to ensure the developer has the control they require.

No-code platforms, on the other hand, are designed for business users. These platforms do not support manual code editing and instead focus on providing the best and most user-friendly user experience possible while abstracting away from technical details. As such, the more straightforward the user interface, the better it is suited to business users.

What Is an Online Form Builder? 

A web form, also called an HTML form, is an online page that allows for user input. It is an interactive page that mimics a paper document or form, where users fill out particular fields. These forms serve as an effective communication link between businesses and website visitors, allowing both parties to exchange information.

An online form is an interactive page that serves to bridge communication between users and businesses by exchanging data.

One of the most significant advantages of using an online form builder is the ability to create various types of forms for users as well as internal team members. Forms can be easily configured, shared, managed, and used to capture leads, build an email list, create marketing campaigns, gather customer feedback, and so on. 

The Advantage of No-Code Form Builders

No-code form builders can be very advantageous to small businesses and start-ups that have little or no coding experience.


A Reduced Learning Curve and Faster Form Building 

As previously stated, no-code applications require no prior coding knowledge to make the most of them and move your idea from the “brainstorming” stage to the “implementation” stage. 

 No-code platforms present form creation in a visual, intuitive environment, allowing new users to navigate form creation independently. 

The easy-to-use tools found in form builders, such as “drag-and-drop” and pre-made questioning formats (checkboxes, multiple-choice, drop-down menus, and so on), make such platforms accessible to anyone, regardless of skill level. 


Code-required form builders (even those that utilise “low-code”) restrict form building to users with a more advanced understanding of technology and app development. Hiring new team members to complete form creation or wasting time attempting to understand a code-based platform results in expensive personnel investments and wasted time. A no-code form builder streamlines and simplifies form creation, allowing any member of your team to master form creation without the need to hire someone new or invest in coding tutorials. 

Continuous Optimisation 

The “drag-and-drop” functionality of a form builder, as well as the ease with which questions can be customised, allows for more frequent form optimisation.

The tools found in no-code form builders make it very easy to keep your forms optimised and up to date with your business.

The ability to create form templates in Zenforms, for example, allows you to return to your digital creations and make changes as needed. This means that your forms can continuously grow and be optimised as your business grows and its needs deepen. 

Get Rid of Missed Work Requests and Cluttered Email Inboxes 

You can avoid missing out on important work requests and cluttered email inboxes by using an online form-building tool. Zenforms’ “iframe” feature, for example, allows you to easily embed a form onto your website so that all user requests are automatically added to Zenforms (and thus the rest of your Zenkit Suite database). This eliminates the need to overly rely on third-party platforms like email, streamlining your workflow and reducing cluttered email inboxes. 

Improved Lead Generation  

Creating traffic and leads is perhaps the most difficult task for any business. 

Using an online form builder allows businesses to acquire and differentiate leads based on the information provided by the leads themselves. Contact information for leads is gathered via online forms, and you can use it to promote products, communicate with visitors, and persuade them to make a purchase. 

Usage Simplicity 

One of the primary advantages of online form builder tools, such as Zenforms, is their ease of use. The form’s drag-and-drop functionality enables users to quickly create forms without having to write any code. Furthermore, with its variety of question types, you can easily tailor your form to meet the changing needs of your business and to connect better with your user base. 

Conducting Market Research  

To create a product that resonates with your target audience’s specific needs, you must first understand their expectations and interests. Online form builders can assist businesses in creating customised surveys to collect information about their target audience. The collected data provides you with valuable insights that you can use to identify areas for improvement in your product/services, make well-researched decisions, and stay current on market trends.

Collecting data from users using online form builders is a great way to identify areas for improvement in your product or services.

Furthermore, when you use an online form builder like Zenforms, all your collected data is compiled into the Zenkit database, allowing you to use the rest of the Zenkit Suite (such as Base & Hypernotes) to analyse your data and create a powerful knowledge base on which to build your business. 


