{"id":74245,"date":"2022-05-25T12:09:57","date_gmt":"2022-05-25T10:09:57","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/?p=74245"},"modified":"2023-07-20T14:54:34","modified_gmt":"2023-07-20T12:54:34","slug":"what-is-no-code-a-guide","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/zenkit.com\/en\/blog\/what-is-no-code-a-guide\/","title":{"rendered":"What Is No-Code? \u2013 A Guide"},"content":{"rendered":"


While “no-code” is not a new phenomenon, the pandemic’s push to move people online has certainly increased its popularity in recent years. And there’s no question about why. It’s a fantastic concept for anyone (especially us non-techies) looking to improve the way they run their business online.<\/strong><\/p>\n

However, it’s such a mysterious-sounding concept that it can be difficult to understand what it is, let alone how it works and what the benefits are (and when “low-code” is thrown into the mix, confusion ensues…).<\/strong><\/p>\n

With that being said, let\u2019s take a deeper look into what no-code is all about.<\/strong><\/p>\n


So, What is No-Code?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

No-code is a concept that allows individuals to build web and mobile applications without having to write any code (pretty obvious when you think about it…).<\/p>\n

Instead, visual models that allow you to easily manage your data<\/a> replace the complexity of coding. Instant previews of how the software will appear on mobile, tablet, and desktop are an excellent example of this.<\/p>\n

No-code allows you to build web applications without needing to code.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

As a result, no-code allows people to be creative without having to worry about not having prior coding experience. The approach to “constructing” becomes fairly simple; rather than having to build from the ground up (with numerous code inputs and headaches), you typically only need to “drag and drop” components or parts of an application. It’s almost like building a Lego house; instead of having to create the bricks from scratch (we’ll leave that to Lego), you simply start assembling the “pre-made” bricks until you have something that, hopefully, resembles the house you have pictured in your head.<\/p>\n

While not needing any prior programming or coding experience is perhaps the most significant advantage of no-code application platforms, having some prior knowledge of how to define and articulate requirements and rules can of course be extremely beneficial.<\/p>\n


The Benefits of No-Code Development<\/strong><\/h2>\n

No-code development is appealing because it is simple to use and allows non-programmers to quickly create apps or workflows.<\/p>\n

No-code platforms are very appealing to those who don’t have any prior coding experience or knowledge.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

Because there is no steep learning curve, no-code can be ideal for companies with a backlogged development team because they can simply designate certain application development to their team’s “non-developers.”<\/p>\n


Low Technology Barrier<\/strong><\/h3>\n

As previously stated, the low technology barrier and learning curve of no-code development enable businesses to develop applications without the need for a professional developer<\/a> on the team.<\/p>\n

Better Agility<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Because most development is done through a drag-and-drop interface, built visually with pre-built components, building apps is much quicker. Not only is testing generally\u00a0automated (reducing development time), but collaborative agile methodologies<\/a> make it easier for businesses to promote a new digital innovation strategy.<\/p>\n

Drag-and-Drop Interface<\/strong><\/h3>\n

One of the primary reasons why no-code development platforms have gained popularity and are rapidly expanding is their ease of use. It’s made possible by “drag-and-drop”, which is a key feature. Using this interface, you can easily drag and drop the function you need to build for your app, enabling you to complete the task quickly and bug-free.<\/p>\n

Reduced Cost<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Coding and app development can be costly, and hiring a developer only increases that cost. No-code platforms provide a cost-effective way to avoid what could be an expensive development process. You no longer need an expensive team of coders and developers; instead, all you need is a laptop, WiFi, and a reliable no-code solution. Suddenly, app development becomes faster and cheaper in the long run.<\/p>\n

Increased Productivity<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Because apps can be built at a much faster rate, the development team isn’t\u00a0overburdened with requests from every other department. Plus, with a reduced backlog, fewer people have to wait for work to be completed.\u00a0What used to take weeks or months to accomplish\u00a0can now be achieved\u00a0in a matter of\u00a0hours or days.<\/p>\n\r\n