When using an online form builder to manage work requests and other tasks, you can easily customise it to include specific details about your company or project in order to connect with those who truly matter. Adding tailored questions or unique question formats such as drop-down menus or short/long answer sections are just a couple of examples of tailoring your user’s experience to improve their overall experience. 

Reduces Manual Work 

One of the most significant advantages of using an online form builder is its ability to integrate with other apps. This means you won’t have to invest in additional tools, which will save your business money. Furthermore, these tools eliminate the need for traditional pen-and-paper forms, which are both time-consuming and tedious. Data can be collected, organised, accessed, and shared digitally using online form builders. 


While not all online form builders are inexpensive, apps such as Zenforms provide the complete form-building experience at an affordable price. Zenforms is free to use (along with the rest of the Zenkit Suite), and the team form-building experience can be further enhanced with transparent and cost-effective pricing. 

Zenforms as a No-Code Form Builder

Zenforms does not require any coding knowledge to create your ideal forms and surveys.

Zenforms is a no-code web form application that allows you to create forms and surveys to connect with those who matter the most to you. It is designed to be adaptable, user-friendly, and ideal for collaboration. Its applications are virtually limitless thanks to a wide range of intuitive and creative form-building features.

Create standalone forms with a single click, without the need for a website. Alternatively, you can embed a form on your existing website using an “iframe.” 

Zenforms enables you to better understand ongoing projects, collect valuable data for the next product launch, or simply collect valuable feedback from your community!

Perhaps the best aspect of Zenforms is its integration with the rest of the Zenkit Suite!

Just like other Zenkit applications, Zenforms works in perfect harmony with the rest of the Zenkit Suite!

So, once you’ve collected your data with Zenforms, you can use To Do to create tasks, Hypernotes to create knowledge bases, Projects to analyse results, Base to structure work, and Zenchat to communicate with your team! 

Final Thoughts 

Without a doubt, no-code is an impressive and powerful business tool. It opens opportunities that many people previously thought were out of reach without extensive coding knowledge or the assistance of a professional. Now, businesses can be self-sufficient and learn to grow digitally.   

With no-code form builders, businesses and individuals are offered an affordable and reliable means of connecting to their user base. This opens the door to a better understanding of user needs and, as a result, a more sustainable and effective business model and practice. 

Thanks to no-code form builders like Zenforms, you can start the conversation with questions, not code.

The post The Importance of No-Code Form Builders for Small Businesses appeared first on Zenkit.

8 Tips to Enhance Your Workflow and Receive an Excellent Customer Rating Wed, 24 Aug 2022 06:35:20 +0000 Customer rating and service can make or break a business. How you treat customers sets the stage for their entire lifecycle. Whether someone reaches out to learn more about your offers, seek help with a technical issue, or voice a complaint, it’s vital to provide outstanding support. This will help you reduce churn, supercharge customer […]

The post 8 Tips to Enhance Your Workflow and Receive an Excellent Customer Rating appeared first on Zenkit.

8 Tips to Enhance Your Workflow and Receive an Excellent Customer Rating

Customer rating and service can make or break a business. How you treat customers sets the stage for their entire lifecycle. Whether someone reaches out to learn more about your offers, seek help with a technical issue, or voice a complaint, it’s vital to provide outstanding support.

This will help you reduce churn, supercharge customer retention, and inspire long-term loyalty through excellent experiences and ratings.

You might already be on the right track, but managing your workflow may be the fastest road to high customer satisfaction ratings.

We’ve compiled a list of eight proven tips to enhance your workflow, but first, let’s see why it matters and how customer satisfaction fits in the process.

What Is Workflow Management?

Workflow management includes creating, organizing, tracking, and optimizing tasks to streamline processes, reduce errors, and ensure consistency and efficiency.

In customer service, workflow management includes improving all customer interaction activities, from initial contact and information gathering to addressing issues and creating excellent impressions.

Improving all customer interactions is part of workflow management.

Whether parallel or sequential, workflows involve multiple people. Managing their activities will streamline coordination and collaboration, increase efficiency, ensure alignment, and provide an audit trail for tracking performance. All of this ensures customers will receive the experience they expect and deserve.

According to the latest customer loyalty statistics, 93% of consumers will make repeat purchases after a positive experience with a brand. They’re also more likely to share it with 11 people; that number jumps to 15 for negative experiences.

You can reduce these negative experiences by enhancing your workflow with a customer-centric approach. You’ll compel clients to recommend your company, leave a high customer rating, and drive more people to your door.

What Is CSAT, and Why Is it Vital to Enable it?

CSAT stands for customer satisfaction, a crucial metric for gaining insights into short-term consumer sentiment regarding your brand. Customer satisfaction ratings show how your products or services meet your clients’ needs, helping you identify potential areas for improvement.

To measure customer satisfaction, you need to create CSAT surveys, which provide a numerical value typically on a 1-10 point scale. You calculate a CSAT score by dividing the number of positive responses by total responses and multiplying the quotient by 100.

For instance, if you receive 52 responses, 43 of which are positive, your CSAT score is 82.7%, which is excellent.

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) ratings show how well your products or services meet your customers’ needs.

You can send automatic CSAT surveys after live chat conversations, chatbot interactions, ticket resolutions, purchase orders, and customer education touchpoints (e.g. after they read your knowledge base).

Enabling CSAT scores is vital for collecting feedback from customers engaging with your brand. It helps uncover how they feel after contacting your support team, buying a product, or interacting with your website. All this will give you an insight into their experience, helping you improve it to receive a high customer rating.

An excellent customer rating leads to more leads and sales because it improves your reputation, showcases your care for consumers, and influences people’s purchase decisions. As your positive ratings pile up, you’ll get on more potential clients’ radars, driving more business and boosting your ROI.

Why Is Customer Feedback Crucial for a High Customer Rating?

Feedback from customers interacting with your company is invaluable because it shows you where you excel and which areas you might need to improve. It helps you make data-driven decisions instead of relying on guesswork to enhance your products and services and meet or exceed expectations.

Customer feedback is vital for continuous improvement.

With upgraded workflows and experiences due to constructive customer feedback come higher satisfaction and customer rating. Since ratings influence people’s purchase decisions, high scores ultimately translate to more clients, increased customer retention, and long-term loyalty.

What Are the Benefits of an Enhanced Workflow for Customers?

A frictionless journey when navigating a website, buying a product, or contacting a support team improves the customer experience significantly.

Enhancing your workflow helps eliminate bottlenecks, reduce errors, and streamline customer communications. It enables you to remove all friction from the customer’s journey, thus improving experiences and boosting sales.

custom alt tag

Enhance your workflow for customers.
Sign up for free today!

For instance, automated messages and emails can reduce customer service response and resolution times. You can create a workflow with triggers for various actions (e.g. abandoning a shopping cart or visiting your pricing page) to offer proactive support and present solutions when people need them the most.

Improving your workflows can lead to a better customer experience and a stronger relationship with your brand.

People don’t want to jump through hoops to find what they need, wait forever for a response, or receive inconsistent answers from multiple agents. They expect no obstacles, and workflow management can eliminate them.

Top 8 Tips to Enhance Your Workflow and Receive an Excellent Customer Rating

1. Establish Clear Expectations for Your Customers

Be honest and transparent to let customers know what to expect from you and avoid confusion.

For instance, if your response time is 24 hours, communicate it on your website and social media profiles so that people don’t sit around and wait for a reply; it would frustrate them. Mentioning your busiest times is another excellent practice.

If you sell products and allow returns through your online store, share information about returning them and possibly getting a refund. Display shipping fees before the checkout to reduce cart abandonment rates.

If you provide software solutions with different subscription tiers, specify each plan’s features, prices, and conditions to avoid surprises down the road. The same goes for subscription expiration, renewal, and deactivation.

Setting expectations will improve consumer experiences, and when you exceed them, you’ll delight customers and inspire brand loyalty.

2. Design a User-Friendly Website

A user-friendly website removes friction, compelling people to stay longer and convert. It helps them quickly find what they’re looking for using any device, thus reducing bounce rates.

A cluttered website with poor navigation and clunky, non-responsive web design that takes forever to load will make anyone click back and find what they need elsewhere.

A user-friendly website improves the user experience and helps to reduce the bounce rate.

Create an easy-to-use website with intuitive, responsive design and seamless navigation to capture visitors’ attention, streamline the user experience, boost engagement, and supercharge conversions.

3. Evaluate the Current Processes in Your Organization

Auditing your current processes will help you identify those that might benefit from an adjustment or automation.

For instance, your customer service agents may need to hone communication skills or better collaborate with marketing and sales departments. They may also have trouble resolving technical issues, so enabling co-browsing (collaborative browsing) might be perfect for faster problem-solving.

Your reports may be inconclusive if/unless you don’t /do track all the essential metrics, including customer satisfaction ratings, ticket volumes, average resolution times, and first contact resolution (FCR) rates.

4. Support Your Customer Service Team with Workflow Automation

Automating customer service workflows will save your agents precious time, enabling them to create good impressions and contribute to your company’s high customer rating.

You can utilize a chatbot to handle FAQs, ensuring it transfers a conversation to a suitable agent when a customer requests it or asks a complex question.

Integrate multiple tools to streamline workflows and automate data entry, internal communications, customer interactions, ticket assignment and closure, feedback, email follow-ups, etc.

Automating all repetitive tasks saves time and reduces human error.

5. Embrace Digital Technologies

Besides live chat, chatbots, and other tools for higher efficiency, enlisting the help of the following digital technologies will help tweak your entire workflow.

Project Management Platform

A project management platform like Zenkit is ideal for upgrading collaboration and productivity.


Zenkit is a multi-project management tool for agile teams and classical projects, enabling real-time collaboration, file sharing, resource planning, and activity tracking.

Zenkit is the perfect tool for enhanced productivity as well as team collaboration and communication.

It’s a feature-rich solution that lets you perform bulk actions, generate in-depth reports, and create Kanban boards for a holistic project overview. There’s also Zapier integration support for connecting over 1,000 third-party apps and streamlining workflow automation.

Help Desk Ticketing System

Help desk ticketing software can increase your agents’ productivity and help them delight customers. It creates tickets from multiple communication channels, including your knowledge base self-service portal, call centre, live chat, email, and social media, allowing you to respond from one centralized place.

Say goodbye to lost messages, unresolved tickets, and frustrated customers. Use a help desk ticketing system to automate workflows, ticket routing, and callbacks and engage with customers without delays.

This software also features analytics and reporting, giving actionable insights into your agents’ performance to identify additional training needs for better customer retention and satisfaction.

CRM System

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is crucial for personalizing customer experiences and forging meaningful connections.
It also facilitates communication and collaboration across departments, keeping everyone on the same page regarding customers’ needs, pain points, interests, and expectations.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is critical for improving both customer relations and internal communication.

CRM software is perfect for workflow automation, offering all stakeholders a 360° view of customers and activities. It supports third-party integrations, social media monitoring, employee tracking, lead management, and sales forecasting.

6. Create an Onboarding and Training Strategy for Agents

Developing an onboarding and training strategy for agents will shorten their time to productivity, allowing them to quickly reach maximum potential and handle customer inquiries and other tasks without a hitch.

Create workflows to hone their technical skills, teach customer interaction best practices, address policies, and make sure they are familiar with possible security concerns. Ensure consistency in client communications, provide a knowledge base and simulated tickets for practising and assign mentors to help with live tickets.

Most importantly, monitor the feedback from customers they’ve helped to ensure continual improvement and high satisfaction ratings.

7. Harness the Power of Social Media

Social media platforms are an excellent source of unfiltered feedback from customers who purchased from you. Some may praise your services, but others might voice complaints and share negative experiences.

Social media is an excellent platform for connecting with your customers and gathering valuable unfiltered feedback.

It’s critical to be friendly and respond timely to both positive and negative feedback, presenting a solution to negative experiences and apologizing for the inconvenience.

Monitor social channels with social media management software to track brand mentions, improve customer satisfaction ratings by analyzing customer behaviour and providing solutions to their pain points, and maintain a positive brand image.

8. Find Creative Ways to Collect Feedback

You can send surveys and polls via email, but you might get more responses with live chat, which is ideal for collecting feedback from customers who have just interacted with a support agent. Alternatively, you can send an automated CSAT survey, poll, or ask an open-ended question about their experience.

Interactive polls work wonders on social media, while exit-intent surveys are perfect for retaining visitors about to leave your website and discovering the reason for bouncing.

Other ways to gather feedback include focus groups and QR codes on print materials taking people to online surveys.

Excellent Customer Feedback Templates

“How do you like our support team? We did our best to be helpful in resolving your issue with app user management features, thus ensuring your seamless experience. Please be sure to provide us with some feedback.”

“Did you have a good experience with our customer service? We always strive to be friendly and helpful every day. If you need anything else from us, please let us know. If you are satisfied with our support, you can leave a comment.”

“Our entire customer service team is standing by to help you. We have several available agents who will go the extra mile to help you. You can expect patience, knowledge, politeness, and efficiency. Please be sure to leave your feedback – we will greatly appreciate it.”

Final Thoughts

Receiving a high customer rating requires a customer-centric culture. You must ensure high-quality support for all your clients if you want to elevate their experience.

Workflow management and automation is an ideal starting point, so follow the tips above to enhance daily processes, supercharge customer satisfaction ratings, and improve customer retention.

About the Author:

Oliver Stasinszky is an outreach team lead at LiveAgent, with an e-commerce and customer service background. Passionate about writing, reading, and learning how to play any musical instrument he comes across.

The post 8 Tips to Enhance Your Workflow and Receive an Excellent Customer Rating appeared first on Zenkit.

The Zenkit Suite in the Press Mon, 09 May 2022 14:00:03 +0000 And bzzzt… it’s coming up to 6 years?! What an extraordinary journey it’s been. We’re thrilled by the amount of support and engagement we’ve received so far. We know we are just at the beginning and are just as curious about the future of information technology as before.  Since the launch of Zenkit Base in […]

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zenkit suite press international

And bzzzt… it’s coming up to 6 years?! What an extraordinary journey it’s been. We’re thrilled by the amount of support and engagement we’ve received so far. We know we are just at the beginning and are just as curious about the future of information technology as before. 

Since the launch of Zenkit Base in October 2016, we have released a variety of other productivity apps fundamental to the development of the Zenkit Suite. With our latest release of Projects, suited for multi-project management, we’re geared up for plenty of enterprise trips to Mars. 

But before embarking on any trips or upgrading products with another toolkit, here are some snippets from the diverse online publications that have featured Zenkit over the years: 

Zenkit Base

“I want to point out what I love most about Zenkit: the fact that you can visualize your tasks in a variety of helpful ways. I love the flexibility that it gives me with respect to how I can view my data. For former Trello fans, I can think of no better alternative.” – The Next Web


“Zenkit isn’t the first project management solution to enter the market, but it could be the most beautifully simple one to date… With Zenkit, you can manage anything you’re working on with unlimited collections… Zenkit also offers real-time collaborative tools, which allow you to keep an eye on a project, regardless of your location.” – App Advice


“Some tools force you to adapt to their features. Zenkit does the opposite. With its highly customizable modules, you get to forge the tools exactly the way you need them to be. So personalize your calendar and inbox to improve performance. Use to-do-lists, kanban boards, and labels to optimize your workflow. Configure activity tracking and notification to keep you primed not only to meet deadlines and budgets but to surpass expectations — even your own.” – Go Skills


“Zenkit… helps users manage tasks, allocate resources, and budget effectively during the project life cycle. The solution facilitates communication and collaboration for team members and improves productivity.” – GetApp Lab


“You can create your own Apps via Collections and visualize data using List, Kanban, Table, Calendar and Mind Map views. Zenkit is fast and easy to use.” – Hackernoon


“A simple yet powerful project management tool” – Webbiquity


“Zenkit is a project management platform where users can choose the way they like to work… Users are able to use the best tool for the task at hand.” – Alternativoj


“This to-do list manager is easy-to-use clutter-free and yet feature-rich. It also includes nice mind-mapping and collaboration features.” – Search Engine Watch


“[Zenkit] provides different tools for different teams to fulfill their overall business needs. Whether it’s project management, CRM, support or any other business solution, Zenkit caters all.” – nTask


“Zenkit – Interview with the developer of a fantastic app.” – App of the Day


“Zenkit is the app which is aimed to make teamwork as feasible as possible for project managers and their teams” – App Pearl / Android Apps for Me


“…all those principles of work make Zenkit great organization and collaboration software, and even people who aren’t friendly with technologies will handle this app.” – Free Apps for Me

Zenkit To Do

“Zenkit To Do is a beautiful and feature-rich simple task management application for individuals, small businesses, and enterprise-class organizations. It enables users to focus on day-to-day tasks based on priority and using smart lists… And because Zenkit To Do is part of the Zenkit family, users can enjoy all of the deeply integrated products from a single data platform. [The Zenkit Suite] is an all-in-one solution for collaboration and project management best known for its flexibility and ability to fit any workflow.” – FOSS Mint


“Zenkit is a Kanban board, a mind map, a to-do list, a spreadsheet, and a calendar. Confused? It’s perhaps better to think of Zenkit as a database of things that you can view and organize in all those ways. That is the flexible power that the service offers… but if you find yourself always switching between one type of to-do list to another, then Zenkit is pretty [much] your only option.” – Slash Gear


“Zenchat aims to simplify chat and task management for remote teams. Zenchat was created to address the problem that most enterprise teams are facing in 2020: remote work is actually really hard to pull off successfully.” – 9TO5MAC


“Zenchat is a chat app mixed with a to-do list app. It basically merges the two into a single idea. Any message can become a task with a due date, reminders, notes, and whatever else you need.” – Android Authority


“Amid the pandemic or any other state of emergency, apps of such nature have become a necessary part of an online office suite. In Zenchat, the users can easily transform any message into a task, and they can assign or edit it within the chat… Zenchat is minimizing the redundancy issues and subsequently enhancing the productivity for collaborative projects.” – Tech Engage


“Forget sticky notes, texting, and in-person requests, time to move on to the next-gen of messaging with Zenchat, Superstar of the day. From direct messages to group conversations, Zenchat is one of the best applications in space that brings team chatting and task management app together.” – Mobile App Daily


“We highly recommend you to try this app out and see how it will improve your business communication.” – AppPearl


“…its built-in chat feature allows focusing on the project only, escaping the mess of switching between messengers and apps during project discussion – and therefore, significantly boost the productivity of the team.” – Android Apps for Me

Zenkit Hypernotes

“Hypernotes addresses [the] need for intuitive knowledge management in distributed teams. Hypernotes achieves this lofty goal (increase “read:write” ratio) with a number of features that have become the gold standard for personal and organizational knowledge management in recent years” – Mac Sources


“Zenkit’s new Hypernotes app is like Notion for businesses.” – Mobile Syrup


“Hypernotes uses a connective model to link your notes into relevant categories so all of your reference materials are available at a glance, as well as the interdependent web between them. It was created for large organizations to do their project management, but that means it’ll work just as well for your individual needs.” – KnowTechie

Zenkit Projects

“Projects provide teams and workplaces with a complete set of features that help manage and save time, meet deadlines, and delegate and track tasks to stay on schedule with projects.” – 9TO5MAC


“Perfect team management and smooth multitasking are almost like superpowers. And a great project management app for iOS, like ZenKit Projects, can help you achieve that.” – igeeksblog


“Zenforms is new and a powerful way to improve your business’s feedback. You can use the Zenforms online form builder with database for personal or professional use.” – mostlyblogging


“While several platforms help create forms, a few offer a rich feature set alongside working with multiple people on a certain project seamlessly. That’s where Zenforms comes in and sweeps you off your feet.” – igeeksblog


“Until now, as with other special tasks, it was mainly necessary to resort to products from US companies that are problematic under data protection law. That will change with Zenforms.” – ebblogs


“The app conforms to GDPR standards and integrates into Zenkit’s existing suite the same way Google Forms integrates into Google Drive.” – Android Authority

Foreign Language Press

“Zenkit ist die perfekte Wahl für Unternehmen, die ein benutzerfreundliches und attraktiv gestaltetes Tool für einfaches Team- und Aufgabenmanagement suchen und nicht an umfassenderen Projektmanagementfunktionen wie Zeiterfassung oder Budgetierung interessiert sind.” – Capterra


“Zenkit’i herhangi bir proje için kullanabilirsiniz! Projenizin mutlaka bir yazılım projesi olması gerekmiyor. En karışık projelerinizde veya en basit projelerinizde dahi Zenkit’i kullanabilirsiniz. Örneğin, bir yemek daveti verecekseniz dahi Zenkit’i kullanabilirsiniz.” – startupnedir


“Au-delà de son positionnement d’alternative à Trello, Zenkit devient une robuste solution de gestion de projets en équipe. Les modèles permettent de démarrer rapidement avec des structures efficaces. Et l’intégration avec Zapier ouvre des horizons énormes vers votre écosystème applicatif.” – Outilsnum


Image from AbsolutVision on Unsplash

The post The Zenkit Suite in the Press appeared first on Zenkit.

World, Meet Zenforms Thu, 03 Mar 2022 06:38:57 +0000   We’re thrilled to announce the release of Zenforms, the sixth member of the Zenkit Suite! Zenforms is a no-code web form application that allows you to connect with those who matter the most to you by creating forms and surveys. It is intended to be adaptable, simple to use, and ideal for collaboration. And, […]

The post World, Meet Zenforms appeared first on Zenkit.


We’re thrilled to announce the release of Zenforms, the sixth member of the Zenkit Suite!

Zenforms is a no-code web form application that allows you to connect with those who matter the most to you by creating forms and surveys. It is intended to be adaptable, simple to use, and ideal for collaboration. And, with a wide range of intuitive and creative form-building features, its applications are virtually limitless.

Zenforms requires no coding experience to build the perfect forms and surveys.

Create standalone forms in one click without the need for your own website. Or, you can use an “iframe” to embed a form on your existing website.

Zenforms allows you to improve your understanding of ongoing projects, gather insightful data for the next product launch, or simply collect valuable feedback from your community!

What’s Wrong with Traditional Web Form Applications?

Traditional form-building tools emphasise the creation and shareability aspects of form-building while putting little emphasis on the collaboration process. While applications like Google Forms allow users to share and access their work with other “collaborators,” the collaboration process is not without constraints.

 As a result, unstructured workflows and poor internal communication with other team members are commonplace. Furthermore, particularly when dealing with large amounts of complex data, the lack of access to an integrated set of analytical tools has a negative impact on team coordination and slows response times to collected results.

 This means that opportunities are lost, and all that time spent creating forms and surveys led to nothing…

What Makes Zenforms So Much Better?

With Zenforms, your forms and surveys are designed to support both team collaboration and integrated analytical tools. You can now collaborate with your team in real-time, which means that everyone is more coordinated and the risk of miscommunication is greatly reduced. Furthermore, thanks to the integration of the Zenkit Suite, teams can collect valuable information with Zenforms and easily analyse data and create databases with tools from the Suite.

However, there’s so much to Zenforms that it’ll be easier just to list (some) of its most interesting features below:

1. GDPR and Data Privacy-Compliant

Because we’re Zenkit, your privacy is our number one priority.

Zenforms is thus a GDPR and data privacy-compliant application that respects that your data is exactly that. Yours.

The application is hosted on German servers and was developed by a German team in a German location (so you know it’s been built very well).

We’ve also included some critical data security measures to ensure that your data is secure from the very beginning. Zenforms not only encrypts data when your device is in hibernation mode, but it also encrypts all backup data that is exclusively stored on German servers, with all transferred data being TLS encrypted as well.

All data is processed in accordance with the principles outlined in Article 5.1-2.

2. Integration with the Zenkit Suite

Perhaps the best aspect of Zenforms is its integration with the rest of the Zenkit Suite!

So, once you’ve collected your data with Zenforms, you can use To Do to create tasks, Hypernotes to create knowledge bases, Projects to analyse results, Base to structure work, and Zenchat to communicate with your team!

Obviously, the Suite’s tools are completely at your disposal, as are any previously collected (or future added) data.

3. Sub-Forms

Sub-forms are an excellent way to collect a broader and more detailed set of data from more complex scenarios. They function as forms within forms, allowing you to expand on a specific scenario to ask more questions and obtain more reliable data as a result.

In doing so, you can avoid forms becoming too complicated to fill out or worrying about asking the right questions to the right people. Instead, sub-forms were designed to create a natural dialogue with a natural flow of questions and answers, much like a conversation.

4. Duplicate Data Checking

Have you ever started filling out a spreadsheet or compiled a database only to discover a handful of entries that appear to be identical to one another? We’ve done the same. This is why we created the duplicate data-checking function.

 This feature is one of the smallest additions, but it has a significant impact. You can now check for duplicate data entries BEFORE inserting them into your database, saving you a lot of clean-up time later (you’re welcome). You can even specify which data fields should be double-checked.

5. Real-Time Collaboration

Zenforms would not be a Zenkit product unless it was collaborative! Zenforms isn’t designed just for a single person collecting data and gathering feedback (although it is perfectly suited to this!). Instead, it is intended to improve data collection and sharing among team members. From here, each user can intuitively and actively contribute to the creation of a base of information and analytical research that can be shared in real-time by all.

So feel free to invite your co-workers, friends, and colleagues to work on your projects with you.

6. Audio, Video, and Drawing Inputs

You can add audio and video files, as well as drawings and illustrations, just like in other Zenkit products, anywhere: in forms, comments, and tasks. The perfect personal touch for any enthusiastic form builder out there.

This is an excellent method for fleshing out your forms and making the experience of filling them out even more interesting and engaging! Not only will the addition of these file types improve how you communicate with others, but you will also be more likely to receive more reliable and immersive data as a result.

7. Enterprise-Grade Admin and User Management

Zenforms is also enterprise-ready, which means you can assign roles to users to improve the security of your work and the productivity of your team. The application also includes some interesting technical features, such as the use of SAML-based SSO, managing users with provisioning, and monitoring and auditing user activities. Furthermore, you can use a SCIM-Provider, such as MS Azure AD, to keep your users automatically in sync with the rest of your infrastructure.

It would be so easy to rattle on about all of the incredible functions and features that we’ve crammed into this incredible app that it’s probably best to let it speak for itself! Zenforms is available for free and on your mobile device:

Web | iOS | Android

Of course, we also created desktop apps, which are available for download from the Zenforms’ Platform Page.

That’s just about everything that I can squeeze into an article about Zenforms! We’d love to hear your thoughts on the Suite’s newest addition!

We hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed building it. 

Please feel free to share your feedback in the comments below, and don’t forget to show your support on our Product Hunt launch tomorrow!

The post World, Meet Zenforms appeared first on Zenkit.

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